In the Divine History of Jesus Christ, and especially in the Creation of
the Universe, I entered into the roots of these two great philosophical
problems. It is time to enter into them not so much from the Origin of Life and
the Science of Good and Evil as from their reality applied to the structure of
the Universal History of the Human Race.
As we read, always following the Timeline marked by Genesis, the Tree of
Life on Earth arises under the waters. But let's briefly recapitulate the
creational sequence so as not to start from a point in a vacuum.
Having created the Earth, God proceeds to create the first of all
natural elements, Ice. Once the Terrestrial Sphere is surrounded by this mantle
of Ice, God proceeds to break it into two great blocks, from the sublimation
and thawing of which Water and Air emerge.
The Warming of the Nucleus produces the Fire that expands the Radius of
the Terrestrial Sphere and raises the Continental Platforms, producing God the
creation of the oceans and seas. The rising of the continents and the lowering
of the waters bring afloat the first great branch of the Tree of Life, the
Plant Kingdom.
We are in Day Three, in the Third Act of the Creation of the Human Race.
Humanly speaking, let us say, before giving birth, it is necessary to
create the food from which that creature will live. Regarding the Creation of
the Mother Cell from which the Tree of Life will be born, this Action is a
reality whose Knowledge is exclusive of the Power and Wisdom of God.
Ignorance should not be confused with Ignorance. Nor can one pretend to
deny the Reality of the Participation of Natural Intelligence in the Divine by
reason of these limits which separate the Creator from His Creation. To deny
God by the Fact of this Line of Demarcation between Creator and Creation is
suicide; its extension to one's neighbor is homicide; its imposition at the
level of populations is genocide.
Out of Love, the Creator of the Universe opens His Intelligence to His
Creation, but to deny Him by not creating a "god" in us is a
rebellion with reason in madness.
There are limits of Knowledge that belong exclusively to the Divine
Nature, and we must contemplate the Facts of His Action from History, never
from the point of view of one who "either I discover how Life is created
or I deny God". This encounter with God on the Platform of History is the
one I have always adopted, and it is the path on which I maintain myself.
Thus, the Plant Kingdom was the first of the kingdoms that the Tree of
Life brought forth in the History of our Universe. Its birth took place under
the waters, on the ocean floor itself, so that as the waters subsided, the
Mother Ocean multiplied and brought forth by the hand of the oceans and seas
the great Marine Forests, which, exposed on the shores to the light of the Sun,
began their Adaptation to Life on firm land.
The existence of remains of marine life on the heights of the continents
is not to be interpreted from an uprising subsequent to the descent of the
Ocean Waters. The act of the creation of the Roots of the Tree of Life and the
Descent of the Waters of the Ocean that God created on the Second Day, the
product of the Rupture of the Ice Sheet and the Creation of the Primary
Atmosphere, these two Historical Events went hand in hand. So when the oceans
and seas balance their level with the continents, Life already fills the
Beneath the waters the first branches, from which would emerge all the
terrestrial species of the vegetable kingdom, filled the sea beds; the plants
had become prehistoric algal forests covering the immensities of the beds
adjoining the coasts.
At the end of this Third Day the kingdom of Marine Plants exposed to the
Sun had adapted to terrestrial life. The Prehistoric Seaweed Forests, origin of
the Earth's Flora, gave birth to the First generation of the Prehistoric
Terrestrial Forest, whose individual specimen was that of a gigantic tree among
millions of gigantic trees united in the same Nature and Historical Function:
The Transformation of the Chemistry of the Primary Atmosphere.
Let us remember that the Creation of the Primary Atmosphere had as its
Motive Force the Reactivation of the Earth's Nucleus. The astrophysical
Transformer put into action the Expansion Force of the Earth's Radius, which
produced the Uplift of the Continental Platforms by means of a Global
Volcanological Activity that, without breaking the Lithospheric Ring, did give
the Primary Atmosphere a Chemical Nature in which Life as we know it would have
been impossible. The Enabling, by Biosynthesis, of that Primary Atmosphere into
a New one would be the work entrusted by God to the kingdom of the Prehistoric
We observe then that God refers in his Biblical Hieroglyphic to the
Motor Principle of his Acts, leaving Time to his Nature, for no one will
believe that the Transformation of the Primary Atmosphere, produced as an
effect of the expansion of the Geophysical Radius by Magmatic forces, would be
a matter of here I catch you and here I kill you. We are talking about a
Creator of Eternal Vital Nature for whom the Time of his Uncreated Existence
has the Infinite as a Measure. His sight does not encompass the horizons
between which our senses and our thought develop their existence.
The Creation of Universes implies a Set of Natural Laws rooted in
Eternity and nothing and no one can bypass those laws. The Science of creation
is not based on the manipulation of that Tree of laws that come from Eternity
and govern the Motion in the Cosmos from Infinity in Time. God's Relationship
with Space, Time and Matter proceeds and is based on the Perfect Integration of
the Divine Nature in this Tree of Laws. Nature has a Course and God loves that
Course. It has Eternity ahead of it. Where is the hurry?
So, when we speak of Creation we must always keep this Factor in mind.
The Creator acts according to His Divine Nature, never according to the nature
of the Creature. But let us return to the Evening of the Third Day. For on Day Four a Wonder is produced.
As I have already said, before giving birth to the child, nature arranges
the food from which it will live, creating the milk in the body of its mother.
Following this rule God looks at the final fruit of this Creation of the
Kingdom of Plants: To feed the Animal Life, of all the species that later would
come out of the Waters.
The Creator assumes as natural the Geohistorical Function of the Kingdom
of the Prehistoric Forest. His Thought is placed beyond, in the Creation of
Man, and hence He referred the Creation of the Universe to the History of the
Human Genus.
God ended this Third Day by letting the kingdom of the Prehistoric
Forest, the only inhabitant of the Earth under the Sun, do its work, which was
not little.
We also have to see that given the chemical structure of that Primary
Atmosphere, the genomic or cellular nature of the First generation of the
Prehistoric Tree and that of the present tree are two very different sequences.
One of the great defects of the children of the universities is their
manifest incapacity to open up the series of transformations that Life has
undergone from its Origin to our days. Even when they speak of a creation of
the Biosphere starting from a Global Volcanology, they pass over the chemical
nature of that Primary Atmosphere and its relationship with the first
generations of Life on Earth.
It is the same defect that historians of the different historical
disciplines suffer from when recreating the natural scenarios in which ancient
times developed; they project the natural conditions existing today to the most
remote times, overlooking the fact that thousands of wars have devastated the
face of the planet and caused an unnatural desertification of the habitats in
which the events referred to the civilizations of Antiquity took place.
The Ideological Imposition of the University on the Thought of the human
being in favor of Scientific Atheism, natural to the World Academic Mediocrity
and contrary to Christianity, has been one of the great evils suffered by the
XX Century against which this Century will fight relentlessly.
So, returning to the main theme, at the end of the Third Day of Genesis,
the Universal Event in course has in the Transformation by Biosynthesis of the
Primary Atmosphere, highly rarefied by its Vulcanological Origin, its colossal
work. But to understand this scenario a little better we must pass to the
Fourth Day.
Having seen the geo-historical sequence extended by Genesis before our
eyes, we could venture to predict that at the dawn of the Fourth Day God would
say: "Let the earth sprout animate beings after their kind, cattle,
reptiles, beasts of the
waters. At his Voice, the Plant Kingdom comes forth, colonizes the lands
under the Sun, transforms the Primary Atmosphere into a Secondary one, suitable
for animal life, and the explosion of animal life of every species begins. How
more natural!
But no. Man is not God. Suddenly, when no one expected it, and all
present were predicting the next Event: the Leap of Life from the bosom of the
waters to dry land, the Son of God opens his Mouth and says: "Let there be
in the Firmament of the heavens lights to separate the day from the night and
to serve as signs for seasons, days and years; and let them shine in the
Firmament of the heavens, to give light upon the Earth."
The whole world is perplexed. The children of God, from the Beginning
witnesses of our Creation, look at each other, they look at the Son of God.
They look at the Son of God. What? What is happening?
That the Word became flesh, that the Word became Man, that the Son of
God is Jesus Christ and that this Jesus is the God who said "Let there be
Light", and the Earth was clothed with a Mantle of Ice covering its Globe
from North Pole to South Pole; and then He said: "Let there be Firmament
in the midst of the waters, separating one from the other", and there was
Primary Atmosphere and Mother Ocean; and then opening His Mouth He said:
"Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together in one place, and
let the dry appear", and the waters of the Mother Ocean, by the pressure
of the Magmatic Mantle, creator of the uprising of the Lithosphere, continued
to descend until they divided into new oceans and seas; and the Son of God
saying afterwards: "Let the earth bring forth green grass, grass with seed
and fruit trees, each with its fruit according to its kind and with its seed,
upon the earth", the Marine Plants jumped to dry land, raised their Trunk
to the heights and colonizing the world began their Kingdom, the Kingdom of the
Prehistoric Forest, their existential sense exposed in two arms:
One: the Transformation by Biosynthesis of the Air Chemistry then in
and Two: their own genomic transformation as the chemical transformation
of the Atmosphere took place.
What more natural and logical, given these steps, than for God to say?
But no, the Son of God, to the surprise of all the children of God, breaks the
scientific prediction that all had made in their heads and raising his Voice to
the Heavens says: "Let there be lights in the Firmament of the heavens to
separate the day from the night and to serve as signs for seasons, days and
years; and let them shine in the Firmament of the heavens, to give light upon
the Earth."
Let us understand why this opening between God's Almighty Wisdom and His
Creature's ability to measure up to His Creator.
The Creation of the Heavens starts from a Natural Cosmological
Principle. When God arose as the Creator of the New Cosmos, Matter, Space and
Time began to move to the rhythm of God. The galaxies were transformed into
quarries of stars in infinite number from which to extract by God all the
Matter necessary for the Creation of universes.
In natural terms we can say that the gas law is the law that governs the
matter-energy relationship within the gravitational space of a galaxy. The
internal astrophysical matter is subject to a thermodynamic pressure from which
visible parameters change in space and time. The astrophysical mass and the
value of the gravitational field give a galaxy its shape and size. The cosmic
common denominator is this gravitational pressure that equates a galaxy to a
hot gas balloon changing its external shape according to the play of internal
astrophysical forces. If we open a hole in this balloon, the effect will be a
river of stars propelled outward into free cosmological space. This is the
effect we get when we prick a hot balloon. The effect in the galaxy will be the
same as the reactive propulsion caused in a balloon. What interests us in this
case is the jet of hot air in the form of a river of stars shot into the
intergalactic field as a consequence of the puncture in a particular galaxy.
Releasing our imagination to the air we can say that we would have rivers of
stars traveling through the free space between the galaxies like brilliant
eagles making a fabulous trip from one high mountain to the other.
In the case at hand, God transforms the galaxies into high mountain
ranges from which to make rivers of stars emerge, which, descending from the
heights, HE directs through open Gravitational beds in the field of Creation
towards a Gravitational Ocean that He has previously created. This is how God,
Father of Jesus Christ, created our Heavens.
Now let us understand the following.
The Creation of a Universe from this Principle of Action belongs to the
Spirit of the Creator. I mean, gravitational dimensions, astrophysical mass,
are parameters open to the Divine Creative Intelligence by reason of the Nature
of the Tree of Life which it is about to erect.
We understand that once a Gravitational Plate is extended, in an Open
Space Free of Matter, the Rivers of stars that God can direct from different
Summits in the Cosmos to that Oceanic Bed will be as many as in His Creator
Spirit He disposes. What we have to see, in the entrance of these rivers into a
Gravitational Bed, is the meeting of different wild currents in the same bed.
Coming from different points in Space, they will put in rotational movement
that Bed; this from one place. On the other, according to the value of the
Gravitational Density of this Field, the thermodynamic pressure on the final
astrophysical mass will be of one value or another.
This is the Origin of our Heavens. When God gave His Son the Word such
were the Heavens in which the events described took place. The General
Astrophysical Mass was in equilibrium but still subject to the Original
Gravitational Pressure. I mean, the Radius of the Heavens was Inferior to the
present one. The Gravitational Energy Level within which the Earth lives its
History, from the Second to the Fourth Day, was defined by the astrophysical
structure derived from the natural thermodynamic law at the meeting between
those rivers and the gravitational bed that God raised as a Plank for the
Creation of the Building of the Heavens. The amount of mass per astrophysical
unit of space, the light year, was greater than today. The radiation reaching
the Earth during these two Days was higher than what we enjoy today. That level
of radiation, had it prevailed, would have extinguished all life on land in its
matrix. Under that level of stellar energy the Tree of Life would not have been
able to make the Leap from Water Life to Mammalian Life. The Heavens and the
Earth needed a New Energy Balance to allow this Leap. It is the Action that the
Son of God put into action when He opened His mouth.
In this order we have to discard the adaptation that the Cosmology of
the 20th Century made of the Newtonian Cosmology.
Newton suffered from the defect of all the geniuses of all times. The
History of Science teaches us how every time a law was discovered the
discoverer adapted the whole universe to his law. The law of Music was
discovered and the whole universe was a symphony. The law of quantum mechanics
is discovered and the whole cosmos is a quantum contraption.
This, added to the limited astronomical knowledge at his disposal, led
Newton to the projection of a local law to the universe as a whole, from which
he would derive, and derived, a Cosmology open to the fantasy of each one,
being more or less true the castle in the air by his imagined brain depending
on the mathematical support on which its foundations were anchored, and valid,
scientifically speaking, independently of the denial of astronomical reality,
an astronomical reality without value in front of numbers, and deprived of body
without any physical reality in function of those numbers. Since Newton
extended the frontiers of the cosmos to infinity, its derivation, expansion or
contraction, was left to the discretion of the astronomer of the moment. A
fictitious derivation that consumed its pathology when a simple mathematician,
without ever having set his eyes on a telescope, dared to create a pocket
universe. That day when Einstein crowned himself king of the cosmologists,
astronomy became the whore of lux at the service of the power of the day.
If the root is unnatural, the tree will bear poisoned fruit.
One did not have to be a genius to take Newton's law of Universal
Gravity to its ultimate unnatural consequence.
What has value in a local area cannot be projected to the universe
except after a verification of that value over all local areas. Thus, by
skipping this principle it was easy to assume that since all masses attract
each other, independently of Gravity, all the Mass of the Cosmos is in
Expansion or Contraction. Twentieth Century Cosmology decided in favor of
Contraction. The Revolution of Radio Astronomy denied this conclusion. But the
University refuses to change its Ideological Doctrine.
The fact is that the Cosmos does not contract, and therefore Newton's
universal law is a fallacy. Masses do not attract each other by the fact of
being mass. The value of Gravity and the nature of Matter determine whether
they attract or repel each other and with what value this action takes place.
It seems more than evident that if the Law of Universal Gravity is
applied to a globular cluster its very existence is a heresy against the infant
cosmology of the 20th century.
It seems more than evident that if the Newtonian Law of Gravity applied
to cosmology were legal, the contraction of the Heavens should have already
erased from the Firmament the Map of the Constellations that all life in the
Air has used for its Migrations during thousands and millions of years.
Without going further in a criticism against a puerile cosmology, which
would be like arguing with a child, the universal law that governs the behavior
of Matter and Energy in Space is the law of the Transformation of Gravity into
physical Forces by the Stars. This Transformation is what governs the
equilibrium in the Universe.
But as this law has already been solved in the CREATION OF THE UNIVERSE
ACCORDING TO GENESIS, I leave the subject here and recover the path through the
Night of the Third Day to the Morning of the Fourth Day.
Neither the Sky was Blue during the Third Day, nor the Constellations
shone in the Firmament. First, because the color of the sky depends on the
chemical composition of the air. And second, because God had acted upon the
celestial astrophysical mass since He created it.
Certainly the meeting of wild rivers on a bed produces a first rotating
action around a common center, but as time goes by the waters calm down and the
created sea stabilizes. However, the gravitational pressure is strong in this
Origin, and it is understood that with the passage of time this pressure would
also be reduced as the mass transforms gravity into forces, and as the internal
pressure falls, a new resizing of the radius of the interstellar distances
would be produced according to the nature of the forces produced.
This natural sequence implies a number of years to be counted in
astrophysical terms. The lower the gravitational pressure the greater the
expansion, until a new final equilibrium is reached, but what will happen if we
accelerate the transition to this new pressure creating this final equilibrium?
And more importantly, how would we do it?
Physically speaking, once we know the universal law that governs the
matter-energy relationship in the Cosmos, we would have to accelerate the
process of transformation of Gravity into stellar forces. That is to say, in an
Act of Omnipotence and Almighty Power we would increase the production of light
and cosmic energy making the reduction of the gravitational pressure that in
natural time would be produced in millions of astrophysical years to be
produced in natural years. The consequence would be a Massive Illumination of
the Heavens, causing as an effect the Final Equilibrium Expansion that would
only be obtained by the passage of Years measured in Astrophysical time. This
Creative Action is what the Son of God undertook at the Dawn of the Fourth Day
of the History of the Human Race.
The consequences that this Action had on our Universal History we will
see in the Day that follows.
We observe that if on the one hand God discovers the Fullness of the
Divine Nature of his Son before all his children, whose Omnipotent and Almighty
Word is the Principle to whose Law the whole Creation is subject, on the other
hand he opens the intelligence of all to the Unity of Action in the Creative
Act of the Son of God with his Father, in whom he has all Omniscience and
Wisdom, to give to the Heavens the New Form which he then acquired: That of
being a Constellational Flight Chart for the Migrations of all the Birds that
were to be created, on the one hand, and on the other to serve all terrestrial
living beings in the Stability of the Heavens a Reference of Stability in their
own existence.
The Creation of this Magnificent and Wonderful Tree of Constellations,
whose beauty awakened in our Intelligence the Idea of Divine perfection, should
not make us forget the Metaphysical End natural to the Dimensions of our
Universe: "To separate the Light from the Darkness".
The Open Cosmic Field is subject to great currents of floating nebular
matter. Attracted by the gravitational fields these Cosmic Matter Clouds swoop
over the galaxies, moving freely between them. Their combustion makes the
galaxies increase their brightness, from which we discover their cosmic nature
of great astrophysical furnaces in which these Clouds are reduced to
microcosmic matter, from one place, and from the other they are transformed
into cradles of planets.
When our Universe was created, it could not be expected that, sooner or
later, these great Clouds flying over the open cosmic space would pass by our
God counts on this encounter from the Beginning of the Creation of a New
Universe, and articulates the Astrophysical Building that will sustain the New
Life according to the nature of the nebular matter floating among the galaxies.
In the case of our Universe the same Law was operative. Sooner or later
the intergalactic Clouds would descend upon the Heavens.
Ergo: The dimensions of our Heavens were created according to this
encounter that would occur and that would raise the internal temperature of the
Field according to the distribution of mass in its interior. In a highly
concentrated field of matter the temperature rise will be higher than in
another field of lower concentration. In short, the variables with which the
Son of God played during this Fourth Day were many and no less impressive from
the first to the last. The Final Result is His Victory, and this Victory of His
is Us.
There remains the question of Time: How long did this Configuration of
the Heavens last on the Tree of Constellations!!!
It is worth saying what I said. God does not measure time according to
our nature. He has a Creative Soul, Creation is His Passion. This is seen in
the beauty with which He clothed the Tree of Constellations and in the
Immensity of the two Walls of Defense He gave to the Heavens. The Two Hundred
Warriors bearing the Globular Shield are a Dialogue of Almighty Power and
Omnipotence, but also of Love and Passion for Life, the Final Fruit of all his
Action. The thousands of Star Clusters that defend the Frontiers between the
Field of the Constellation Tree and the Globular Warriors are the most
beautiful and profound Book of Science that intelligence can ever open.
Finally, how to make possible the Journey among the Stars without this
Chart of Constellations raising in the Space a Fixed Landscape, which gives to
the Field of the Universe a geography of its own in which the stars are
mountains and the distances between them valleys and plains, roads to the
Universe of the universes, the World that God created to be His House, His
Earth, His Paradise, His Kingdom!
Indeed, in the Universe of the Third Day, to travel through the Heavens
meant to enter a labyrinth in which the way out would be a lost odyssey. The
concentration of matter and its distribution at the same time, subject to the
astrophysical mass of the globes to the natural forces resulting from the
chaotic grouping in a common bed of rivers of stars coming from different
galaxies, the movement in that closed forest in movement without a static
reference point was a suicide. Only God could enter that labyrinth and from
within give it a New Form, create from Chaos a Perfect Harmony, convert the
dead-end roads into perfectly mapped highways of flight to the point of setting
the autopilot on course to the constellation of one's choice.
Perfect work, marvelous work in all its parts, declaring the Divinity of
its Author, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Word that became Man, the Word
that was in the Beginning, whose Word is God's Word, because God is in Him. He
made all things and without Him nothing that exists would exist. And what
exists because of Him exists, for His Father does everything out of Love for
Him, and without Him nothing can remain in existence, for whoever does not love
the Son cannot remain in the Creation of His Father, YAVE God, the Author of
the Bible, Lord of Infinity and Eternity, who with His Mighty Uncreated Arm
gave to the Cosmos the New Form that maintains His Creation. And nothing and no
one can live in this Creation of God if He does not have His Son for King and
As Yesterday, so Today, and forever.
It is right that by resuming this path I should remember the need to
free ourselves from the static image of the Son of God engraved in our minds
for centuries past, and raise our heads to look face to face with the Living
Face of our Creator. Shall I have to recall the words of the Holy Spirit:
" Who taught you to see the Lord as dead? "
He is the Life. He received a New Name: "Christ", the Name of
the Messiah, the Champion chosen by God to be the Avenger of the blood of His
son Adam. The Greater avenged the death of the Lesser!
But that Son of God who became Man so that the Law would be fulfilled,
for it says: "From the blood of one man by the hand of another man I will
claim justice", fulfillment of Divine Moral Obligation that implied the
Incarnation of that Son born of the Uncreated Nature of God. This Chosen One to
be the Champion of Man and to face the Devil in a Duel to the Death, this Man
was that God who with His Almighty Word said: "Let there be stars in the
Firmament of Heaven to separate the Light from the Darkness".
For, indeed, the same Law that called in the Day of YAVE, "Day of
Vengeance", to Victory the son of Man, son of David, son of Adam, son of
God, opened the Gate of Justice to any of the sons of God, of this or not of
this World, of Heaven or Earth, for being the son of God the dead, any son of
God, fulfilling the first aspect, being a man, could be raised to be the
Champion of God and the Avenger of Man.
God willed that His only begotten Son, the very One who with His
Almighty Word and Omnipotent Arm created us, should rise to avenge the Death of
his younger brother.
The Murderer did not believe that the Incarnation of the Son of God in
the womb of a Virgin was possible, and the Murderer was already boasting of his
victory over the Son of Man when the Incarnation took place. And here was born
the dilemma of the visualization of Jesus Christ "as dead" against
whose image the Holy Spirit rose to remind all the Faithful that the Lord
Lives, and it is before Him, the Son of God in person that we must approach and
live in His Presence.
It is natural that the Distance in Time has raised again this Static
Image, from which we must now detach ourselves. The Son of God is as much alive
as I and you, that though we do not see each other we manifest ourselves to
each other, one writing and the other reading. The flesh must not blind our
eyes by reducing our gaze to a statue framed on a Cross. The Son of God Lives.
That Jesus, God the Son, who became Man against the belief in the
Immaculate Conception of Christ in the womb of a Virgin by the work and grace
of God the Father, Lord of Infinity and Eternity, who with His Almighty Arm
reduced a Cosmos to Dust wandering in an Abyss of a Bottomless Pit, That same
Jesus made Man for our Cause and Life, and because his Image is that of a man
in our mind should not make us forget that this Jesus is the Word of God who
with his Almighty Word "made the two great lights, the greater to rule the
day, and the lesser to rule the night, and the stars, and set them in the
firmament of the heavens to give light upon the earth, and to rule the day and
the night, and to divide the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was
good, and there was evening and morning, the fourth day".
We are talking about God, and hence, announcing his Incarnation, his
Father said: "God with us".
Then God said, "Let the waters teem with beasts, and let birds fly
over the earth under the firmament of the heavens." And it was so. And God
created the great monsters of the water, and all the beasts that swarm therein,
after their kind, and all the winged birds, after their kind. And God saw that
it was good, and God blessed them, saying, "Be fruitful and multiply, and
fill the waters of the sea, and let the birds multiply upon the earth."
And there was evening and morning, the fifth day.
We pick up the thread of the narration of the History of the Human
Let us summarize.
The Creation of the Tree of Life on Earth takes place under the waters
"that were under the Firmament which separates the waters that are under
the firmament from the waters that are above the firmament". It would be
under the waters of the Ocean that the roots of all the species begin their
Evolution in increasing from the mud to the first Plants, that colonize the
marine bottoms and as the waters withdraw they adapt themselves to the
existence on firm land.
The thermal conditions of that Earth dominated by those Two Great Ice
Blocks retreating towards the Geographic Poles, the Chemistry of that
Atmosphere arising from a process of Global Volcanism, added to the high
gravitational pressure to which the Solar System was subjected in the bosom of
those Heavens, place us in front of a scenario with no other scenario than that
of the Earth, we are faced with a scenario without any connection with the
unnatural assumptions forged by the fantasy of the cosmologists of the 20th
Century, and their cretinous-fictional pseudo-scientific mythology, making the
Earth be born in the belly of a Sacred Cow devouring dust until it gave birth
to Life.
Freed from that science-fiction, woven to suit the mediocrity of the
University of the 20th Century, tuxedo that Astronomy had to assume as its own
even when its Technological Revolution set fire, which it did, to that Cosmos
existing only in the heads of the Blind, Einstein its prototype, a castle in
the air whose ruins, mummified in marvelous icons before which to kneel, or be
left out of the University Priesthood, infallible dogmas from which to measure
what is heresy and what is servitude; freed from that religion for the blind,
we open the Door and we enter the True History of the Universe, Cradle of
Humanity, holding the Hand of the KING.
The Tree of Constellations created, the Tree of Life in its First form:
the Kingdom of Plants already covering the great extensions of lands that the
retreat of the Great Ice Blocks were leaving as the Fourth Day was passing,
this Fifth Day begins on a New Scenario.
First: the Gravitational Pressure on the Solar System has lightened due
to the Expansion of the Diameter of the Heavens by the Son produced.
Second: the amount of stellar energy, in the whole spectrum, that
arrives from the stars to the Earth has decreased.
Third: the chemical nature of the Atmosphere has undergone a profound
transformation as an effect of Photosynthesis.
Fourth: the decrease in the density of rarefied gases in the atmosphere
has given a new color to the sky. The weather conditions in the open sky have
The sum of these effects causes a lower gravitational density at the
earth's surface level, which has a direct impact on the Plant Kingdom, raising
its physical magnitudes in the same proportion.
Thus, whatever details this essay leaves in the air, which will be many
depending on the area from which one penetrates its overview, throughout Day
Four the Tree of Life had continued to grow beneath the waters of the oceans
and seas into which the Mother Ocean was divided.
The explosion of life was enormous. Given these new gravitational
conditions life itself underwent this transformation of state, emerging, as the
Divine Text says, the great water monsters, strains from which the Dinosaur
World would later emerge.
About the dimensions of these first living strains it is good to say a
few words.
The decrease of gravitational pressure in the Heavens lowered the
density of gravity on the surface of the Earth, true, but apart from this fact
we know that the first generations of any system based on a complex
organization is usually built on gigantism. Let's remember the first computers
and compare them with the new ones. The first and old telephones with the
current ones. This law of reduction of size according to the perfection of
technology comes from life itself. It is following this law that God speaks of
Monsters. These are the first giant forms that populate the waters because of
the simplicity of their organic forms. We have in the cetaceans their present
descendants; taking as a point of reference these distant relatives we can get
an idea of the size of their first parents, "the monsters of the water and
of all the animals that swarmed in it" during the Morning of this Fifth
That explosion of the first branches of the Tree of Life was accompanied
by a steady Lowering of the Water Level of the Planet.
God had created a New Geophysical Equilibrium between Core and
Lithosphere whose parameters served as a framework for the Growth of the Tree
of Life through the various Biohistoric Ages. The
Retreat of the Two Great Ice Blocks towards the geographic Poles followed its
Course, so that the biological pressure became greater as the Evaporation of
the waters grew due to the elevation of the Biospheric Temperature. The lower the mass of terrestrial ice, the higher the temperature
of the biosphere. This Biological Pressure grew until the Tree of Life brought
its Trunk out over the surface of the waters and the Great Branch of the First
Birds made the Great Leap from aquatic Life to aerial Life. Marine Life
transformed its Fins into Wings.
The Other Great Branch of the Tree of Life made its Leap from the Waters
directly to dry land: with this Great Double Leap the World of Dinosaurs began
its History.
The sequence to be followed is the Beginning and the End. The
contradiction in the Word seems great, but it is pure appearance. The Beginning
is "let the waters teem with beasts", and the End is "Be
fruitful and multiply, and fill the waters of the sea, and let birds multiply
upon the earth".
That is to say, God places the origin of the animal species of all
genera in the marine life, which will come out via air, from one place,
transformation of fins into wings; and from the other, up the sea coast
transforming the fins into legs, a process of evolution that took in Eras the
years that it took.
I do not want to insist on the subject of Time; he who is being the Star
of History is the Son of God, whose Uncreated Nature has a Time Clock according
to his Divine reality.
We understand that the steps of that transformation of fins into legs
and fins into wings, marvel apart, did not take place in one generation, but
drew in History a continuous ascending trajectory.
We observe that there are still winged fish, a final remnant of that
process that had a beginning and an end, and mammalian marine life coexisting
on the two elements, water and land, also remnants of the last generation with
which the Great Leap from Marine Animal Life to terrestrial Animal Life was
And we are already in the Air, flying over the earth under the firmament
of the heavens. The world we see from above is a Prehistoric Forest whose trees
follow the same law of natural gigantism as the first species of complex systems.
This Prehistoric Forest covers all the land we see from the air. It is a Forest
that produces seed and fruit, and from whose fruit all the Birds of this Age
Before God created Life He provided Food; He provided food with the
Strains of this Forest for Sea Life, and now He again provides Food for all
life with the fruit and seed of this Forest.
The sky has a New Color but it is not yet Blue.
The Prehistoric Forest was the first habitat of all Species that jumped
from Water to Air. They make the Forest their Home and from the Forest they
begin to see how the Great Leap of Animal Life, of all Genera, makes its way
from the shores, and feeding on the Forest they usher in the Age of the
Dinosaurs, those Great Woodcutters of Forests, whose jaws were axes and whose
teeth were chainsaws cutting down trees, hungry herbivorous giants whose
delicacy was the tree.
The reproduction of these giants fills the lands they themselves
release. Endlessly reproducing, with endless food to live comfortably, the Prehistoric
Woodcutters have an Age ahead of them to create Valleys and Plains in which the
Birds will eventually lay their Eggs. But between the Beginning, the Great
Leap, and the End: to reproduce on land, the Biosphere is living a New
Plant fiber is one step ahead of the evolution of all life. In the first
instance it transformed the Chemistry of the Atmosphere, thus making life in it
possible for all species and their genera. This Transformation affected its own
fiber, so that by the time of the Great Leap the Plant Fiber had evolved to
adapt itself to the Atmosphere it had produced. Photosynthesis had only begun
its Work.
On the Day of the Great Leap the chemical composition of the Atmosphere
had Carbon as its basic fundamental element. And the Forest continued to
The New Dynamics, transformation to full power of Carbon as the king
atmospheric element, giving way to Oxygen came on the back of an all-powerful
Prehistoric Forest.
No less all-powerful were the Woodcutters of the Forest, creating
Valleys and Plains in which their species, all herbivores, multiplied to
infinity. Herbivorous diet about which it is necessary to say something.
Unfortunately for the Human Genus, Science washed its hands of the
Truth, and playing the role of Pilate, handed over History to the ideological
and political interests of a University given over to servitude by reason of
its universal mediocrity.
To hide this nature of servant of Power, the University created idols,
dressed them with numbers and letters and gave them to the peoples as new gods.
It created a Cosmological Mythology touching all the sectors of the Tree of
Sciences, among which the Carnivorous Diet of the World of Dinosaurs was one
more of the rites to be fulfilled in order to have a place in the temple of the
slaves of the Power of Scientific Atheism.
The second myth that was created was that of the Extinction of the World
of Dinosaurs by the fall of a star from the abyss.
From where it is seen, it is deduced and understood that what is common
to all mediocre intellects is fiction, not Science, and by mounting the first
on the second they make the whole world live in an unhealthy and unhappy
fantasy whose goal is, as was seen in the 20th Century: the Annihilation of
Humanity by insurmountable conflict between Reality and the Science-Fiction of
the University.
It is true that God having reduced the History of the Creation of the
Universe to a Hieroglyphic, in this omniscient way closing the access to his
Memory, the effect was the frustration of intelligence, which having been
created to rise to the Image and Likeness of the Divine was disabled and
diminished to that of the beasts. Now, the one does not justify the other. To
the ignorant it is better for him to keep his mouth shut. Especially since God
has given us His own Son as Master.
And since a distinction must be made between Ignorance and Ignorance, I
will say that Faith with Ignorance leads to the true Science of all things,
because where there is Faith there is struggle, hope in victory; but ignorance
without Faith leads to the Science-Fiction of War as a biological Weapon, a
truth that the 20th Century put into Action and this 21st Century wants to
The data are on the table of those few true scientists who have already
defended the Herbivorous Diet of the Dinosaur World. Due to the intellectual
lobotomization of the peoples, and the reduction of the common human being to
the condition of beasts ready for sacrifice, the university mythology has
exported to the mass media the carnivalesque image of a carnivorous and
cannibalistic inter-dinosaur world from which to extract, as if it were the
mines of Solomon, a population intellectually disabled to understand the
pathology of the intellectual apparatus of science.
But truth cannot be played with without running the risk of running into
the arms of the predator.
But from the defense at all costs of the University of the two human
natures, those of the elect and those of the commoners, the final
transformation of Scientific Atheism into Religion is understood.
The End marks the means. But the End does not justify the means except
in the eyes of a criminal.
In the case of the Creator, the End was the creation of great plains and
valleys, a global ecosystem in which the Great Leap of Life from the World of
Dinosaurs to the World of Mammals would take place. Two worlds that could not
coexist. One had to give way to the other, the old to the new.
This passage occurred naturally. Not by collapse or tragedy.
The Lungs of the New Plant Kingdom were transforming the Atmosphere at
an almighty rate.
The New Element, Oxygen, began to be primary. And as had been happening
and would continue to happen, as the Plant Kingdom transformed its Habitat, it
adapted its Fiber to this new biospheric environment.
These two factors, the elevation of Oxygen to Basic Fundamental Element
of the Atmosphere, and the transformation of the Fiber of the Tree, gradually
and staggeredly determined the Disappearance, by
inability to reproduce, of all the component genera of the world of the
The Fallacy of the Cosmology of the XX supposing that the Atmosphere is
equal to itself from the Origin of Life on Earth to our days says everything I
keep quiet about the level of intelligence of the University. Not being able to
recreate a process as simple as the need for chemical transformation of an
atmosphere originating from a melting process of the Earth's Crust shows that
the University of the 20th century was run by truly intellectually handicapped
people, whose legacy still continues to rule the world of Science.
From the Air and from the Forest, then, we saw the World of the
Dinosaurs grow, spread, dominate, reign, enjoy, dress the Earth with a
marvelous explosion of Life of all genera and species, a Paradise of Life in
abundance, God's gift for the eyes of his children.
The Great Woodcutters cut down the Prehistoric Sweet Fiber Forests whose
remains we can contemplate in the Prehistoric Stone Forest in the United States
of America. They opened up Valleys and Plains. It seemed that the Earth would
belong to those almighty lumberjacks until the end of the world. And indeed
they were, until the end of their World they were the kings of the Planet.
It is unnecessary to make numbers. What we do not see with our eyes we
should not paint with our hands. The Age of the Dinosaurs was not created to
make the Earth their Paradise for eternity. That Earth was a great garden of
life from which to transplant its species to a Paradise, this one Yes, created
to subsist eternally and to be filled with Species and their genera of all the
Worlds created by God, Creator of Universes.
"The gods", his sons, came and went from their World to ours,
taking from Earth families of Animals and Birds of all the species and genera
with which God clothes his Paradise.
But coming back to us, with the passage of Time, Oxygen reigned the
Atmosphere, and marked the End of the World of Dinosaurs and the Beginning of
the World of Mammals.
The Birds and the life that had taken refuge in the Forest before the
advance of the logging of their Natural Habitat, free the plains and the
Valleys of their kings and lords during that reign of millions of years, began
to descend to dry land and to reproduce in direct contact with the ground. In
this New Scenario they reproduced, and multiplied during the millions of years
that God let the Tree of Life follow its course, extend its branches, give
birth to new generations, and proceed to the final adaptation to this New Biosphere
in which Oxygen became the king element, and the new fiber of the Tree entered
its final phase of transformation to be its Fruit the favorite Dish of the Diet
of all Life once these processes were consummated during the Night of the Fifth
"Thus it was: And God saw that it was good ... And there was
evening and there was morning, the fifth day."
We understand that in speaking of evening and morning we speak of Night,
that is to say a Time in which natural laws take over the government of the
whole Body of the Earth. The curtain falls, the children of God retire.
Sufficient to each day its eagerness. The Creation of a World is an
unforgettable spectacle.
From the Astrophysical Origin of the New Universe to the Expectation of
the Beauty of its Constellational Tree, from the Mystery of the Nature of the
Roots of the Tree of Life in the World where God will plant his Seed to the
discovery of the phylogenetic line that will run through the trunk of the tree
of species until it gives birth to life to be formed in the Image and Likeness
of the children of God, the Mystery perpetuates itself from Night to Night,
reveals itself from Day to Day.
God sets all the laws in motion, directs during the Day the Universal
Movement and once all the keys and factors are in place, He lets Wisdom work at
ease and surprises all the children of God for when at Dawn they return to the
This is the Spectacle of Creation to which the Human Race has been
invited to attend when, before all, God said: "My Father will do greater
Works than this, so that you will be amazed". This was the Revolution that
had its Beginning with the Creation of our Universe. And which was threatened
with collapse as a result of the Tragedy that meant turning the Earth into a
battlefield where those "rebellious sons", of whom Moses speaks in
his Canticle, decided to gamble against Eternal banishment the Conversion of
the Kingdom of God into an Empire of gods beyond Good and Evil.
Such an Act of Madness perplexed God the Son and inflamed God the Father
with Anger. For God having raised a Penalty of Eternal Banishment against
whoever would again put on the table that Ambition, typical of those who want
to make Paradise a Hell, and saying " He who eats, shall die ",
believing those "rebellious sons" that by tempting God the Son they
could force God the Father to yield and bless the Tyranny of the gods as a Form
of Government, they came to meet the Unity in the Holy Spirit of the Father and
the Son, hence the Apostle and Evangelist wrote "incarnated by the Work
and Grace of the Holy Spirit". By writing this, God made it clear that the
Temptation had failed. And it failed because it never had a Future, for as the
Apostle and Evangelist says again: "In the beginning was the Word ... and
the Word is God".
Victory that God the Father himself declared in Moses, before the Birth
when he wrote in his Genesis : "And God created .... And God said... and
God did... And God saw to be good...", thus declaring the God of Infinity
and Eternity, Father of the One who said "Let there be Light", that
the Unity between Father and Son is sealed by the Spirit of God, hence His
Servant, the Catholic Church, gathered in Council by the Holy Spirit, confessed
this Unity by saying: "Two distinct persons and one True God".
Eternal Universal Declaration expressed in the Text of Genesis, in which if the
one who speaks is the Son and He is the Arm of Action, the Omniscience that
moves that Arm is the Father, thus being two Persons and only one God. To whose
Unity came to be added the Holy Spirit made Man, that is, Christ, Head of a
House, formed by all the children of God, of Earth and Heaven, His Wife and
Mother of His Offspring, and this Offspring, all in Him a single thing, a
single Body, a single reality, a single being that receives from Him Divine
Nature, thus fulfilling the End of this Creation, "let us make Man in our
Image and our Likeness".
But as: let each day suffice for its day, here I leave this work for today.
In which field we will enter next day.
The Sixth Day was a great day. A mystery wrapped in an enigma was about
to find the key that would make it possible to see from which branch and which
phylogenetic line would be the one that carried in its bosom intelligent life.
The expectation was immense, marvelous, sublime. Creation is a living
miracle, a Divine event open to beings for whom our origin in Matter is in
reality too big a dress, but which makes us feel marvelous because He who,
having created His children in His Image and Likeness, understood that to keep
them far from this Scenario would be a denial of His own Divine Origin.
Can one be a child of God and have the Door to the Contemplation of the
Creation of Universes closed? No matter how wonderful a World may be, does it
not become an infernal prison if its borders close its walls to the freedom of
those who have been created to be children of God?
Are we children of the Creator God of all things and as such we are born
to enjoy watching Our Father raising Universes with their Worlds, or are we
just another animal in a Paradise that in reality is nothing but a kind of
Cosmic Zoo created by that same God who calls us children so that we can stay
quietly in our divine cage?
The answer to this question has already been answered. The Presence of
God's sons during the Days of our Creation Week says it all. It was never in
the Heart of God to create a Zoo of cosmic proportions in which his children
would live in wonderful cages, wide as Worlds, but cages after all for those
who having their Souls in the Spirit of God need to live Freedom within the
framework of that Reason.
No rhetoric, discourse, wisdom, dialectic or science can give a greater
account of the Truthfulness and Purity of the Heart of God than the Argument of
the Presence of his children around him when opening his Son's Mouth, he said:
"Let us make Man in our Image and in our Likeness".
Invited to contemplate God in his own sauce? Just that,
More! Much more. Invited to contemplate and to participate. But let's go
by parts.
Those who were present, and are witnesses of the Creation of our
Universe and of our World, after having seen all that they saw in the previous
Days, and understanding that the best was yet to come, awaited the Dawn of this
New Act with their hearts in a fist as one who cannot sleep because it is
impossible to wait for the day to be born.
Joy upon awakening; the Night of the Fifth Day was long, and it was also
simply Divine. Questions flew through the arteries from the heart to the head,
thoughts became thoughts: What grandiose unfolding of new species without
number would activate the Tree of Life on the face of the Earth? The experience
with their own Worlds, each one a Branch of the Tree of Life of Creation,
discovered to them all that Intelligent Life is the final Fruit of the Creation
of each New Universe, and that each Branch, though issuing from the same Cosmic
Trunk of Life in the Cosmos and being all watered by the same Universal Sap,
each Branch unfolds an infinite new number of new species. Love of Creation is
Love of Life. And Life and God share Eternity from the Uncreation. If then the
Branches of the Tree of Life are infinite, how then to dare to predict the
course that the Phylogenetic Line carrying Intelligence was following! It was a
mystery to be discovered in this New Day.
And yet the experience that God had invited him to live, what could it
compare to?
Which of those children of God who followed their Father to the other
side of the Walls of the Cosmos did not remember, even today, that Earth
abandoned in the Darkness, on the other side of the Shores of the Ocean of the
Galaxies! Lord, an image in the twilight, a memory wandering in the darkness,
sinking in the bottomless pit of memory where those things we do not want to
remember or are not worth to be taken into account end up disappearing.
A Planet without appearance, one more boulder in the Abyss, the planet
Earth, lost in the immensity of a rubble heap, struck by immense drifting
masses, resisting the blows of the remains of dead stars, ruins of galaxies
floating in the mist of infinity, once the pride of Space now rocky ghosts
without beauty deprived of the least atom of energy. How long would it take for
the walls of that Planet to collapse? What future was theirs?
Beside him a soldier as big as a mythological giant raised his shield
protecting his mistress. It was the Moon. Against his shield the great moles
crash on their way to the Ocean of the Galaxies, on their way covering his skin
with those heroic scars of thousands of craters, like smallpox on the face of
the colossus.
Which of God's sons remembered already, at the dawn of this Sixth Day,
that queen and her squire, abandoned by God in that cemetery about which the
gods had told them of its existence, but which until then they had never known?
Just that, the word of the gods.
In that, at the Dawn of Day Zero of the Week of our Creation, God leads
his children to that Cemetery "of the Abyss that was covered by
Darkness", remains of a Cosmos against which God deployed his Infinite
Force until converting Matter to dust and stone wandering in the Empty Space,
deprived by Eternity of Energy.
Absolute Darkness, the Silence of the dead. The Well of the Abyss, who
wants to fall into its depths, to the depths of infinity? Bad place to be
condemned to Eternal Banishment, an endless Fall into the Abyss. The
temperature is absolute zero. There is no light. There is no Life.
There, floating in that Abyss covered by Darkness, in the mind the
terror at the thought of being banished from Creation and thrown into that
Abyss, were all, before the Beginning of our Universe, wrapped all by the
Warmth of the Heart of Father of the Creator of Light and Darkness, YAVE God,
the Arm whose Force deployed the rays of antimatter energy that reduced to dust
galaxies without number.
In the distance a luminous Ocean, the New Cosmos, roaring with the joy
of a creative tsunami spreading the waters of the Creation of the New Cosmos to
the horizon that never ends; a source of light, just that, but what a light!
The idea of Banishment losing itself in its veins, God made a Wonder and
from Nothingness, if seen with the eyes of the face, God created a Sun and Nine
Planets, with their Moons. To the extent that each intelligence captures the
laws of the Science of Creation
of Creation and adapts them to its nature, all the children of God
present at the Act of Creation of the Solar System marveled as in their
intelligences God was making alive to their eyes the processes of the Leap of
the Energy generated by the Cosmos from Microphysical Matter to Astrophysics.
The transformation of dynamic energy into matter within a field divided
into flight units such that the multiplication of the mass at the end of the
unit traveled doubles its original velocity by itself, the number of flight
units being infinite, sets in motion a production to infinity of mass after a
controlled travel time whose term is the astrophysical implosion at the origin
of the stars. This process raised to infinity is the root of the galaxies.
In raw form, this general creation always seems simpler. We reduce a
galaxy to cosmic energy by accelerating its time of existence to infinity; we
surround this cosmic energy cannon with a gravitational or space-time field
where the velocity multiplies and with it the mass of the beams. In open field
this would suppose a production of matter to infinity; but this process of
growth to infinity of mass has for limit the Astrophysical Implosion. Hence the
original geometry of the galaxies.
Their Origin is a chain Explosion once this Growth Limit is reached. But
in the case of the Creation of the Solar System, God executes this general
process on a specific beam, that is to say, so that His children understand the
General Autonomous Process in the Origin of the Expansion of the New Cosmos,
God reproduces the process of Creation of the Galaxies at Local level.
Without Him there is no Expansion. He is the Source of Energy from which
the Walls of Creation are fed. At this Level the galaxies are cannons firing
gigantic beams of beams, almightily charged with potential energy, which when
absorbed by this Transforming Field of Microphysical Matter into Astrophysical
Matter acts as a Cyclotron with walls that do not crack and in whose Spiral
Ring matter is driven to the Astrophysical Implosion Point. Behold the Big
Bang. And here is the Solar System.
This Small Big Bang generates the Sun and Nine Planets, with their
Moons. The Astrophysical Implosion expands the Field of creative energy, makes
it its own and the Solar light dresses with color the space that is its own.
The Physics of this Process is so infinitely complex that only by
reducing it to the simplest expression can it be drawn in intelligence. The
origin of the Planets and their Moons is in this Creative Field of
Astrophysical Matter. The transformation of cosmic energy into astrophysical
matter executes a translation of the different natural values of the component
members of the ray induced by the Leap from one dimension to the other. This
from one side.
On the other side, the Creator Field of the Solar System was extended in
a space where the drifting floating matter was attracted by its Gravitational
nature towards its interior in the way that water is absorbed by a hole opened
in the bed that supports it. This floating matter accompanies the derived
cosmic energy in the journey and becomes a body with the different nuclei that
are produced in the Journey from one dimension to the other. This Journey ends
when the major nucleus reaches its Astrophysical Implosion, frees itself from
all matter, expels it from its body and makes the gravitational field its own.
The other nuclei will henceforth be related to this Astro.
During the Journey from fundamental matter to astrophysical matter some
planets have acquired a hotter Nucleus, others colder, some more dense, others
less solid, depending on the density of their Nucleus, density that defines the
particular reaction of its body with the Gravitational Density of the created
Field, reaction that determines the power of Transformation of that Energy into
Astrophysical Matter. And therefore determines the size of all the resulting
This Leap is Invisible, and only detectable to our eyes by the whirlpool
formed in the field by the spiral descent of the attracted cosmic matter to its
Interdimensional Gate. Here at this Gate the Astrophysical Implosion takes
place. A Small Big Bang in the case of our Solar System, a Big Bang of cosmic
dimensions when hundreds of millions of stars cross this Astrophysical Implosion
Wonder for the eyes! Hooray for Intelligence! Admiration. This is the
principle of the Life of all the children of God: the controlled Application
from its Beginning to its End by God of the Laws of the Universe.
So far what concerns us about the Origin of the Solar System. This is
how the Earth was created.
There are no words in the dictionary nor can the tongue articulate
phrases that can define the greatness of this Spectacle, its beauty, its
magnificence. It is necessary to live it to understand it. An invitation that
the Son of God has given us and keeps open for every man of every race and
Let us return to the mystery wrapped in an enigma whose key has been
given to us by its Creator.
A curious thing, then! God gathers in his Hand his creation, the Sun and
its Family, and leaves the Earth and its Moon in the Darkness. Is it the waste
that does not fit in the equation? Has God made a mistake in his numbers? Has
God given him a daughter born to be abandoned to her fate in the darkness on
the other side of the Shores of Creation?
God is gone, who will dare to ask him, don't you love her? God is
silent. God leaves. Earth and her squire are left behind, God does not return?
Time passes. An astrophysical body is nourished by its own gravitational
field, in this case shared by both Earth and Moon. It is the source of energy
that keeps its nuclei active, the source of its heat, of its pulse. Like all
energy, its constant transformation reduces its level in time and weakens its
shield in space. If God does not return this shield will collapse and both
Earth and Moon will be dragged adrift until they are finally reduced to rubble.
It is therefore not an arbitrary or metaphorical term that God uses when He
writes, speaking of it:
In the Beginning the Earth was "confused and empty."
I have already said everything about this EMPTINESS in the Creation of the
Universe according to Genesis. In this Section it is time to talk about
CONFUSION, which I have already done.
The reasons God had for leaving the Earth in Darkness are related to the
need to multiply the weight of its Crust and to accelerate the Sublimation of
its Atmosphere, to the natural maximum at the temperature of Absolute Zero to
which the Earth was exposed.
The Omnipotence of God is referred to his Power to produce an effect in
the minimum admissible natural time. This implies, scientifically speaking, a
knowledge to infinity of all the properties and parameters both of the body on
which the action is produced and of the medium in which the action takes place.
And evidently this action is related to the end to be created. In this case a
Mass of Ice ready to subsist during the geological eras that the Tree of Life
on Earth would ask to give its Fruit: Life in the Image and Likeness of the son
of God.
The results are in sight.
God left. He introduced the Solar System into the Heavens, a Heaven at
rest after its Creation as described in the Previous Section, and God returned
to the Abyss covered by Darkness.
Here it is the Son of God who takes the Witness of the Action, becomes
the Star of the Spectacle and opening his Mouth says: "Let there be Light".
On which I have already said all I had to say in the Introduction to the
Cosmology of the 21st Century.
Once the Light is created, the Son of God leads his brothers through the
Field of the Galaxies and introduces Earth and Moon in the Solar System. We
already know what happened. Their Nuclei were reactivated and the Firmament
that separates the Biosphere from Outer Space was created. Seas and oceans were
created and the Plant kingdom emerged from the waters to colonize the lands
under the Sun.
The Tree of Life sets its feet on the continents, extends its roots and
gives birth to the Prehistoric Tree, that Transformer of the Primary Atmosphere
that will make possible the Leap of Animal Life from the Waters to life under
the Sun.
When everything seemed to be on track for the sequence of this Leap, the
Son of God marvels all his brothers and showing his Almighty Arm, the Arm of
God, causes the Expansion of the Heavens, configures its Structure and creates
the Tree of Constellations. The Son of God surrounds the Heavens with an army
of Massive Stellar Clusters, whose gravitational fields intertwine forming a
network of Stellar furnaces in which the Intergalactic Nebular Matter is
trapped and reduced to particles. The floating matter that escapes this Barrier
will become the mother of Nebulae.
The Night of the Fourth Day arrives. The Fifth Day is coming. It is the
Day of the Dinosaur World. All the action takes place on this Day between the
Tropics, a strip that will be devoured and in its subsoil rests the Prehistoric
Forest and all the organisms that returned to the earth from which they
departed. At present it is the source of fuel based on their remains.
The End of the Dinosaur World is the Beginning of the Mammal World.
Oxygen drove the Dinosaur World into the pages of History.
Night spreads over the Fifth Day its mantle of Time. Nature governs
events. Her laws are perfect. They maintain all the changes taking place in the
Biosphere upon the Highway of the creation of Intelligent Life, and Life in the
Image and likeness of the life of the Son of God, life created to enjoy eternal
Existence natural to God.
The Dawn of the Sixth Day heralds the Transfer of the Government of the
Laws of Nature into the hands of the Son of God, who opening his Mouth says:
"Let the earth bring forth
animate beings after their kind, cattle, creeping things, beasts of the earth
after their kind." And so it was. And God made all the beasts of the earth
after their kind, the cattle after their kind, and all the creeping things of
the earth after their kind. And God saw that it was good.
A New Day has begun. And like every Day, this Day brings new wonders.
The Spectacle of Creation moved from the macrocosmic to the microcosmic: From
the stars to the cells.
On this Day it will move from Animal Reason to Universal Intelligence in
the Image and Likeness of the Divine.
The Dinosaur World has passed. A New Atmosphere has succeeded the
Protohistoric. The color of the sky is blue. The Vegetal Fiber has adapted
itself to this New Atmosphere that it transformed. In the Firmament the stars
shine. And the Moon, until then hidden by the natural meteorological conditions
to the World of the Dinosaurs, shines joyfully in the Night. The World of
Mammals is born.
The children of God look into this New Age with their thoughts set on
their own origins. Beings with origins in other stars, on other planets,
perhaps in other neighboring universes, admiringly contemplate the display of
Life that the Tree of Species extends on Earth. New birds, new animals and
beasts. They are without number. The Earth is a paradise of Fauna and Flora,
neither inferior nor superior to its Worlds, but different. The Branch from
which Intelligent Life will proceed marks the nature of the species that will accompany
its Phylogenetic Line during the Journey of millions of years from Animal
Reason to Intelligence in the image and likeness of that of the Creator.
Unnecessary for its situation beyond my imagination, the display of
species that filled the Morning of this Sixth Day, I focus exclusively on the
Phylogenetic Line from which Intelligence would emerge.
For as long as the Dinosaurs reigned the mammalian lines existed and
shared a common habitat, the Prehistoric Forest. The danger to all these
species was not based on the carnivorous diet of the lumbering giants, but on
their vegetarian voracity. Their incursion into the forest meant, as it could
not be otherwise, a constant exposure to be crushed and devoured by jaws whose
palate had no eyes for those inhabitants. Everything that fell into their
mouths or under their paws disappeared. It was the law of the Prehistoric
Forest. There was no right or wrong. There was only running away. The Dinosaur
was not a predator, it was a lumberjack.
It was in that environment that the branch of the Apes, adapted to
arboreal life by evolution of wings on arms and legs, began its journey among
the first mammals with origin in the Leap from Water to Air. And among them
arose a family that rose with a language of universal communication announcing
the danger. It was the Anthropos, the oldest of all mammals, whose phylogenetic
line went back to the first wave that made the Great Leap. The Apes were the
companion species among whose families the Anthropos found its people. This one
created a Rational Communication Language announcing the danger; recognized by
all, it moved them away from the borders of the Forest.
Once the Dinosaurs had passed the Mammals of all genera came out into
the open and filled the valleys and mountains. Reptiles also emerged. The
physical size of all creatures now had a new universal pattern.
Earth was still a Paradise. The sons of God came down and took to the
World from which came specimens of all families, genera and species, for the
Gate between Heaven and Earth was open.
From the Forest, in which the son of the Anthropos, the Homo Sapiens,
still lived as the natural Head of the accompanying species with which he had
lived since the origins, the Homo Sapiens contemplated these beings that
appeared and disappeared in the valleys descending and ascending from the sky.
These beings had a particularity that made them unique on Earth. They walked on
two legs. Imitation, the principle of Intelligence, was made in Homo Sapiens.
And when Homo Sapiens went down to the mainland, they began to adapt their
bodies to life on two legs. Finished this process of transformation from his
anthropoid aerodynamic feet to human feet, the Son of God said:
"Let us make man in our image, after our likeness, to have dominion
over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle,
and over the beasts of the earth, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth."
As in all things and I have been saying from the beginning, the amount
of time a natural transformation process to Evolution involves
"time". From living in the Forest to being the lord of the beasts
there was a very long way ahead, which wrote in History the Period we call the
As for the confusion of Sapiens families we have to understand that the
species of anthropoid accompaniment followed their Natural Chief in his odyssey
out of the Forest, and that in the path of Time some went far and others even
farther, but only the Line of Homo Sapiens, son of the Anthropos, followed his
course up to Man.
The Adventure of this Homo Sapiens during the Age we call the
Paleolithic was a movement in crescendo that led him to the self-consciousness
of his own Gender, and whose last stage we see in the Museums of Painting that
have left us in Southern Europe, in whose paintings we observe how the
Imitation of the children of God that once took him out of the Forest now takes
him again out of the Caves and their Mountains, and leads him to the Valley, to
the open field, where he begins to impose his Wonderful Adaptation to the
natural Bipedal Movement on the gods.
This Homo Sapiens is conscious of being a unique Line in itself, already
separated from the Apes, and equal only to itself.
Between that Homo Sapiens among Apes that leaves the Forest and this New
Homo Sapiens that comes down from the mountains, leaves its Caves and enters the
valleys and rivers to reclaim the world, there is a World of adventures and
joy. Protected by the Impression on the Animal Instinct of the Beasts caused by
the Gait of that Homo Sapiens of the Gods, Homo Sapiens reigns. It is the most
evolved Animal of the Planet. Both for its Brain and its Dynamic Constitution,
the Homo Sapiens of this epoch is the Animal with the most powerful potential
on the planet.
When the Son of God, in Obedience to his Father, says to his brothers,
"Let us make Man in our Image and Likeness", the contact between gods
and men begins.
Here we would have to call to the stand the History of religions, to put
on the table the testimony of all mythologies regarding the origin of the
Neolithic as the supernatural effect of the approach of the gods to men.
The Neolithic is the Chapter of Universal History that opens the Word of
the Son of God, the Word that later came to become Man for the reasons that the
Holy Mother Catholic Church has revealed to us and that we all, regardless of
whether some believe and others do not, and others doubt, know. The Origin of
the Neolithic, the turning point towards Civilization, is generated in the
approach of the children of God to the different human families.
Homo sapiens was the most evolved animal on the planet, but he was still
an animal. Their existence in a wild state among the beasts and animals of the
Mammalian World of all the species of the Paleolithic Era, which is deduced
from the Paintings on their Stone Homes and inferred from their megalithic
constructions, was a wonderful existence in a Planet exultant of life that had
left behind Ice Ages and had headed towards a Temperate Age, already present,
as can be seen in the portrait they make of themselves, always naked.
Homo Sapiens carries in his genes the force of Life. He is the fruit of
the Tree of Life that took its roots in the Earth, took off its trunk from the
Waters and spread its branches over all the Continents. Natural Evolution had
reached its End.
But the Goal of Creation had not. It is the Creator who takes the
Movement into his hands, and from this moment the Supernatural History of Man
God distributes the first human families among his sons, the gods of the
first mythologies and religions, establishing on Earth zones of influence in
order to proceed to raise in us the concept of Civilization, while projecting
the civilizations of origin of each one of his sons in the Original Peoples of
the Human Genus. This was the Project that God placed in the hands of his sons.
This was the beginning of the Neolithic.
The end of that Project was to unite all the peoples of the Earth in a
Kingdom, whose Crown God would give to the First man whom He would call
"son". Hence the people of those times said that "the crown came
down from Heaven", meaning by this that the choice of the first king who
knew the world received the crown by Divine choice. And God Himself in the Song
of Moses says "God hath divided the families of men among his sons, but
Jacob is the portion of YAHWEH". Jacob being the son of Adam, it is understood
that by the one who was, God meant the one who was not, his Chosen One, to be
the king of men, the First Man: son of God, our Adam, father of Jacob, father
of David, father of David, father of Jesus, son of Mary, son of Sarah, son of
We also observe that the projection of the different natural
Civilizations to the sons of God on our World is the cause of the
particularities that, after the Fall, marked differences in the mental
responses and behaviors of the peoples born of that civilizing phase, to the
point of raising barriers of encounter that, as time went by, became real walls
against the understanding between Members of the Same Biological Family.
As always, the millennia that were spent in the Neolithic Age are
understood from the Supernatural Nature of the one who opened our History to
his World.
The success of the Project of the Formation of Man in the Image and
Likeness of the children of God counted on the blessing of the Creator of the
Earth. If it had failed or if He had not liked the result, He would not have
blessed the multiplication of human beings on Earth. The Law of reproduction is
firm: God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him, and
created them male and female; and God blessed them, saying to them: "Be
fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth; subdue it and have dominion over
the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over the cattle and over
everything that lives and moves on the earth". Whence it is seen and
understood that the present attack of the powers against the Male of the Human
species is a crime against God and the Human Genus. This from one place, from
the other that reproduction proceeds from the union of the Male and the Female
and everything that transgresses this limit and annuls the Necessity of the
Male and the Female in the Act of Reproduction of the human being is a Crime
against Man and against his Creator.
And likewise in the order of Reproduction, and in this order, Male and
Female become Father and Mother. But in the context of Human Supernature, that
is, in the order of the sons of God, Man and Woman are two personalized,
individualized beings, who have their conscious existence as Creation. So that
it is as much a crime to deny the existence of the Male and the Female as Two
beings that become a single Reality in the Act of Procreation, in which they
complement each other and exist as if they were a single Life, as it is a crime
to deny to both of them that Conscious, Self-sufficient and Individual
Personality in the image of the Life of our Creator.
As I have already said and it is understood from the knowledge of life
on Earth, the so-called extinction of species comes from different natural
foci, and one of them is the loss of reproductive force that all species
experience as Time goes by. No cell has by itself the capacity to reproduce to
Regardless of the measures, even viruses lose multiplication strength
until they become extinct by themselves once they reach the multiplication
number that is natural to their strain.
This sense of extinction has clouded the animal reason of scientific
atheism insofar as in wanting to project the reproductive supernature of the
human species to the other species, its geniuses had to conclude that
extinction comes from violent mechanisms inscribed in nature. Not at all! The
extinction of species is a natural mechanism in the order of Life. The
reproductive force of the strains of species does not have the Infinite by
force. Time consumes them and species naturally begin their slope towards
In the human case the Divine Blessing on the basis of the Reproduction
of the Male and the Female raised this number to Infinity. Certainly we observe
that the multiplication of human beings from the Neolithic is exponential. The
families that live isolated and move in isolation, begin to grow, they become
tribes, their displacements expand; their strength becomes greater and their
dominion of the lands grows. They dare to leave the caves and the mountains,
they build villages and finally give rise to the creation of the first cities.
The rate of growth of the human families from which Adam and Eve and
their people descended was unstoppable. And with this growth the power of
movement became greater.
This Movement was consummated in Mesopotamia, the region in which
families coming from all known regions, Africa, Europe and Asia, united in one
people, with their cities. Their gods inspired this movement towards Paradise.
God gave them a king. The Civilizations in which the minds of the different
human families had been formed merged into one and only one. Man looked up to
the centuries.
Men and women of all families unite in the act of reproduction in full
freedom, always under the law of the Sacred Union of the Male and the Female in
a single reality, the Family, in whose bosom both become Father and Mother.
It is a Society created from the blessing of God and nourished by the
Divine Force. Man, he and she, is a Living Soul. His being is governed by
natural law as Creation, and by divine law as a Person in the Image and Likeness
of his Creator.
Once the King, the First Man, the new son of God, is chosen, God begins
to close this Day, saying: "Here I give you as many herbs of seed as there
are upon the face of the earth, and as many trees yielding fruit of seed, that
they may all be food for you".
The Neolithic Agricultural revolution closes. The diet of Homo sapiens,
living on the seeds and fruits of the forest since the beginning of time,
extends its diet to the cultivation of the land. Agriculture becomes the daily
The King cultivates the land, he is a tiller. There is no higher and
more general Social Occupation than this. The Cultivation of the earth is the
basis of the existence of the life of Man, what other science or art can be
more worthy and transcendent for the life of Humanity than that of the tiller,
the farmer?
The earth is blessed with the creative force with which God invested the
reproductive act of Man. The earth sees its strength raised to infinity; it is
given strength to maintain living beings in the same proportion. The struggle
for sustenance is resolved.
The Tree of Life has reached its Fullness. The Neolithic Agricultural
Revolution not only opens horizons to the civilization of Man but also involves
it in the Food of all species. With it begins the domestication of mammals.
The Kingdom of Man has been formed. His kingdom extends its scepter over
the First Cities of Mesopotamia and from its gates Adam contemplates the
The human Being is conscious of Time, of his Life in Time, of his Action
in Time. The kingdom of men, with its king, Adam, formed in the Image and
Likeness of the children of God, receives the Sacred Mission of Extending the
Kingdom of God, which its Crown serves, to the ends of the Earth.
This consummated, the Evening falls, comes the Night of the Sixth Day.
God lets the laws of His Creation take their Course.
The Seventh Day is a Day of Rest. God believes consummated the
Revolution he set in motion by opening his Creation to all his children. All
have seen what they have never seen and believed what some have doubted, the
Divine Nature of Jesus, King of kings and Lord of lords of the Empire of the
children of God.
All have been seen and all have participated in the Creation of this New
Kingdom, the Kingdom of the Sixth Day of the First Week of Creation. All have
obeyed and enjoyed being part of the Creative Act. But now it is the turn of
his Younger Son, Adam, and his People to take the baton of the History of his
World with which the History of Mankind will be written.
All has been perfect. The Heart of God rests. The eyes of God see the
Future of the kingdom of Adam, his youngest son. Cities will multiply, human
families from all corners of the regions will join Civilization, will become
Citizens of the empire of the Son of God, whose Crown in the World the God of
Gods has placed on the head of his son Adam. The Peace and Love that proceed
from the Universal Brotherhood will be watered by the Wisdom, which will open
the Creative Omniscience to the Human Intelligence, raising their World to the
glory of the freedom of the children of God.
It is the vision of a Father whose Heart is exultant over the birth of a
new son. There is in his Father's Thought no event outside this historical
picture. The laws of supernature which He has communicated to His Creation will
do their work. Nothing to fear, no cloud on the horizon.
The landscape from Eden covers the Millennia with sciences hitherto
undiscovered and which God will rain down as a rain of wisdom watering the hope
of Immortal life of all men.
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