The objective and goal of the creation of the Heavens
and the Earth, Man at the end of the tunnel of time, we are seeing how God
traced the general architecture of the Heavens and the special one of the Earth
thinking of the millions of years that the Birth and Growth of the Tree of life
demanded to give its fruit. Because He could and knew how to do it, God created
a Plane of relationship between the elements of the Biosphere, with two main
thermo-cooling foci at the ends of the Ecosphere, and punctual foci distributed
by the continents, which are the Cordilleras of perpetual snow. How from the
polar foci the atmospheric and oceanic currents recycle and maintain stable the biospheric thermometer is a work of geophysical
engineering as marvelous as surprising that involved
the morphology of the lithosphere itself. Because it had to keep the Ecospheric
thermometer stable it had to endow the Ecosphere with a perennial angle of
rotation. And because it could and knew how, it erected the Autonomous
Ecospheric Substrate, thanks to which, as I have already said, the angle of
incidence of solar energy would remain constant during the millions of years
that the Tree of Life would need to bear its fruit. But there was still more,
because the Solar System is not isolated from the rest of Creation, and being
in motion and subject to the general laws of the Universe the interrelation had
and could cause interferences that would spoil the work of so many millions of
years. Because he could and knew God did not hesitate to deploy his
intelligence and endow the Solar System with a mechanism of remote control of
its sidereal speed, which I have called Applied Astrophysical Systematics. And
yet all this was not enough.
The local Universe, the Milky Way, moves in the bosom
of a Cosmos in which motion is the most characteristic visible note. There may
be qualitative and quantitative differences among the galaxies, but in all of
them there is a common denominator: they move. To say that they move means to
say that they interact, multiply, divide, add, subtract. Creation is constant
movement, overwhelming, marvelous, surprising.
Indeed, the Cosmos portrayed in the theories of the 20th century and the Hubble
Cosmos resemble each other like a seal resembles a swallow. In the real Hubble
Cosmos, there is no homogeneous motion, no standard distances, no patterns. The
realm of galaxies is pure diversity, pure harmony in the discovery of the
unknown, ecstasy in the apotheosis of the infinite capacity of cosmic matter to
reproduce itself in space and entertain without ever boring. Genius unfolded to
the four winds, beauty that manifests itself joyfully and does not demand a
last cry. Development of stars in clusters of clusters of billions of stars
that are neither destroyed nor collapse, like lighthouses in the oceanic
distances. Galaxies that like submarine creatures travel along the cosmic
currents and like eagles open their wings and let themselves be carried by the
intergalactic winds. Where is the Cosmos of the 20th century?
In fact, the celestial structure that we observe in
our immediate surroundings presents very typical characteristics. In the end
the whole is resolved in a constellational architecture of defense of the astrophysical heart from whose center its
special optical configuration is resolved. For as we can contemplate it with
our telescopic eyes, the universe is traversed by powerful gravitational
currents displacing great masses of clouds from one side to the other, origin
of the Nebulae. So when God reveals to us that "He created the stars of
the Firmament to separate the Light from the Darkness", He tells us a lot
about how the passage of the Earth through one of those nebular currents would
affect the Solar System. And it reveals to us the nature of the constellational
The Biblical Text is crystal clear. "God created
the stars to separate the light from the darkness," it says. On the First
Day we are told that God created the Light and separated it from the Darkness.
On this Fourth Day of the First Week of the History of the Human Race we are
told that, in fact, having separated the Light from the Darkness, God created
the Heavens to separate the Light from the Darkness. The Text could not be more
direct. That the conclusions that derive from it are exciting and wonderful and
totally opposed to the mentality of the XX century does not mean anything. The
opinion of modern man on the Nature of the Universe does not count. It was not
looking at modern man that God wrote his Revelation to Moses. He who did not
count for God cannot count for his children either. The conclusions they
reached are of no interest to this book nor their opinions to the author. So
let us move on.
The structure of the Universe of Revelation and its
resolution in the mirror of Reality gives us by equality the following. To wit:
The Universe of Genesis is the Milky Way. And it is about the Creation of this
Milky Way: "God created the Heavens to separate the Earth from the realm
of the Galaxies". Physical necessity that is inferred from the study of the
Heavens, and from whose phenomena it is seen that on the other side of the
Heavens powerful currents and winds run through the Cosmos. There are the
astronomical images to speak with the power of a thousand words to a picture.
Their beauty however should not cloud the clarity of our intelligence when
interpreting the events that are their cause. The physical function of the star
clusters that surround us is that of the net that traps everything that the
current drags and cuts off the intergalactic clouds from the interior of the
constellational system around which they are distributed. Let us now put on a
scientific basis the divine declaration that the heavens were created to erect
between the Earth and the world of the galaxies a wall of protection.
The description, then, of the General Cosmological
Space that we have inherited draws for us a Universe-Galaxy that moves and
interacts with the other bodies through general laws. This fits perfectly with
the expansion to infinity of Matter suggested by the Idea of Creation. The need
to understand why God created the Heavens to protect the Earth from the General
Cosmic Motion implies the answer to the relationship between God and that
Multiplication of Matter to infinity. And the answer to this question leads us
directly to that other question to which the genius of the twentieth century
wanted to answer with his cosmological theory, namely: Before the beginning
what? A question that in turn leads us directly to ask ourselves what part God
had in this Principle of principles and what He was before this General
Cosmological Principle. A matter that forces us to enter into Theology but
always preserving the scientific attitude that until now has been maintained as
the language of understanding between Creation and us.
Before Creation was Creation and before the Creator
was God. God declares Himself Eternal and about His Age there is nothing to
say. But He also confesses: "Before me there was no God formed, there will
be none after me". So knowing that God is Eternal and therefore the
Formation of which he speaks could not touch his Nature, it follows that this
Formation referred to his Intelligence, which is the part of Being that grows
and develops in time. Logical conclusion that puts in one place the Knowledge of
the Science of Creation and in the other the Being that had all the Natural
Attributes to God. When these two things were united and became one, then God
became the Creator and Reality its Creation.
When and how this cosmological revolution took place I
have touched upon in the Story of Jesus. There I entered into the subject of
the History of Creation and developed its great moments. I seem to remember
saying that the Creator was made because he was in God. More or less what I
meant is that if Intelligence without Power is not sufficient to transform
Reality, neither does Power without Intelligence have that faculty. And I
stated there that Power was in God and Intelligence in the Increasing Force,
Origin of all things. I remember setting Eternity and Infinity against each
other but not against God. And to have related that uncreated relationship
speaking of the Infancy of the Divine Being. And this Infancy from the point of
view of the revolution that led God to become the Origin of all new things. In
relation to which process He spoke of Himself saying that He was formed. A
process of Formation that can only be understood as carried out by the Infinite
and Eternity as uncreated realities that had in God the star of all that moved
and was made. And once the Creator was formed in God, the revolution that was
to make God, the Infinite and Eternity one and the same thing was consummated.
Roughly speaking.
From this ontological revolution that integrated God,
Space, Time and Matter arises the concept of the General Cosmological
Principle, that is, the event that marked a Before and an After. Thinking of
which the genius of the twentieth century spoke of a Big Bang, and I in the
Divine History started from a natural creative activity in which God
transformed Reality starting from the very structure of Reality. That is to
say, there was destruction of a previous cosmos and transformation of that
cosmos into a new one, which, like everything that begins, started from an
event or General Cosmological Principle. General Cosmological Principle that
irreversibly marked the Before and the After. The question is how God gave
birth to this Principle of which the beginning of our Universe in particular is
a fragment of the historical sequence that set that Event in motion.
The answer to this question requires speaking of the
fundamental laws of the Motion of Multiplication of Cosmic Matter which had
been at work since Eternity. Only, unlike the Uncreated Cosmos, which involved
the Infinite in this Multiplication, since the Movement had its Origin in God,
this Movement was revolutionized and carried out by transforming fields of
matter into cosmic energy and this cosmic energy into astrophysical matter. To
understand this phenomenology, let us take hold of the quantum nature of atomic
Both at the level of laboratory observation and in
particle accelerators, the reproduction of matter has its origin in the
elevation of the dynamic energy that transforms the relation of the particle
with the field in which it moves. From the very birth of quantum physics it was
observed that the growth of mass requires the increase of kinetic energy, a
relationship that Einstein tried to capture in his famous energy equation. But
if in the atom in its natural environment the particle responds to the increase
of its velocity by transforming the difference into mass, and the same happens
in an accelerator, if we remove the velocity limit from the equation and
proceed to extract the particle from its environment, giving it the notes of
cosmic energy in free flight in a space without electromagnetic reference: that
particle will continue transforming the difference of velocity into mass.
Assuming the case that we put an accumulation of paths to infinity, we already
have the jump from quantum matter to astrophysics. This was the natural
uncreated process.
God revolutionized this process by concentrating the
path into a field where mathematical time bends and physical space falls toward
the center. Simulating a ring accelerator such that
from the outside it creates a spiral on the surface of an hourglass, where each
fragment maintains the speed of acceleration regardless of mass: at the height
when the beam reaches the center, i.e. the mouth of
the hourglass, the beam jumps to the other side by exploding at the origin of
the stars. This is the phenomenon that I call Astrophysical Implosion, a
phenomenon that marks the birth of galaxies and stars.
Since an individual star can give rise to an unlimited
number of cosmic energy beams, the reproduction of matter to infinity is a
reality that comes from Eternity. What differentiates this multiplication to
infinity is that Before it demanded the Infinite as a track of transformation
and After the same process is reproduced on space-time fields deployed by God
at the borders of the Cosmos. This makes the Cosmos a more massive entity and
offers General Space a higher density of matter, which is why the Cosmos
marvels us with new galactic creatures every day that Hubble opens its eyes.
Creation is continuous and its expansion is constant.
This process of multiplication of cosmic matter from a
General Cosmological Principle can be compared to a chain reaction that never
ends and amplifies its radius of action and extension as time grows from the center to the frontiers. Our telescopic eyes allow us to
admire the movement of galaxies within this constantly expanding Cosmic General
Space. And also to adjust the laws of gravity to the galactic creatures, from
whose action we observe how they attract and accumulate; classical law to which
we have to add the law of electrodynamic forces, thanks to which the
concentration of the total mass in a point is a physical impossibility to
reach. Extraordinary reason for which the movement of the atoms of a hot gas
inside a container is that which corresponds to the General Cosmological
The creation of galaxies as autonomous phenomenology,
activated by God through the constant feeding of the transforming field of
cosmic energy into astrophysical matter, leads us directly to discover the
Cosmos as a field of raw material from which God extracts the necessary matter
to erect his Works. Among which our Universe is one of them. It has not been
the first, nor will it be the last. The word of God in this respect is firm:
"Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of himself, but what
he sees the Father doing; for whatever the Father does, the Son also does. For
the Father loves the Son, and shows Him all that He does, and will show Him
even greater works than these, so that you may be astonished". The
theological derivations could not be clearer.
But why does a beam of cosmic energy not grow to
infinity once the limit of the speed of light has been swept away? The origin
of astrophysical matter being in the jump of cosmic energy and this jump being
conditioned by the transformation of kinetic energy into mass, why, once a
flight track simulating the vacuum has been created, does the transformation
not continue to infinity? Does a projectile fired in the vacuum not tend to
acquire infinite velocity if the time given to it is eternal? Why then does a
dark body of infinite mass not exist? In short: What kind of safety mechanism
is it that puts limits to the jump from cosmic energy to astrophysical matter?
The answer is given by experience. The leap to
infinity collides with the critical point of growth, or Astrophysical Implosion
Point, from which the stellar body transforms the energy it absorbs into light.
In this way, even if the matter-energy system had a free way,
the own dynamic weight of the creative process leads it to a point where the
transformation into mass gives way to the transformation into light. And the
cycle continues. This critical point, then, is in the nature of general matter
and is preserved in the whole course of the leap, both from quantum to sidereal
and from astrophysics to cosmic. Another thing will be to determine how this
hard core, the real actor of the interdimensional leap, works and to what
extent its working revolutions accelerate or decelerate. And so other questions
that have to do with the creative leap itself. As for example what happens when
the created galactic mass has consumed the energy of the space-time field. And
other things more. We also observe in General Cosmic Space how galaxies follow
the natural pattern of a stream coming out of the mouth of an hourglass moving
on its axis. Comparing the spiral arms to jets of astrophysical energy launched
by centrifugal forces into General Cosmic Space opens up the range of galaxies
to the amount of energy concentrated in a moment by a transformation field. Moreover,
if we compare these fields with grids in which cosmic energy falls in
alternative streams the above range fans out and what we have seen so far is
but a taste of what is to come. Galactic species grow in eternity to infinity.
And once created, how do galaxies behave, how do they
grow, what is the rule that shapes their entity, how do they conserve kinetic
energy, what is their relationship with the transforming field, and what is the
relationship between this field and the astrophysical gravitational field? Can
we deduce from what we see some laws that help us to understand the nature of
that tree of stellar creatures that is the realm of galaxies? Are we able to
recreate the great laws that govern motion in the General Cosmic Space by
conjugating local physical laws? Why don't the galaxies obey the famous law of
universal gravity? Why do they behave better as swarms of exotic creatures
flying without apparent direction, by north that the wind describes them as
trajectory? From the Brownian motion that they demonstrate to possess, can one
proceed or not to the application of the laws of electrodynamics to the
galaxies, by virtue of whose laws they reject, collide, mix, divide, multiply
and remain always in motion? Does the General Cosmological Motion not ignore
the neutral nature of the universal gravitational field? And this constant
movement of these enormous creatures that move at fantastic speeds through a
Cosmos with eternal vocation, what kind of currents and intergalactic winds
will they not produce? Are not the nebular storms that sweep through our Galaxy
Universe proof of the existence of those intergalactic currents that, raised by
the General Cosmological Movement, carry masses of cosmic matter back and
forth, caused both by the combustion of entire systems and by their existence
before the creation of the General Cosmological Principle? (In short, dealing
with this subject, the questions could pile up one on top of the other until
they create a mountain. That the Cosmology of the twentieth century was
omniscient and discovering a new galaxy with its topoderorous genius could already assign nature, age and distance to it is one of those
wonders of nature that we must subject to analysis, examination and critical
judgment. But not in this book).
Here it is convenient to affirm that the Idea of the
Universe was first the Universe. It is not a question of dogmatizing or
philosophizing. It is not my intention. It is only a question of putting on the
table a reality as natural as that the study of the ground is necessary before
raising any engineering work. Since God knows the laws of his Creation, his
dimensions, his phenomenology and his nature, it is logical and natural that
when considering the construction of a work, he draws lines and makes calculations
thinking about the influence of the terrain on the future of the building, in
this astrophysical case. Better than me who can specify this process of study
and reflection prior to the Creative Act is God himself who inspired Solomon
with these words about his Wisdom: "Yahweh possessed me at the beginning
of his ways, before his works, from of old. From everlasting I was established;
from the beginning, before the earth was. Before the depths, I was begotten;
before the fountains were abundant waters; before the mountains were founded,
before the hills, I was conceived. Before I made the earth, or the fields, or
the first dust of the earth. When he established the heavens; when he drew a
circle on the face of the deep. When he condensed the clouds on high, when he
gave strength to the fountains of the deep. When he set his bounds to the sea,
that the waters should not overflow its bounds. When He laid the foundations of
the earth, I was with Him as an architect, always being His delight, and always
delighting in Him at all times.
The Idea in Mind, all calculations solved, God puts
His hand to the Work. In the case of the Heavens, the first thing He did was,
according to Solomon: "to trace a circle on the face of the abyss".
That is, to mark the territory, to mark the perimeter within whose diameters he
would create the Heavens. That is to say, to specify the dimensions of the
material building by the perimeter assigned to it in Space. The radius and
diameter of that Circle within whose perimeter he intended to create the
Heavens is not a number unknown to us. The reason for this number, from the
knowledge of the nature of the cosmic terrain, is perfectly understandable,
especially having in front of our eyes the photo album that Hubble gives us for
free. Let us not forget that although the astronomical photo is limited to
offering us a punctual freezing of matter in time, the phenomena they produce
are so similar to the phenomena we observe in the local physical world that by
logic we must deduce from what is known what is yet to be known. Do the nebulae
not resemble atmospheric storms? And does it not seem as if giant waves of
energy were lifting them up and hurling them against the stellar systems of our
We have already entered the problem. The galaxies
raise in the General Cosmological Space powerful currents and winds. These move
and follow the directions marked by the galaxies themselves. But we are not
only talking about nebular matter. Here it is necessary to combine the law of
the curvature of light with the flight of cosmic energy. Let's put it another
way. Let's start from a flatter picture. Let us transform the galaxies into
cannons that create cosmic energy. At the same time that they create it, they
shoot it into the General Cosmological Space. We do not abolish the speed of
light within the galactic field; on the contrary, we maintain its limit. And as
it makes its way, as it circles seeking its way out of the galaxy the energy
jet of one star is added to that of the other, resulting in the end in the
projection into General Cosmological Space, not of beams, but of streams of
This phenomenon of multiplication and concentration of
the mass of a particle beam, creating a current that behaves like a hard
nucleus, has been observed in particle accelerators. It has been seen that the
quantum multiplication of matter by the acceleration of the velocity of the
initial beam does not create new dispersed beams, as each one follows its own
Outside the galactic gravitational field the
acceleration of the energy streams released by the galaxy tends to rise as they
move away from its influence, and to continue to grow as they approach the next
galaxy. In this sense the source of origin, the galaxy, behaves as the cannon
in which the beam receives its initial cosmic flight energy, and the General
Cosmological Space as the accelerator in which the beam multiplies and
generates the hard nuclei that create the intergalactic currents at the origin
of the displacements of nebular cosmic matter back and forth. These currents
move in General Cosmological Space the way rivers make their beds by skirting
the foot of mountain ranges and rush in a straight line when the terrain
permits. From our Hubblelian knowledge of the Cosmos
we can deduce the number and variety of streams
moving in intergalactic space, the amount of energy they carry, and the
consequences upon any system that crossed their path without protection against
their wave front.
God's Creation of this structured dynamic form, the
General Cosmological Space transformed into a surface upon which mighty rivers
of cosmic energy paint their beds, the end of the path of these streams is the
Ocean! And this Ocean, what else can it be but the external creative field
within which the transformation of cosmic energy into astrophysical matter
takes place? But before reaching their destination, during the journey from
their source-canyons of origin to the Ocean transforming the cosmic currents
into astrophysical matter, these cosmic currents behave like true cyclones.
Like the river in whose current an old tree falls and is swept downstream, in
the same way the cosmic currents move from one place to another the
intergalactic nebular matter. And in the same way that the wind follows its
course as it approaches the mountain, but unloads its load on it, in the same
way the rivers of cosmic energy do the same on the galaxies they border.
Obviously we cannot detect these currents, but we can deduce them from our
knowledge of matter and from what we see with the eyes of the Hubble.
Our Universe-Galaxy, the Milky Way, is related to the
rest of Creation following the parameters of this General Cosmological Motion.
Seen from the outside, our universe behaves like the mountain on which the
cosmos discharges its clouds and from whose entrails flows a new source of
electromagnetic water that extends its bed over the cosmic field, acquires its
intergalactic tributaries and advances among the galaxies until it reaches its
destination. The origin of the Nebulae is in this game of interaction in front
of which and thinking of its dimensions God gave to our Universe his own.
The Creative
Intelligence involved itself in the game of actions-reactions by erecting a
Universe designed to resist the weight of cosmological currents. That is to
say, God erected the universal edifice endowed with all the physical mechanisms
necessary to overcome the consequences of the earthquake that his own creation
would provoke. God also knew that, like soldiers falling in the vanguard of
combat, many stars outside our Universe would succumb under the thrust of the
intergalactic currents. What we call Novas and
Supernovas are those warriors that have fallen in combat and disintegrate in
fabulous explosions, in turn cradle of the comets and meteorites that cross the
Heavens. Let us stop for a moment in the origin of the Novas and Supernovae. And from the amount of physical energy that a hard nucleus is
capable of putting on the ground, given the similarity between the general
cosmological space and a particle accelerator: if we raise the process to the
astrophysical dimension and apply the law of mutual influence between field and
light we have to conclude by saying that a galactic field reacts to the curving
action of the trajectory of cosmic currents by accelerating the rotation rate
of its external stellar belt. Let us develop this behavior.
As we see in God's Creation all the systems of a
galactic body add up their fields and create a general field that reacts as a
whole to the outside. I have compared before this general field with an ocean
starting from the Revelation. Assuming this similarity and from the comparison
of the universal field with the volume contained in a glass of water, the
action of the cosmic currents on the gravitational field is translated into the
reaction of the water to the movement of the hand that introduces its finger and
turns it. Since every liquid body has its own motion, natural to the body which
contains it, the acceleration from the outside must affect it in the external
zones, from where it runs inward, if necessary.
Naturally all the bodies of a system do not react in
the same way to an external force. In the case of stellar systems this simple
law is the daily bread. And since the transformation of gravity into light
depends on the speed of rotation of the system, which is affected by the
encounter with cosmic currents, the external stellar systems, when exposed to
the action of the finger on the water, are constantly accelerated, a reaction
that some stars carry perfectly and others cannot withstand beyond a critical
limit. Once this limit is reached, the systemic safety brake is broken and the
system escapes from the internal control and is headed to its destruction. The
result is the Nova explosion. Speaking of an individual star. And if the star
gives rise to a chain reaction that drags its entire system to destruction by
the heat generated as a result of the accelerated combustion of gravity, we
will speak of Supernova.
The experience is the one that speaks. The photo, the
one that demonstrates. And reality is what convinces. Let us imagine that we
have an immense ball, we want it to spin by pushing it and we cannot; we call
more to our aid and we join in until we force it to spin. Once it is spinning,
the force needed to keep its rotation constant will be less, so that the effect
of the same force on the same ball will be greater as its speed increases. This
simple game we raise it at this point to the relationship between a star and
its gravity field. And we agree that the rotation of a gravitational field is
similar to that of a solid body in which the star occupies the nucleus. Then we
compare the action of the cosmic current on this body with that of the force of
the hand on the ball. And we already have the physical effect on the origin of
the novae. Always agreeing before that the curvature of a cosmic current, like
that of light, would not take place if this current had no mass. If it had no
mass, it would have no weight, and if it had no weight and no mass, the
phenomenon of the curvature of light could not exist. From the point of view of
optics, the bending of cosmic energy when it comes into contact with a
gravitational field can be compared with the refraction of light. The
trajectory of comets as they pass through the Sun helps us to discover the
optical structure of the curvature described by cosmic energy as it passes
through a gravitational field. But if, unlike cosmic energy, its curvature is
not touched, in the case of comets we do have the answer that transforms the
gravitational field into a reality that behaves for physical purposes as a
body. And as such it rotates with the star to which it belongs.
Knowing that the age of the stars is measured by the
time they take to consume the energy of their gravitational field, a process of
consumption subject to the speed of work of the transformer, logic leads us to
believe in the existence of a regulating law between the revolutions of work
and the time of life of the system. The question that concerns us here is how
to accelerate the working revolutions of the astrophysical transformer to the
point of reducing its life to the minimum possible time. Logic tells us that
there is only one way, and that is by causing the field to be excited to
infinity in the way that the liquid contained in a container overflows by a
centrifugal action. Isn't this the cumulative action of forces in front of the
big ball we were talking about? Well, we are talking about currents that move
in response to the stimuli of the galactic fields and the excitation of the
same under those responses: the level of excitation provoked will speak of the
intensification of the production of light. The higher the excitation, the
higher the intensity of production and the shorter the lifetime of the system.
The phenomena of cyclic and atypical intensification of stellar systems must be
related to this universal behavior.
Summarizing: In the case of novae and supernovae the
excitation refers to the elevation of the rate of transformation to infinity.
Out of control of the natural braking mechanisms of gravitational systems, the
rotation of the star and the field are triggered and interact until they are
consumed, leaving a number of millions of years reduced to a matter of seconds.
If we speak of a simple astrophysical system we will speak of Novas. And if it is a whole multiple system that falls into
this dynamic we will speak of Supernovae. Both take place in the outer
constellational belts, which are the most exposed to intergalactic currents.
These Novas and Supernovae in the origin of comets,
comets are projected as cannon projectiles that grow in destructive power as
they accumulate traveled space.
And concluding: These three fronts of action in mind -
Nebulae, Novas and Comets - God structured the
constellational distribution around the Solar System simulating a gravitational
crystal lattice against whose solidity to disintegrate the danger of
interruption of the Evolution of the Tree of Life on Earth. The marvelous positive results at the sight of reality should
not blur the eyes of our intelligence at the time of seeing that according to
the astronomical dimensions God traced that Circle on the Face of the Abyss of
which Solomon spoke to us in his Wisdom. What the wise and peaceful king par
excellence saw with the eyes of his Wisdom, we, thank God, see with the eyes of
our face. Clusters and superclusters in the outer belt, and open clusters and
multiple systems in the inner belt, combine this constellational gravitational
crystal lattice about which there is still so much to say. Let us begin by
solving the mystery of the Origin of the Heavens.
We enter upon one of the great questions, the origin
of the stars of the Firmament. The answer I believe has already been sketched
in the preceding sections. The production of stars, insofar as it is the goal
of the existence of the galaxies, leads to the transformation of the Cosmos
into the field of raw material from which God extracts the matter with which to
make his Works. Constant the creation of galaxies, the total mass of raw
material that the cosmic field puts at the service of God to carry out any Work
has no limits. Another thing will be how God extracts that stellar matter and
transports it from its regions of origin to the Universe. We, knowing that the
way of doing things always depends on the Power of the one who does them, and
that the imagination to do things is in direct relation with the Intelligence
of the one who plans to do them, we can speak of great rivers running through
the intergalactic plains, as the Lord of the Galaxies considers best and
according to his work needs. What other name can we give to the one who creates
and governs them? Or how will we submit to our criteria the laws that govern
them and the ways of behavior of the galaxies and
their seas of stars before the action of their Creator on their bodies? How
could we dare to compare our way of living, feeling, breathing, thinking,
walking, working, projecting, touching, loving, treating, ordering, laughing,
calculating... with those of that Being at the Origin of the Cosmos? From the
natural limits to its reality, how could the creature judge its Creator without
proving to be exercising an act of madness? The beginning and the end of human
intelligence is admiration; it is born from the admiration of Creation to end
in the admiration of its Creator. Whatever else is said comes from that seed
that was not in Man and was sown in his being by a force foreign to God's
Creation, which is a matter for Theology. In any case, the great question of
Origin leads us directly to the other great question: the Constitution of the
From what has been read up to this point it follows
that the Universe and the Cosmos are two different things. These two things
united form the Creation of God, and within this one thing is the Cosmos and
another thing is the Universe. The Cosmos is the field of raw material from
which God makes use of and, with the freedom of the one who is the Lord, takes
all the necessary materials to carry out his Works. As for the Universe, the
Universe is the stellar field where God carries out these Works. When Moses
speaks of the Creation of the Universe, he was referring to this stellar field.
Whose Origin, as we have seen, is in that cosmological field from which God
makes rivers of stars derive that run through the intergalactic plains and come
to flow into this universal ocean in whose waters the Tree of Life took root.
Tree of life about which there is much to say, especially at this point in its
history. On the Constitution of the Universe, however, not everything has been
Obviously Moses speaks in his Account of the Creation
of our Heavens. And in doing so he places us before a Reality: God is its
Creator. Reality that leads us to another reality: Eternity, that Eternity that
implies Infinity. Realities of which Humanity is the fruit, but not the only one
of that Tree of Life to which the God of Infinity and Eternity gave the
Universe as a field of Origin and Growth. This final conclusion brings us back
to the revelation of the Son of this Creator and Lord of the Cosmos and the
Universe: "The Father shows the Son all that he does and will show him
greater Works than these, so that you will be astonished". Using the
plural when speaking of the Past as a reflection of the Future, the Son of God
reveals to us that our Heavens and our Earth, in short, that Humanity is not
the first Harvest that the Tree of Life has given. This affirmation closes the
dilemma about life in the Universe. And the fact is that Man is not the first
and will not be the last Fruit of this Tree. Before Man other worlds were
already created and after Man new worlds will be born from the branches of the
Tree of Life. "The children of God" spoken of in the Bible are the
fruit of those Works about which the Son declared to us that the Father does.
About the regions of origin in the Universe of such "sons of God" is
not a matter of digression. The fact is that the knowledge of their existence
leads us to a new way of considering the Constitution of the Heavens and of the
Universe in general.
And this way has to do with the Conception of the Universe.
That is, when God conceived it in His Mind, what was the Idea that gave it its
Origin? Did He create it to be a field in which a house is erected and when it
falls down because it is old, it is thrown down and another one is erected? Or
did He create it to be built up with time in the way that one who has a land
cultivates and transforms it as time goes by? Did He create the Heavens that
surround the Earth and are the cradle of the Human Race to be swept away by
time from the Universe or did He create the Heavens to remain eternally?
And considering this last alternative and knowing that
the creation of a World introduces in the Universe a set of constitutional
problems of astronomical magnitude, as we have seen in the previous sections,
is not the Universe a field continuously subject to a creative definition of
its regions by reason of the transformation of those regions into zones of
Origin of Worlds? Let us return to the Principle of the Universe to better
define this constant creation of universal geography.
The Cosmos being created as a region producing
Galaxies, and these being factories of stars, God thinks of Life and conceives
a stellar ocean that will continually grow, and under whose Waters Life will
take root, unfold its Tree, and bear its Fruit. So God opens the Principle of
the origins of the Worlds by directing rivers of stars from all parts of the
cosmic field, which cross from their sources in the galactic mountain ranges
the cosmological plains and flow into a concrete space, where they create an
Ocean of stars, the Universe. Universe in principle amorphous and somehow wild
in which the clusters and superclusters associate and dissociate and the
stellar currents move subject to the forces deployed in the interior of this
Ocean of stars that have flowed into the shores of the Universe. But the end of
this movement is to sow Life and to gather its Fruit; the horizon that God
tends to the Universe is the Infinite; and the age is Eternity. So during each
Creative Act he extends his Hand over a Zone of the Universe and gives it form,
sculpts it, identifies it, gives it properties, giving form to the amorphous,
making identifiable that which had no identity of its own. Within this Process
of continuous Creation of the Universe and as a result of this movement our
Heavens were born. The mother question, whether the Heavens of our Firmament
have been created to remain or to be swept out of space like a sand castle at
rising tide has a final decisive answer: by creating them and through their creation
God gave form and identity to a region of the General Universe. I believe that
in his Book he sowed the expression: the Heavens of the Heavens, where the
Universe is identified with the Heavens, dwelling place of many heavens, each
one of these, in the image and likeness of ours, cradle and origin of other
worlds that were and others that will be, each one with its singular region.
This aspect leads us to another question: Navigation through the Universe.
The tendency of growth to infinity that God has given
to the Universe supposes and implies the necessity of a universal cosmography
that allows the interior navigation by means of the identification at a
distance of the regions that compose it. God is free and powerful to do what
the tide does with the sand castle, but he did not conceive the Universe in
this way. He could have collected in a book the History and celestial
Constitution of each World, but in His Mind what He conceived was that this
History and Constitution would remain eternally, the Heavens becoming the
letters of that universal Book where each Chapter deals with the Creation of a
World and its things. Are not the lines on which the stars are arranged
beautiful to write this message to the human creature: Infinity + Eternity =
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