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1. Origins.

Thus, all the things that affect us and compose the History of the Fullness of Nations had their beginning in another World, in another place of the Universe, in a World located beyond the stars of the Heavens, right in the heart of the kingdom of the galaxies. There, right in the center of His Creation, God created His World; the World from which His Son descended to ours and to which He returned after His Resurrection.

Many times the Son of God said it, but his words did not find ears that paid attention to him nor intelligence that understood his message. One of the times He spoke most clearly about His World of origin was in the presence of Pontius Pilate. "My kingdom is not of this world; if my kingdom were of this world, my ministers would have fought to keep it from being handed over to the Jews, but my kingdom is not from here."

On other occasions Jesus returned to the subject of His Origin and did not hesitate to make it clear that He was from another World, that He had left His World and had come down to ours to free us from Ignorance and lead us to Wisdom. In the Third Chapter of the Heart of Mary I touched on the theme of the Origin of Heaven, that World from which the Son of God came. I tried to recall as far as possible his Chronicles and I traced his Wars to the point that directly affects us.

I believe I said then that God created the World from which he sent us his Son to be his House, his Homeland, his Country, his Property, his Paradise. And he created it in everything to his measure and to his taste. For frontiers He gave it the Ortho that flies on the wings of the Infinite, for the future He gave it the Morning that always dawns and lives forever in the eyes of Eternity. That is to say, He created it in the image and likeness of the Idea that was bubbling in His Mind about the Nature and Constitution of the New Cosmos that He was about to raise immediately after finishing the creation of His World.

The Idea of the Cosmos that God had in His Mind before He got His hands on the Universal Reality can be defined by two main notes; one, expansion ad infinitum of its frontiers; and two, evolution ad eternum of its future. Determined to be the Origin of this New Universal Reality, fruit of the fusion of Space and Time in a material Nucleus, geographical center of the New Cosmos, God gave that Nucleus a body, endowed it with its own nature, with its own singular, unique and unrepeatable specificity.

Born to be the geographic heart of his Creation, the point of intersection between the two uncreated vectors, Infinity and Eternity, God materialized its existence and endowed its body with the Indestructibility natural to his own Being. He also endowed his body with the capacity for material growth connatural to Space and Time. That World was to be his World, his Home, his Homeland, his Paradise, his Property, his Country, his Land, his All, what HE never had. God was always a nomad in Eternity, an adventurer in Infinity. Now He was going to create what He never had, His House, His World, and He was going to create it without limits of means or lack of imagination.

And so he did.

How he did it does not matter. In the case of the creation of our Universe the How does matter. In the Introduction to Cosmology of the 21st Century I touched on this subject. In the Story of Jesus I said that we will have the whole eternal life to know this World whose Origin we are dealing with in this book. Which leads me to state what I have already stated elsewhere, that there are things that are within our sphere of knowledge and others, such as the Birth of the Father and the Son, and the creation of this World born to be the Homeland of its Creator, that escape the physical comprehension of our intelligence.

To affirm in the style of the ancients, although they preferred to be called modern, that what we cannot comprehend does not exist, is a declaration of war against God. We are creatures, animated with intelligence by reason of the Intelligence of the one who created us, and in spite of our Creator having given our intelligence his Omniscience as a limit to our intelligence, we must not forget that there are things that are beyond the domain of the physical sciences, that only to the vital experience corresponds their existence. In this case we speak of Wisdom. The error, the beginning of the madness of the ancients, no matter how much they demanded to be called modern, was to want to subject Wisdom to Science.

Then, in order not to lose us, God raised in the heart of his World a Mount. And on its summit a City was built. But knowing that it is not twelve walls that make a House, but those who live within, he dreamed of Brothers, Friends, Sons. Such is the origin of the gods of Heaven.

It came to pass then that God begot from his Being; and in Fatherhood he found his mind and heart perfect happiness. He presented his Son to the gods, and they worshipped him.

Then God began to create the Universe. The Galaxies placed their fields of stars at the service of their Lord; from the summits of their distant mountain ranges, rivers of suns made their way through the sidereal plains. As one who to the impetuous, fresh and joyful flow gives for a machine head a gravitational wave front those luminous beds began to descend from all the heights of the Cosmos.

This is the origin of the Universe. Like gravitational ropes dragging a train of suns of all magnitudes and colors those rivers of stars flowed into the ocean of the constellations of the Heavens. And thus was the Universe created.


2. The ancient gods

As time went by, Heaven became a Kingdom, the Kingdom became an Empire. The House of God was filled with sons, all beautiful, all princes, each of them king of his people. For when the Universe was created, God sowed the seed of the Tree of Life in its waters, and from its constellational depths Life conceived a World, two Worlds, three Worlds, four Worlds, and even Five were the Worlds created before the Sixth Day of the First week of Creation. On the Sixth God created Man.

This is the origin of the sons of God, the gods of old.


3. The Cradle of Man.

There were Five worlds that God created and led from their places of origin in the Universe to his World, to his Paradise. Man had not yet been created. Nor was the idea of Man yet in the Mind of the Creator

To those who wonder if there is life in the Universe we will say yes; there is us. To those who ask if there was life before us, we will say the same, yes, we were not the first and we will not be the last. If then they ask us in what star, in what part of the Heavens those other Peoples of the Universe dwell, we will tell them that they have their Abodes in the World that God built for Himself, the one that is Above and in the Center of His Creation. We too will have our Abode in that indestructible World, and there Above we will all see each other and share the eternal life for which we were created. However, news forces, so from the Future we will return to the Past, to the Days when Hell sowed the seed of War in Paradise.

Two World Wars ravaged Paradise, but Heaven was never conquered. The great battles for the Throne of the King of kings and Lord of lords are written in the Book of Life; in its pages are described how the Brothers and Sons of God who remained faithful to the Crown of the Only Begotten shattered the strength of the Axis of the Rebels, opened the Seal of Fidelity and the very elements of Nature placed themselves at the service of his beautiful, invincible, wise and strong Arms. As one who borrows the lightning's radiance and with its flashes in his eyes advances against the darkness, or as one who gives the thunder its throat for a tent and turns the sky of its mouth into the firmament through which the horse of the winds runs, or as one who by whip borrows from lightning his mystery and with his electric cords strikes the back of the Beast, so, so was the massive and withering counterattack of the Princes of Heaven against the hosts of Hell who, in the absence of God, had risen against his Empire.

Twice the Dragon was reduced and captured; and twice the Rebels were spared. For in his Father's love God believed that in time his rebellious children would change and as they grew up and matured that tendency to wage war would die out. But seeing that the events that occurred urged Him to make revolutionary decisions: on the Sixth Day of the First Week of the Creation of the Universe, God conceived Man in His mind.


4. The Light.

God created our world by making the Heavens emerge from the bosom of the waters of the stellar ocean. Then He created the Earth. But first was the Idea.

In his Omniscience the Creator does nothing without first weaving in his Intelligence the Building to be constructed. First he plans, solves, draws lines, calculates, overcomes problems, clears up unknowns, sees in virtual movement the end to which his project tends, allows himself to be carried away by his Wisdom and then moves on to action. He relies on his experience to keep all processes under control. If on the fly some element seems to slip out of his hands, he acts accordingly, improvises, takes the necessary decisions and, without disfiguring the Idea, keeps the movement in the original direction established.

Thus, he created the Earth on the borders of the Cosmos, far from Heaven and the Heavens, in the Darkness. He gave the Earth for husband the Sun and for brothers and sisters the Planets.

Sun, Earth and Moon, and all the planetary family, were created from a single nucleus.

Once the solar family was created, God abandoned the Earth in the Darkness to that total and absolute solitude that caused it to feel confused and empty, as he tells us in his Book. For it happened that, against all expectations, when he went to the Earth to which he made all the promises of the future, his marriage with the Sun signed from the very Origin, sealed with kisses in the Cradle, God took all his family far, far away from the Abyss covered by the Darkness, and abandoned her, the Earth, at the mercy of the forces of the Abyss. The icy darkness of an invincible loneliness got into the Earth's bones, and her teeth chattered with cold.

Alas the Earth, born amidst promises of motherhood in the light of laughter, applause and exclamations of the children of God. Beautiful in her nakedness, beautiful in her smallness. Woe to the dream conceived for her, like that of the child who lives on its mother's dream while its bones and flesh are woven. Woe to that dream. The cold chilled her bones, the winds that swept through the Darkness shook her trembling flesh. Alas my dream, alas my life, my God has left me and abandoned me in the Darkness with no one to defend me. Why have you forsaken me, my God? Why did you promise me the ocean, why did you make me dream of the East, the West, the North and the South, why did you dream me mother of so many children, my hands with wings, my hair crowned by a diadem of clouds pregnant with life, my feet of snow breathing spring over green valleys, why did you feed me with honey if you had destined me to eat this bitter and thick poison? Alas that I am dying, alas that I would rather die than live without your dream.

So when her Great Spirit returned to look for her, the Earth was confused and empty because He was nowhere to be seen. When He returned, the Light was made. It was like this.

God spread a field of forces that surrounded the Earth and its surface was transformed into a sea of living lava. We are talking about the Melting of the Primal Crust of our planet. From the bowels of that sea of living lava emerged the Primordial Atmosphere. Eventually the Earth's crust cooled and that atmosphere became a mantle of ice that covered the entire sphericity of our planet from north pole to south pole. Such a mantle of ice was "the light".

This is the origin of the ladder of the natural elements. (In the Introduction to Cosmology of the 21st Century the subject of the Creative Physics of the Biosphere is touched upon in due depth). This is the History of the Earth.


5. The Firmament.

The embrace of the Omnipotent. Oh, the warm embrace of the Almighty. The warmth of your muscles, O God, is the warmth of the first kiss between virgin spouses, the warmth of the first word of the father to his baby, wrap me in your breath, my God...Oh the Earth, how many verses, how many lines she wrote in her solitude, each one a white dove crossing the waters in search of the olive twig that kept Noah's hope alive. His joy, his heart unbridled, his pulse unleashed, his nerves vibrating the day the light of the Great Spirit of his Creator shone brightly, crossing the field of galaxies at the speed of thought! His warm Voice, his tender Word, oh brothers and sisters, I can't wait to sprinkle my ears with the balm of the echo of his strings, when his Word breaks the Silence.

And so it was. The Great Spirit returned, embraced her, kissed her, spoke to her, and her Confusion disappeared at once.Wrapped in that Cloak of

forged at temperatures below absolute zeros, a Cloak of Ice product of the Melting of the Primal Crust and Sublimation of the consequent Primal Atmosphere, God separated the Earth from the Darkness and introduced it into the Heavens. He led it to the meeting of the Sun and the Planets. In the heat of the encounter the ice melted and was transformed into Air and Water. Under the Firmament that separated Waters from Waters, the two blocks of ice began their retreat towards the North and South poles. And since then the Firmament is still there, separating the Waters of the everyday seas from the gravitational Waters that fill outer space.

The Firmament in the Word of Genesis is the resulting Atmosphere thus created. Firmament which he also called "sky", the sky of every day, blue, red, white, yellow, orange, violet, purple. Firmament on whose architecture we will have time to enter, and speaking of which we touch its genesis, leaving for another place the foundations of the Biosphere, foundations that will lead us to the definition of the constituent elements of the Ecosphere.


6. The Hand of God.

The waters of the mother ocean continued descending under the Sun. And they continued to go down until they reached the level of the seas. Then, when the waters withdrew to let Life take its course, the imprint of the Creative Hand was engraved in the stone of the oceanic ridges, and on the surface of the imprint of its five fingers the tree of species took root.

This is the origin of life on Earth.


7. The world of birds.

The seas were filled with creatures, so many that they did not fit in the immensity of those waters that circled the world. The level of the waters below the Firmament continued to fall and therefore the pressure rose. Then the Tree of Life crossed the boundary between water and air and the firmament of the heavens was filled with winged and beaked creatures. Other branches touched land directly from water to land; but the world belonged to the birds, which laid their eggs on land and spread inland to the ends of the mountain ranges. So when amphibians began to go beyond the shores and prehistoric bird eggs were given for food, the need to guard the property generated the revolutionary transformation of wings into arms.

This is the origin of all the beasts that give birth.


8. The sons of God.

It lives that evolving men and their families grew up in the forests, from whose borders with the world of the Dinosaurs they saw the gods coming down from the sky. The children of God were distinguished from other creatures because they walked on their legs. And the power that their word exercised over all the beasts was very great. A sui generis instinct was then awakened in men, that of intelligence, and they found in the natural capacity to imitate the gods the way to the dominion of the world. It was then that the sons of God adopted men as disciples.


9. Mesopotamia. The land of the earthly paradise.

God gave each of his children a zone of influence on Earth. According to the Seal that each people had received from its preceptor, the Formation of the Five original Peoples from which the whole human race comes from would logically give rise to five different cultures. The Divine Project was to unify these five cultures into one, from which would emerge the conception of a world kingdom, the original homeland of all future peoples of the human race. The crown of that kingdom would be given by God to the First Man, who would call him Father, and no one could grant this power to himself.

So this process of formation of the peoples of the Earth in progress, coming from different places were found in Mesopotamia, call it Iraq in the current days, an undetermined number of families. They created society, built cities, established social constitution. But they never gave themselves the power to elect a king and to begin by themselves the work of unification of all the peoples of the Earth in a great kingdom. God would give.


10. Adam and Eve.

And he gave. Moved by the Great Spirit a young citizen of that First Mesopotamia left his home and his family. He ended his journey in a virgin corner of that land watered by four rivers.

God gave a new name to his chosen one: Adam. And being there he discovered to him the Future of Humanity as God had woven it in his Prescience in his Mind.

Out of Eden the voice of the Great Spirit had spread the message. The divine election had taken place. The entrance of the king upon the scene was a vision indeed for a short time. A group of young people left their homes and went out to seek him. Among them was Eve.

This is the origin of Abraham, father of Israel.


11. Adam's Achilles heel.

The original human society had not been established on property, lying, or the conquest of power. Everything belonged to God and his priests stored the fruit of labor in the Temple for distribution according to the needs of the families.

The word of a man was law. Man, in the image and likeness of his Creator, never spoke in vain.

This was where his strength lay in the eyes of his Creator, in that innocence which impelled him to believe in the word of his neighbor as if it were his own. Until the son of perdition came along and turned that strength into a target for the sure arrow of his betrayal.


12. Harder would be the vengeance.

Woe to the Snake when the Father of that child returned. The Dragon would be banished from the limits of Creation where the non-being lives a death that never comes and never goes. His plans to force the Great Spirit to turn paradise into a world of gods beyond good and evil were doomed to utter failure.

In God the Father and the Judge are an indivisible whole. Justice and Love are the two Arms of his Great Spirit. To Hell he who loves Hell! Blessed be God and his holy spirit of justice. He cannot bear the sight of all that we have seen and heard, and therefore the whole Creation has been expectantly dreaming of the Day of the glory of the freedom of his children, when at the head of his House the King of Paradise shall rise against what Hell has sown among the children of Earth.

Dance, warriors, the dance of victory in honor of the Invincible. Shake your palms, winds of the North, travel the seas with the news, winds of the West, bring the cry of hope to those who live in the shadows of the East: The King is coming, princes who shine like suns surround him, the army of the paradise of the Good ones sings again at the end of the Night.

Yes, children of Earth, woe to the Rebels for the third time, because they filled the cup of divine patience; in their madness they wanted to transform water not into wine but into poison. The Great Spirit swore then that he would not withdraw his sword until its blade fell upon the head of the murderer and his accursed accomplices. He swore by his honor and his glory that a child born of that Eve would inherit his sword, the sword of the Great Spirit, and with it the Word of God would be fulfilled: He will crush your head.

Do you not see, children of the Great Spirit, the vision that the Eternal Warrior had? What arm, coming out of the clay, could raise with its fist the sword of the Hero of the galaxies that joyfully roam the infinite? The answer is in you because he was among us: The Arm of God, the Arm of his Son, the Arm of Yahweh.

Seeing the vision of his Father, Adam rose from the ground and danced on the remains of his despair the dance of heroes in honor of the Champion that the Great Spirit had chosen for the children of Earth.

This is the origin of Christ.


13. East of Eden.

In the bitterness of despair that rent his soul and tore his mind, Adam saw the history of mankind from fratricide to the last bomb that blew up the Earth and reduced it to mountains of stone vanishing in the smoke of the stars. The horrors he saw so appalled him that he found it impossible to believe that his God and Father would allow such a tragedy.

It then came to pass that Adam was not mistaken.

God felt Satan's betrayal as a stab in the back, as a spear in the heart. With his chosen one dead, the Earth was at the mercy of a Dragon mad to impose his empire from one end of the world to the other, but by his Omniscience and Almighty Power, the Ancient Serpent had just signed his sentence of banishment ad eternum from Heaven, Earth and his entire universe. For his health that a son of that same Adam would rise up to the clouds, raise his arms and drop upon the head of Adam's murderer the Hammer of Vengeance.

Adam and Eve were also banished far from their homeland. Where no one could find them and kill the Child of Prophecy. It was as if they were swallowed up by the earth. God hid them from the wrath of their brethren among the cave-dwelling mountain people, the fur-hunting mountain people of the East.

This is the family tree of the sons of Noah.


14. The first Mesopotamian civil war.

Immediately after the Fall the Cities of ancient times, Ur, Lagash, Kish, Umma... gave themselves kings and each king set out to realize the utopia of the universal kingdom by force.

The rebellious angels opened Pandora's Box, gave our world as a field of action and the long hand of their tentacles reached all nations. It also reached Cain, who killed Abel in a desperate attempt to force God to deliver to him the glory of the prince of avengers.

Consoled by Wisdom, Adam and Eve educated Seth in the Messianic Doctrine of the Patriarchs. No one except God himself knew the time of the Birth.

When those first fratricidal wars ended, the sons of Seth returned to the lost homeland and learned to live together with the other families in equality, without ever forgetting the situation of declared war between Heaven and Hell, and the part that had been assigned to them in the encounter.

The First Man who called God Father was Adam; but by no means Adam was to be the last one whom God would call Son in front of his entire creation.

This is the mythological origin of King David


15. Towards the universal flood.

The known chronicles for the period of the Fall of the City-States and the Era before the Flood are given to us in an arcane form in the archives discovered in the archaeological sites of the Middle East. They speak of royal chronicles, of the divine origin of kingship. They coincide with the Hebrew Genesis in the event of the Flood.

As deduced from the history of that world of myths and heroes, the City-States bought peace at a very high price. The Non-Law by Law, uniting being and non-being in one bombshell, gave the empire of the ancient gods the scepter of the Four Regions. These, the wicked and accursed gods who sowed the tares of their lies from one end of the world to the other, without fear or honor or shame in their guts, not having been satisfied with having declared war on the one they still continued to call Father, offended him to infinity by trampling on a sacred, inviolable law, against whose unbearable crime his Great Spirit suffered in silence the unspeakable. But swallowing his pride, burning his blood, the Divine Warrior endured the suffering, storing in his soul the fire in which those perverse and accursed demons would burn eternally. For if a father out of love for a son allows that son to kill his other brothers, that father is the wicked and perverse demon from whose bosom that wicked son arose. Far from the Divine Paternity such criminal conduct.

Quiet, with clenched teeth, nerves in tension, God suffered the unspeakable the day they stepped on his sacred law on the prohibition of the crossing of cosmic races. Uniting Satan and his cursed brothers to human females, they gave birth to half-man-half-demon creatures who, their entrails ravaged by an immortality that was denied them, sowed the world with destruction, turning the lands into a field of devastation where they could obtain from their demonic parents, by means of human sacrifices, the immortality that was denied to them.

They, the heroes of long ago, were the founders of the bloody religions that ravaged the lands and compared our fathers to beasts, and sacrificed them on the altar of their impossible passions in search of the fountain of eternal youth. Maddened by their condition neither divine nor human, they sowed the world with those wars and gratuitous violence that in their tales and legends the Ancients collected, when for the love of a female a man was capable of setting fire to an entire city, as if in the world that Helen had been the last woman on the face of the earth. Savages, monsters born of cursed seeds, the heroes of ancient times were born to die dragging with them to the grave all those around them, as is evident in the tombs of the Ra and the Ammon of Egypt.

No longer able to bear the presence of that world where bestiality imposed its rule, God chose to terminate that work, to tear it down and start a new one. Whether the Flood affected all the continents in the same way and at the same time is a different matter. If so, each people suffered in its own way.


16. From Noah to Abraham.

The carbon evidence says that the date of the Flood must be placed towards the beginning of the third and end of the fourth millennium before Christ. The reconstruction of history from archaeology adds to the testimony.

Many were saved from the disaster and started again from scratch. During that process of international reconstruction the sons of Noah had the part of the warrior who descends from the mountains to the amphitheater of the Babylonian vanities. The structure of the Akkadian Myth is a copy of the structure of the Hebrew Myth, it is not in vain that many historians have believed to discover in the Gilgamesh of the Sumerian Myth the Jewish Connection.

Let us remember that God promised the sons of Noah invincibility as a rule.

"Your offspring will seize the gates of Hell," He told them. A marvelous and fantastic promise in which the Father of Adam ratified his oath of vengeance against the princes of the underworld.

The cursed demons who were once blessed angels were already celebrating the destruction of the world, and they were already celebrating the final victory over the "son of Eve", of whom they were already laughing before seeing his Birth, when that silent and unknown King, whose Great Spirit did not show any feeling of failure, raised his head and opening his mouth, to the shame and confusion of those who were already celebrating the victory not achieved, repeated his blessed oath: "The son of Man will crush your head; dance while you can, you cursed one".

Noah and his sons came down from the Mountains of the East in army formation. (Let us not forget that the warrior of warriors, Gilgamesh, is attributed a mountain origin in the cuneiform texts). The sons of Noah lived in the cities. They grew and multiplied. The original clan expanded through the cities of Nippur, Uruk, Ebla, Kish, Lagash, Umma, Ur.

In this Ur of the III dynasty lived Abraham's parents when the egomaniacal madness dragged the king of Ur to grant himself the constitutional immunity that was supposed to the gods. But let us reconfigure in outlines the succession of those events.

According to the archaeological elements at our disposal, we can place the date of the Flood at the end of the Fourth Millennium and the beginning of the Third. The so-called Protodynastic Period places its origin in 2,900. This location forces us to place between the catastrophe and the rebirth of the populations a couple of centuries in between.

The city of Kish was the first to emerge from the waters and give itself a king. Soon the city of Uruk entered the dynamic, bringing to history the adventures of its hero and king, Gilgamesh.

After the death of Gilgamesh, the city of Kish regained the Rod of Empire, its king acting among the neighboring cities as arbiter and judge of their disputes. Power that passed to Ur, and then to the city of Lagash, thus placing us in the XXV century B.C. To finally fall into the hands of the city of Umma, whose hero king claimed for himself the empire of Eden.

An empire that would not last long for Umma. The young Sargon, cupbearer of the king of Kish, snatched it from her hands. Sargon rebelled against his king, founded his own imperial city, Akkad, and from Akkad went out to conquer the world.

He conquered it. His sons reigned from about 2278 to about 2193, when the First Barbarians fell upon the Eden empire and spread their anarchy from one end of the Four Regions to the other.

The fall of the Akkad empire brought the classical cities back into the limelight, among which Lagash again came to the fore under the leadership of the famous and legendary Gudea. But it was not this Gudea who liberated the country from the empire of the Barbarians but the coalition of the southern cities led by the king of Uruk, under whose banner we must place Abram's grandparents.

It happened, then, that after the defeat of the Barbarians, the chief Utukhegal wanted to proclaim himself emperor, which the chief Nammu and his council of princes of Ur did not like at all, and declared the logical war of independence. Under this banner, in fact, we can place Abram's parents.

We find ourselves on the border between the two millennia, Third and Second BC.

Let us note, however, that before the discovery of the Sumerian Lost Cities, in the second part of the 19th century, speaking of Nineveh, Ur, Kish, Akkad, Lagash, etc., these Cities and their World, which are part of the Prophetic-Vetero-Testamentary World, these cities and their world, in the opinion of the Science of the 18th and early 19th centuries, never existed, being the Genesis of Moses and the books of the Prophets, dealing from Nebuchadnezzar backwards, pure literary invention, a mythological old wives' tale that the Israelites had pulled out of their sleeves and the Christians had rescued in order to keep the nations in darkness, from which Science was going to pull them all out, especially at the height of the 20th century, a date that scientists signed as the date of the death of Christianity.

But by one of those events that should never happen, but do happen, a generation of mad scientists, as if invested with the power of Jesus Christ to resurrect the dead, set out to resurrect the Lost Cities of Sumer which, until then, were only old wives' tales. The Sayce, Maspero, Rawlingson, etc, burst the dialectics of the historical materialism of the XIX century with the New Science of the Interpretation of the Languages rescued from the Tomb: The Sumerian, the Hittite .... where rested Nineveh, Ur, Kish, Lagash, Akkad, etc, etc, the cities protagonists of the Sumerian Royal List. The relationship between the years of life of the Biblical Genealogies and the years of life of the kings of this List was and still is one of those phenomena that leave you with your mouth open.

Let us remember:


The crown descended from Heaven. Eridu was the royal city chosen by the gods.

Alulim, the first of the kings of Earth, reigned for 28,800 years.

Alalyar, the second of the kings of Earth, reigned for 36,000 years.

In total these 2 kings reigned for 64,800 years. After Eridu fell and the crown passed to Bar Tibira.

Here Enmenluana reigned for 43,200 years.

Enmengalanna reigned for another 28,800 years.

Dumuzi the Shepherd, for 36,000.

These 3 kings totaled 108,000 years. When Bar Tibira fell the crown passed to Larsa.

Ensipadzidana reigned in Larsa for 28,800 years. Then Larsa fell and Sippar took over.

Enmendurana took the crown and reigned for 21,000 years. Sippar fell in turn and Churrupag succeeded him.

Ubar Tutu reigned in Churrupag for 18,600 years. 8 kings for five cities during a period of 241,200 years. Immediately the Universal Flood wiped them off the map. 

Returning to the subject of the discovery of this Sumerian Royal List, it is necessary to say, dealing with the subject of the Recreation of the historical times derived from the Archaeological Revolution of the end of the XIX century, revolution with much greater difference than the Darwinist one, to center the subject, from whose field would come to light the Ideological Nazism, from which would emerge the Hitlerian National Socialism and the Stalinist Socialism as its two most worthy putative sons of the civil war structure at global species level that the ideological Darwinism carried in its extra-scientific formulation; Archaeological Revolution that precisely the two monsters sons of Darwinism, without wanting it, but doing it, buried in silence under the roar of the two world wars that shook the body of the 20th century, and precisely because of that silence to which Archaeology was subjected : The continuation of that Revolution at the end of the 20th century was left in the hands of a school whose prejudices became evident, one of them during the last of the two wars, whose properties we can enumerate in a key word: Anti-Semitism, and the other that had been operating in the German-Anglo-Saxon school since the Reformation: Anti-Catholicism; prejudices that led to the admission of fundamental errors that should have been corrected, but which, thanks to the interregnum of the world wars not only were not corrected, but were also shored up at the level of Universities. Under this law of anti-Semitism any line of research leading to a Hebraic-Mesopotamian relationship was condemned to exile because of its derivation as an argument in favor of Catholicism. Following this anti-scientific line, the successors of the nineteenth-century archaeological school closed their eyes to all the data open to the Hebraic-Mesopotamian connection, in their irrationality inverting the assumptions, such that it was not the other peoples who derived their traditions from the Hebrew Memory but the Hebrews who built their Myths from the Mesopotamian-Babylonian substratum.

The case of the Flood is the most pathetic example served. Not only did they deny, and continue to deny the existence of such a Catastrophe, even when their memory was corroborated by extra-biblical sources, but displaying a null capacity for genius, they annulled the testimony of those sources that corroborated the Bible, arguing that the Bible was based on that Sumerian Mythology, thus perverting the meaning and nature of the Scientific Methodology. Instead of using both sources as door jambs through which to enter and open the way to the interregnum between the First Mesopotamian Kingdom, founded by the Generation of Adam, the Alulim of the Sumerian Royal List, the New Historical School that emerged from the Two Great World Wars limited itself to take for granted the Error of its masters, assuming as a black hole and unfathomable gap the Millennium that went from the Fall of the Kingdom of the Four Rivers to the First Kingdom of the Four Regions.

As for the identification of the Fall of the biblical Adam with the Civil War in which the First Mesopotamian Kingdom was engaged, no more can be said than what is derived from the Bible-Archaeology relationship as far as the German-Anglo-Saxon School is concerned, refusing to see any relation between the Biblical World and Neolithic Mesopotamia, which derives in the Golden Age from which arises the Conception of Civilization as a project of the Future, to be built on the structure of a Kingdom, which would be the first Mesopotamian Kingdom, whose king would be the Alulim of the Sumerian Royal List; and because it did not want and still refuses to reunite the two parts of the Enigma, the material evidence that proceeds to the Identification of both subjects Alulim-Adan, and leads to the Interpretative recreation of the Bible from Universal History, limiting theology to the things of the Doctrine of the Church, has not yet been produced.

Now, it is understood from Universal History that the growth of Humanity from the Iberian-Gallic Mediterranean genius that is observed in the Caves and its Megalithic Monuments, is the one that flows into Mesopotamia, and leaves its traces from Andalusia to the south of Turkey, to finally, integrating its genius with the one that comes from Asia and Africa, to give rise to the Creation of an Open Interracial Population that acquires Consciousness of Being and projects itself into the Future through the Foundation of a Kingdom, whose King, Adam or Alulim, according to the Lists, would sink in the Crime against Humanity that, having been introduced as a norm in his World, leads him to the Policy of Expansion of his Crown by means of War. It is this Policy that God judges according to the Eternal Law and proceeds to the abandonment of the Human Race to its own forces, which, in due course of time, and according to the Law, sinks into the Flood that buries the Lost Cities of Sumer, and unearths the Archaeological Revolution of the XIXth from beneath the mud sea of the Flood.

This should have been the basis from which, having adopted the Sumerian Royal List as the Witness of and not the Source of the Bible, the 4th Millennium B.C. Ancient History Recreation should have made its way to the Golden Age of the Sumerian Neolithic.

Not only was this not done, but it was adopted as a method to erase from the Research any trace that could lead to a relationship of the Biblical Heroes with the Sumerian Heroes. The most pathetic case is that of the Egyptologist Breadsted when he affirms that Moses made use of the monotheistic line of the Heretic Pharaoh to create his Religion. Between the genius and the madman there has always been a very narrow line, in this case trodden, erased and activated for the benefit of the madman, under whose sphere the genius was transformed into an intellectual handicapped, without existential power to continue making use of the Word in the Agora of Wisdom.

In defense of the Historical Sciences, let us say that the obsolete incapacity of Theology to give way, locked in its dogmas of the Creation of Man from a couple and she from his rib, to a proper investigation on the discoveries at the foot of the field, from which to combat anti-Christianity, made this opening of History to the Bible impossible.

This century will see the correction of past errors and will put everyone in his place. In the meantime let us observe how when men began to multiply again the same evils that led the Sumerian City States to Civil War and finally to their destruction, re-emerged.

Next we have the First Period of the Great Chiefs. That is to say, men again confront each other and give themselves Military Chiefs with whom to attack and defend themselves. This Period culminates with the foundation of the first of the reigns, subject to continuous palace revolutions, passing the crown from one family to another, following in this the most general law of History, despotism gives place to absolutism, absolutism to revolution. Despotism returns, absolutism returns, and so on until war becomes the modus vivendi of the aristocratic classes that are created during the twists and turns of time. In concrete terms, the first of the subjects historicized is Enmenbaragesi, of the fourth monarchic period, king of Kish, situated around 2700 B.C., overthrown by Dumizid the Fisherman, successor of Lugalbanda the Shepherd.

First Monarchic Period:

In E-ana the son of Utu, Meskiacgacer, proclaimed himself lord and king and ruled for 324 years. Meskiajgacer disappeared across the sea.

Enmerkar, his son, king of Uruk, who built Uruk, crowned himself king in place of his father Meskiacgacer, and reigned for 420 years. Meskacgacer's dynasty reigned for 745 years.

Period of Great Chiefs:

Lugalbanda the Shepherd did so for 1,200 years.

Dumuzid the Fisherman, from the city of Kuara, reigned for 100 years. He alone captured Enmebaregesi.

Second Monarchic Period:

Gilgamesh, whose father was a ghost, lord of Kulaba, reigned for 126 years.

Ur Nungal, son of Gilgamesh, for 30.

Udul kalama, son of Ur Nungal, for 15 years.

Labacum, 9 years.

Ennuntarahana, 8 years.

 Meche the Blacksmith, did 36 years.

Melenana, 6.

Lugalkitun, 36.

In total 12 kings; who reigned for a period of 2,310 years. At that time the city of Uruk was destroyed and the crown passed to Ur (First Dynasty).

In the city of Ur reigned for 80 years Mesannepada.

 Meskiac Nanna, son of Mesannepada, ruled the city 36 years.

Elulu, 25.

Balulu, 36.

4 kings in total, 171 years their time. The city of Ur was taken and the kingdom passed to the city of Awan.

In Awan 3 kings ruled for 356 years. At the end Awan was defeated and the kingdom returned to the city of Kish.

Second Period of Great Chiefs:

In Kish reigned for 201 years Susuda the Cheat.

Dadasig, 81 years.

Monarchic Period:

Mamagal the Boatman, 360 years.

Kalbum the son of Mamagal, 195 years.

Tuge, 360. Mennuna, son of Tuge, 180.

Third Period of Great Chiefs:

Ibbi-Ea, reigned 290.

Lugalju, 360.

8 kings in total for a period of 3,915 years. Then Kish was defeated and the crown passed to the city of Hamazi.

In Hamazi reigned for 360 years Hadanish. After Hamazi was defeated and the crown returned to Uruk.

In Uruk Enshakanshanna ruled for 60 years.

Lugalure ruled for 120 years. Argandea for 7.

In total 3 kings for 197 years. Uruk was defeated and the kingdom returned to Ur.

UR (Second Dynasty)

Nani ruled Ur for 120 years.

Meshkiac Nanna, Nani's son, ruled for 48 years.

His son, 2.

3 kings for 170 years. Eventually Ur was defeated and the kingdom passed to the city of Adab.

Lugal Anemundu reigned in Adab for 90 years and then the kingdom passed to the city of Mari.

In Mari ruled for 30 years Anbu.

Anbu's son Anba ruled for 17 years.

Bazi was king for 30 years.

Zizi the Cheat, 20.

Limer the Gudu Priest, 30.

Charrumiter, 9.

In total 6 kings in a period of 136 years. Mari fell and power passed to Kish.

Ku Bau the Tavern Keeper ruled Kish for 100 years. The city was defeated and power passed to Akchak.

Here Unzi was crowned and reigned for 30 years.

Undalulu for 6. Urur another 6.

 Puzur Nirac, 20.

Ishu Il, 24.

Chu Sin, son of Ishu Il, 7.

6 kings for 99 years. Akchak was defeated and the kingdom returned to Kish.

Puzur-Sin, the son of Ku Bau the Tavern Keeper was crowned king of Kish and ruled it for 25 years.

Ur-Zababa, the son of Puzur Sin, reigned for 400.

131 were the years of Ku Bau's dynasty.

Simudarra reigned 30.

Usiwatar son of Simudarra, 7.

Ishtar Muti, 11.

Ichme-Chamas, 15.

Naniya the Stonecutter, 7.

7 kings in total for 491 years. At the end the crown passed from Kish to Uruk.

Lugalzagesi reigned in Uruk for 25 years. He was defeated and the throne passed to Akkad.

Sargon, whose father was a gardener, and he himself was cupbearer of Ur Zababa, king of Kish, became independent and founded Akkad, from where he reigned for 56 years.

Rimush, his son, did so for 9.

Manitishu, his elder brother, then reigned for 15.

Naran Sin, son of Manitushu, reigned another 56.

Sharkalisharri, son of Naram Sin, 25.

Total years of Sargon's dynasty, 157. Who was king afterwards?

Irgigi was king, Imi was king, Nanum was king, Ilulu was king and all four reigned 3 years in total.

Dudu did it for 21.

Shu Dudul, his son, 15.

There were 11 kings, 181 years total. At the end Akkad was destroyed and the power passed to Uruk.

In Uruk Ur Nijin was king for 7 years. Ur Gigir, his son, for 6. Kuda, another 6. Puzurili, 5. Ur Utu, 6.

 5 kings, 30 years. Uruk was destroyed and power passed to the Gutis.


Among the Gutis there were no kings, they had their chiefs for 3 years.

Imta was king for 3 years. Inkishush for 6. Sarlabag for another 6. Shulme, 6 also. Silulumesh another 6.Inimbakesh, 5. Duga and Igeshaush, 6 each. Iarlagab, 15. Ibate, only 3. Iarla another 3. Kurum only 1 year. Apil kin, 3. Laerabum, 2. Irarum, 2. Ibranum, 1. Hablum, 2.Puzur Sin, son of Hablum, 7. Iarlaganda, 7. Tiriga, 40 days.

21 kings; 124 years and 40 days. The Gutis were defeated and power passed to Uruk.

In Uruk, Utukhegal reigned for 7 years, 6 months and 15 days. At the end he was defeated and the kingdom passed to Ur.

UR (Third Dynasty)

In Ur, Ur Nammu reigned for 18 years.

 Shulgi, his son, for 46 years.

Amar Sin, his son, 9 years.

Shu Sin, another 9.

Ibbi Sin, 24.

4 kings, 108 years. At last Ur was destroyed, the foundations of Sumer shook and the crown passed to Isin.

Ishbi Erra reigned in Isin for 33 years. Shu Ilishu for 20. Iddin Dagan, 21. Ishme Dagan, 20. Lipit Istar, 11. Ur Ninurta, 28. Bur Sin, 5. Lipit-Enlil, 5. Erra Imitti, 8. Enlil Bani, 24. Zambiya, 3. Iter Pisha, 4. Urdul kuga, 4. Sin Magir, 11.

14 kings, 203 years.

A total of 39 kings for 14,409 years, 3 months and 3 and a half days, 4 times in Kish.

A total of 22 kings for 2,610 years, 6 months and 15 days, 5 times in Uruk.

A total of 12 kings for 396 years, 3 times in Ur.

A total of 3 kings for 356 years only once in Awan.

A total of 1 king for 420 years only once in Hamazi.

A total of 12 kings for 197 years, once in Akkad.

A total of 21 kings for 125 years and 40 days among the Gutis.

A total of 11 kings for 159 years in Isin.

There were 11 royal cities.

A total of 134 kings for 28,876 years.


17. Abraham.


The structure of the facts allows us to believe that Nahor, grandfather of Abram, was one of the chiefs of Ur who, under the leadership of Utukhegal of Uruk, freed the country from the anarchy in which the Barbarians plunged it. But let us stop this relation to emphasize the phenomenon of time. We speak of thousands of years for a dynasty and reign. It is the same phenomenon that we observe in the biblical genealogies of the Patriarchs before Noah.

This phenomenon shows us two things; the first, that the method of counting the time of those generations of the Fourth Millennium and Fifth Millennium B.C. is not the method that we have known during the Third Millennium and onwards, and under which we are governed today.

And the second thing is: that deriving from this connection it is understood that the First Kingdom known to our World, whose crown rested on Adam, the Sumerian Alulim, father of Noah, and the Sumerians were the same People, from which the Descendants of Noah broke away until they created their own Nation.

Having said this, we return to the Time line.

When the Gutis were defeated by the coalition led by Utukhegal, Terach, Abram's father, following this line, participated in the coalition of the princes of Ur, which under the leadership of Nammu rose against the tyranny to which Utukhegal later abandoned himself.

The victory of the coalition of Ur allowed the sons of Nammu to take the crown. A crown that soon succumbed to the paroxysm of perversity when his successor, Shulgi, declared himself god on earth.

Let us say that one suddenly returned to the days before the Flood, when the heroes of very ancient times proclaimed themselves to be authentic and genuine sons of the gods and claimed for themselves all the rights of divinity. Was it not their religions and their exploits that led the nations to ruin?

Under the reign of the sons of Nammu, reigning in Ur Shulgi and his brothers our Abraham abandoned his native city. Not being able to bear any longer that egolatry Abraham left Ur. Curiously without encountering any resistance.

The facts leave little room for doubt. By the force that the army of cattle soldiers under Abraham's command subsequently demonstrated, everything indicates that the son of Terach was in the eye of the hurricane of the civil war that the divinization of Shulgi put on the table. Had his God not mediated, Teraj's son would surely have led the coup d'état against Nammu's son. Another cock would have counted then in Ur. The army of Terach's son would have decided the fate of the city.

When Abraham therefore left Ur the son of Nammu saw his most dangerous enemy depart. The voluntary exile of the son of Terach reduced the opposition to his dynasty to the minimum possible expression.

And thus it was how at the head of a powerful army of warrior-shepherds Abraham went up the banks of the Western river without anyone who dared to confront him. He entered Syria from the north, a no man's land open to shepherding and banditry.

The Bible says that Abraham fought against five kings together. And he always triumphed. And he continued to triumph. Neither did Pharaoh dare to consummate his audacity. What happened to his announced marriage with the wife of the Son of Noah? An army of battle hardened men moving at the sound of one man's word when was it ever an easy enemy.

As for the approximate date of the pilgrimage of Abraham and his son Isaac through the lands of the Middle East, the famines spoken of in the Bible and the famines that plagued the reign of the sons of Nammu, especially during the reign of Ibbi Sin, between 2028 and 2004, serve as a point of their location on the timeline.

The presence of Abraham and his son among the Amorites, an enemy people of Ur, with whom Abraham's relations were typical of the enemy of my enemy is my friend, opens our eyes to the geopolitical situation in which Isaac's father moved. It also confirms us in the chronological limits between which we have placed Abraham and his son.


18. Israel.

Incomprehensible a decision that could have stained his reputation with the fame of cowards, Abraham preferred the wisdom of his God to that of men. His theological position did not admit mutilations or revisions. The time of the son of Eve had not come. This was his truth. The other - to believe that the story of Paradise Lost was just that, an old wives' tale - for Abraham was Satan's temptation.

Indeed, impatience was the mother of Cain's sin. Ignorance, not wisdom, was the engine of his crime. The one who swore vengeance retained the right to put a number on the day of the death match between the son of Eve and Satan. It was up to God to say when and how. He says and the whole creation writes: And so it was done. In his word is life.

"Count the stars of heaven if you can, so numerous will I make your descendants."

Where are the descendants of the House of Nammu?

After the death of Isaac, during the lifetime of Jacob, father of Joseph, famine again struck the lands of the Ancient Near East. During those famines that ravaged the known universe, the settlement of a powerful Hebrew Clan on the Nile has been discovered in the papyri.

The Jewish Connection introduces Joseph in the social movements that the famines caused in the Court of Pharaoh.

With Joseph, Providence entered Egypt. It is understood that in gratitude Pharaoh and his court allowed the brothers of Providence to settle on the bank of the Nile that they liked best.

With Providence at home, farewell to bad times.


19. Moses.

We have located the Abrahamic period during the III Dynasty of Ur, between the two extreme points of the XXI century. And we have seen how in the pharaonic records of the Middle Empire, in the reign of Amenemhat II, between 1929 and 1895, the Asiatic tribes began to enter Egypt, moving further and further south.

It was in the chronicles of Sesostris II, successor of the previous one, that there is already a firm record of this immigration of Asian tribes in the empire. But the point of interest that attracts our attention are the famines that devastated Egypt during the reign of Mentuhotep III. Famines that connect us with the History of Joseph, allowing us to situate the entry of the Hebrews into the Land of the Nile at the beginning of the Second Millennium.

The importance of this connection lies in the response demanded by the event of the settlement of cattle-herding tribes in the kingdom of the Pharaohs, farmers. The fact of the break with the traditional Pharaonic culture, of rejection towards the nomadic, cattle-herding peoples, opens our eyes to a change that can only be explained by the revolution that Joseph's presence in the Pharaoh's court brought about. Without going any further, it will be during this period that the Pharaoh will acquire all the classical notes, so typical of the Asian imperialist structures.

It is understandable, then, that until the arrival of that Pharaoh who did not know Joseph, the Hebrews enjoyed a policy of privileged friendship, enjoying which, as they grew, they extended their settlements further south, at the price, of course, of abandoning the cattle-raising tradition of their fathers.

How soon, then, the bad times were forgotten! Turning the corner, the sons of the saviors became the fathers of the slaves who made the Pharaoh's empire great, and, with the passage of time and other turns of the corner, ended up meaning ruin for the Egyptians. But let us go by parts.

The policy of friendship towards the tribes of the Near East that the pharaohs of the XII and XIII dynasties exercised attracted another people to their empire. We are talking about the Hyksos. And it will be in the coup d'état that these Hyksos gave where we must look for the pharaoh who did not know Joseph, and who paid the Hebrews for their refusal to second the assault to the Power : with slavery.

The decadence that the Pharaonic court experienced during the XIVth dynasty opened the doors to power to the people who were among them, the Hyksos, a power that the Egyptians would not recover until after the drowning of the Hyksos army in the waters of the Red Sea.

In this way, if we have placed the entrance of the Hebrews somewhere in the 20th century, their exit, four centuries later, we will place it towards the middle of the 16th century, date, precisely, in which the Fall of the Hyksos and the conquest of the lost throne by the Ramses took place.


20. Joshua.

Innocence, let us say it all, was not the Achilles heel of Joshua. As in the Bronze Age the metals were the ones who spoke, and a perfect connoisseur of the language of weapons, Joshua led the Conquest of the Promised Land from victory to victory.

In that space of time, XVI and XV centuries B.C., a tide of peoples on the move revolutionized the status quo of the Pre-Christian Near East - with their words, with their way of denying without ceasing to affirm, of affirming by denying, Modern Official History tells us.

What happened was that Joshua and his Hebrews swept over. The Conquest of Biblical Palestine by a tide of warrior-slaves was necessary to unleash the terror that preceded the stampede.

The news of the Liberation of the Hebrews was to extend and spread the terror west of the Jordan.

From our comfortable position, three thousand five hundred years later, we summarize the news by saying that the Egyptian slaves had rebelled against Pharaoh, had taken revenge for the death of their children and had defeated the armies of the lord of the Nile on the banks of the Red Sea. They had passed this side of Sinai and were coming to conquer the lands of the Jordan led by a military leader who knew no mercy. Their message to all the City-States west of the Jordan was unequivocal: Flee or be destroyed.

This from our point of view. But from the mentality of those peoples of Biblical Palestine the news was different.

As if they were the descendants of the vanished Atlantis, a people had emerged from the depths of the sea. Those sons of the ocean had finished with the empire of the Hyksos Pharaohs and now they had turned around and directed their conquest towards the East with only one purpose: Destroy for the sake of destroying. For who is the one who defeats an imperial army and instead of taking possession of his kingdom turns around? They had crossed Sinai to raze, destroy and devastate.

Then, the conquering Hebrew tide transformed into the impact of the rock on the waters, from its depths emerged the Philistines. However, the entry of the Philistines on the scene would not take place until the end of the legend, when at last the half-Asiatic peoples discovered that the Hebrews were not monsters, sons of Atlantis, but men like all the others.

Let us recapitulate how the world was five centuries after Abraham.

The collapse of the Nammu Dynasty, IIIrd of Ur, left the Rod of the Empire at the mercy of the most daring adventurer. While Joseph revolutionized the Egyptian state structures, on the other side of the Sinai, in the city of Larsa, its king Gungunum put himself at the head of the Mesopotamian States, dominating the last third of the 19th century.

His death gave wings to the kings of Isin, who saw their attempt to recover the lost hegemony fail and had to suffer the divinization of Gungunum's sons. Theocracy sui generis, so typical of the Mesopotamian ages, which would eventually lead to the forefront of Hammurabi's Babylon.

For a time, always in the 18th century, the Assyria of Shamsi Adad, the Larsa of Rim Sin and the Babylon of Hammurabi fought among themselves and with the rest of the world for the Empire. When reaching the half century Hammurabi imposed his law and again the Country of Eden was in the fist of only one man. Imperial dominion of brief numerical extension, since in 1595 the dynasty of Hammurabi passed to better life and the Country returned to the anarchy that was so typical of it.

The succession of a new people in power, the Cassites, serves to open the horizon and to see on the geopolitical scene the existence of a strong kingdom, the Hittite, which together with the Mitannian and Egyptian kingdoms will share the roles that until then had been played by the City States.

The detail that draws our attention and shows us the importance of the Conquest of the Promised Land is proved by the fact that none of these three kingdoms were able to cross the borders drawn by Joshua. In fact, the famous "Hapirus", or Hebrews, earned the reputation of terrible adversaries on the borders of the Mithannian kingdom. This situation would change with the Philistine avalanche, which not only burst the walls of the Hittite kingdom and broke down the borders of the disappeared kingdom of Mitanni, but they were the first known armies to stand before the Hebrews in the hope of victory.

The armies of the famous Assyrian king Tiglath Pileser I, even when they reached the Phoenician coasts, did not dare, or could not manage to cross the boundaries of Joshua. It would be in the eleventh century when, with the destruction of the classical kingdoms of the second half of the second millennium, those boundaries would be trampled and the Hebrew people itself put on the brink of destruction by the same destroyers of the Hittites. The natural Philistine intention to seize the third kingdom of the moment, the Egyptian, had to pass through the corpse of the Hebrews. A difficult thing to do as long as the God of Moses was with them.

If in their day the Hebrews delivered the Egyptians from the Hyksos, now they would save them from the Philistines.



1750. the Hyksos conquer Avaris.

1595. end of the first Babylonian dynasty. Murshilish I, grandson of Khattushilish I, destroys Aleppo and Babylon in this year.

1573-1550 . the Egyptians expel the Hyksos, Exodus and Fall of Jericho.

The final Chronology of the Middle-Eastern period in relation to the History of the Bible allows us to draw the Events from a new perspective. The dismemberment of the Chronology from the body of Archaeology in order to separate the Universal History from the Divine History caused at the end of the XIX century A.D. a displacement of the Facts that led to place the Exodus in the XIII century B.C.

The impossibility of harmonizing the events related in the Bible and our knowledge of the Egyptian Civilization and Monarchic Culture prevents us from giving a semblance of historical significance to an official chronology whose origin is anti-biblical by the mere fact that its authors are anti-ecclesiastical.

The first factor that nullifies such a displacement of the birth of Moses to the 13th century B.C. has in the Monolithic Endogamy of the Pharaonic House its master key. To believe that an Imperial Dynasty founded on the Ultra-closed Endogamy of the Pharaonic Family could admit into its bosom the son of a slave, as in the case of Moses, is to proceed to a lobotomization of the intellect, it is to deny all the knowledge stored on the Mentality of the Pharaonic Dynasty.

The romantics, in contempt of the historical truth, can call in their favor the soap operas of our time in the same way that the romantics among the archaeologists invoked human rights to defend such a great barbarity as the adoption of the son of a slave by a princess of Pharaonic blood.

Truly, one must have one's feet deep in the most ferocious anti-Christianity to blind one's eyes against one's own intelligence and overlook such barbarism.

It would be useless to engage in a reconstruction of the Pharaonic inbred mentality that we saw in its most brutal aspect in the history of Cleopatra VII.

Racism is a new thing. Ancient peoples did not understand racism as we do. It is seen in the Sculptural and Pictorial Arts of the Egyptian Monuments that the phenotype of Pharaonic Egypt and the phenotype of the Hebrew Israelite were realities that placed in front of a mirror only a blind man could assimilate original and reflection as the two faces of the same subject.

To believe that a Hebrew Israelite, son of slaves, could be adopted, in the middle of the 13th century B.C., by the Pharaonic House as a prince is really to demand that we cut off our heads or that we detach our brains.

The difference in phenotype between the Pharaonic Egyptian and the Hebrew Israelite, in addition to the fact that to the dynastic imperial mentality such adoption was an unthinkable abomination to be undertaken, by prince or princess of the time, a fact that was never recorded in the Annals, Chronicles or Fabulous Histories of the Empire of the Pharaohs; such phenotype would have betrayed the child saved from the waters before the Court as soon as the princess had tried to sneak such abomination to the Pharaoh and his children.

Under the Pharaonic inbred nature that would remain in force during the Ptolemaic era until its last breath in Cleopatra VII, it is not possible to open the doors of the Pharaoh's Court to the Moses of the Exodus. So to go down from the sixteenth century to the thirteenth century of the Ramesesides the Exodus is to return to the request to let our brains be ripped out. Either you deny any Reality to the History of this Biblical Hero, or you deny the Official Chronology for the Exodus which places the Passing of the Red Sea somewhere in the 13th Century. In the face of the Pharaonic Endogamic Mentality there is no other choice.

Such a fact, the adoption of a slave by a Pharaonic princess could only fit in the Court of the Hyksos Pharaohs. Coming both, the Hebrew Israelite and the People of the Hyksos from the same trunk, two branches of the same phenotype, the adoption by a Hyksos princess of the son of an Israelite slave came to be at the level of a Spaniard in full adoption of a French or Italian child.

On the other hand, the Endogamy of the Hyksos dynasty was reduced to the military character typical of any act of invasion and conquest. That reaction of the Hyksos power to the growth of the Israelite population was never recorded as proper, at any time, to the native Egyptian court; and there are no records of such a measure, in general, and especially against the Israelites, for the simple reason that such barbarism did not fit the Egyptian. Only a non-native court, the Hyksa, which felt itself to be an invader and always on the alert that the coup d'état which they had carried out against their hosts, the Egyptians, would come back to them like a boomerang from the hand of the Israelites, could give its blessing to such a genocidal measure.

This on the one hand.

On the other, let us return to the coup d'état that the Hyksos made against their hosts, the Egyptians, in 1750 BC.

From this year, 1750, until the year of their Fall, back in 1550, decade up or decade down is in the air, the Hyksos have two centuries of absolute domination during which the Egyptians retreated to the South and from the South waited for their moment. What event allowed them to suddenly launch themselves against an Invader who for two centuries had imposed their law on the Nile? The Egyptian military forces during the period before the fall of the Hyksos are found to be nil.

There is also Jericho, the walled city that could not resist the siege of Joshua's trumpets. Archaeologists recognize that at that date those walls fell, but they did it by the effect of an earthquake.

We do not know on what date they base themselves to say that the region suffered an earthquake. Unless the earthquake was centered exclusively under the feet of Jericho, it is to be believed that the anti-biblical prejudice blinded the thought of the Fathers of the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, and, even having the concordance of the dates, anchored in the anti-biblicism they refused to relate the events to each other.

First :

in 1750, approximately, the people who did not know Joseph, the Hyksos, entered Egypt.

During other two centuries, until 1550, approximately, with which they go four centuries from Joseph to Moses, the Hyksos dominate all-powerful the Empire of the Pharaohs.

In this same century, the XVI century B.C., the Hittites reestablished themselves and began to conquer Syria and Babylon.

Politically speaking, Pharaoh Hyksos had to face this problem of expansion of the Hittite empire. In fact, once the Hyksos Power fell, the Egyptian Pharaoh entered into relations with the New Northern Power.

I mean, the Israelites were a slave population that could be used as a Trojan horse by the Hittites. A slave population pining for Freedom is always an internal danger predisposed to revolution if it has external support. Pharaoh Hyksos could not go to war with the Hittite King leaving behind him this army of slaves. The Decree of Murder of all the Hebrew children came to sink the finger in the bleeding sore of the burden of slavery, and at the same time marked any insurrection with the iron of extermination. In fact the Hittites did not cross the Red Line of Hyksos Influence over the city states of Biblical Palestine.

The Egyptians were waiting in the wings. The rise of the Hittite Power could be used by the Egyptian against the Hyksos Power. Caught between the North and the South stood in the middle an army of slaves awaiting a Deliverer by their God sent to lead them to the land of their fathers.

Mass infanticide would be a good political measure to keep at bay this army of slaves forged in labor from the cradle to the grave.

It is to be believed, taking as a thermometer the stoppage of the Hittites and the silence of the Egyptians, that the Hyksos knew how to curb the threat and to create a new balance of international power.

It was precisely then, when the Hyksos was firmly established on his throne, that, out of the blue, that child saved from the waters, in bad time - the Hyksos would say - came out of nowhere, to pay the Hyksos with the coin that the Hyksos had paid the Hebrew: the death of all the Hyksos first-born.

God did what is natural to God when God wants to show Himself as God, He sank the Hyksos throne to the abyss and returned the Egyptian to the court.

Now the problem begins: did Jericho fall because of an isolated earthquake in space, which did not let its waves be felt except exclusively on the walls of Jericho?

The chronological concordance could not be firmer.

In the XX-XIX Century B.C., approximately, Joseph is Pharaoh's Viceroy.

Two centuries later, XVIII, the Hyksos conquer the throne of the Pharaohs.

Two centuries later, XVI, Moses frees the Hebrews and passes the command to Joshua.

While the latter opens the Conquest of Palestine, the Egyptian returns home. A gift from Heaven, a Grace from the God of Moses.

Jericho collapses in 1550 approximately. Terror grips all the kingdoms of Palestine. A restructuring of the Ancient World begins in the direction of the Coming of the Redeemer, whose main actors will be David, Solomon, Nebuchadnezzar and Cyrus the Great, Alexander the Great and Octavian Ausgustus.

We will return to this Concordance at another date.

But in this, as in so many other things, it is a matter of counting drops from the ocean. Without going any further we see how the zones of influence between the Hyksos and the Hittite, established following the conquest of Aleppo and Babylon by the Hittite, is respected by the Hebrew. Joshua extends the expansion of the tribes within this geopolitical framework. By placing the Jordan as a national border, Joshua prevents a direct confrontation with a Hittite kingdom in its sweetest imperial moment. It cannot be forgotten that in the science of battlefield warfare, the Hebrew, who had just emerged from four centuries of isolation, was a novice warrior. A direct confrontation with the Hittite kingdom was the last thing Joshua could give himself.

I mean, the geopolitical structure of the region and the conquest of Palestine by the Hebrews coincide in time with a precision that leaves no room for doubt when framing this event, of universal character and value, in the sixteenth century BC. First causing the Fall of the Hyksa Dynasty in Egypt and the Restoration of the Native Pharaonic Dynasty; and later becoming the epicenter causing the earthquake that sunk the Walls of Jericho and the expansion of terror among the city states on this side of the Jordan.

We also note that the Hittites respected the geopolitical framework established after their conquest of Aleppo and Babylon, a conquest that prepared the Hebrew for his entry into the Promised Land, and we see how the Divine action preparatory to the Exodus. It is absurd to believe, knowing the hunger for empire of the Babylonians of those times, that if the Hittite had not put an end to his kingdom, Babylon would have remained with arms folded in the face of the consequences of the Exodus.

If, on the contrary, we are led to believe in a matter of coincidence, our answer can only be that which suits those who have plucked out the eyes of intelligence and only see in the darkness what they imagine to see. The fact is that between the subjective imagination and objective reality there is a wall on one side of which is ignorance and on the other side madness. In this century the historical sciences, like all the branches of the Tree of the sciences, will have to choose on which side they will place themselves; depending on this decision, the corresponding and necessary measures will be taken to place this Tree in the Garden which by nature belongs to it: the Garden of Truth.


21. Judges.

With the settlement in the Promised Land the evils of ancient sedentism were born in the Hebrew tribes. "The sacred scriptures, always the sacred scriptures!

"Ask the elders and they will tell you." "Listen Israel..."

Eventually the ears got tired of hearing the same story told a thousand times.

That it is. That it's done. Adam and the forbidden apple, Noah and the Flood, Abraham and Isaac, Joseph and his brothers....

The future Hebrew generations adapted to what was there, to their neighbors, to progress. Every time they did, things went downhill for them. The Moses Exception. But they did not learn.

So when that faith that moved mountains reached Goliath's ring, truth be told, it no longer moved anything, not even its legs, of fear nailed to the ground living its last hours of life, of freedom at best.

The way the Philistines treated the vanquished made everyone's hair stand on end. And on top of that, that Goliath making them look pretty.

Death or slavery, or did they not remember when they drove them all out of their land with the cry of Flight or Death?

That is where Pharaoh was wrong. The dog is dead and the rabies is gone," Goliath mocked in their faces.


22. David.

Was Joshua going to be spoken to by a man in the way Goliath spoke to Saul? The people of Jericho hid behind walls as high and fat as a Chinese Wall. What good did it do them? How long did they say they could hold out? Until they grew beards on the ones they were nursing? Hahaha.

Didn't God produce a miracle when he brought them out of Egypt? Why wouldn't he do another one now?

Save your life, for example. Ha ha ha ha ha," squawked Goliath when he discovered the stature of the one who had blurted out all the nonsense of a young boy.

He had been chosen as a contender for the title, a lanky brat, a standing mop bouncing between the giant and the enemy's front line. Wasn't that something to laugh about? Ho ho ho.

"Shut up, you heathen dog. You know nothing. You're as dumb as you are immense. God is going to do a work as great as that one. Those who hear it will not believe it. They will say to one another: Have you heard the latest Hebrew joke?

A little shepherd boy goes with his flock on the mountain, and a giant comes out to meet him, armed like Hercules, at least ten feet tall. Hungry, the giant goes and grabs a plump sheep. The shepherd boy catches him in the act. What do you think the shepherd boy said to the giant?

This will be the incredible thing. You won't believe it either.

The shepherd boy was a lion enchanted by a sorcerer. He didn't talk, he roared. He didn't roar like a cub, he roared like the king of the jungle himself.

The enchanted shepherd boy kept circling and circling around the iron giant to the beat of the war drums. Over his head a slingshot with its chinarro was spinning at breakneck speed. The enemies gasped at his fighting dog and fell back as the sorcerer ran towards the Philistine front line, driving into their brains that bewitching roar that tore at their senses.

Desperate, fed up with watching that clown dance like a stupid puppet, Goliath made the unforgivable mistake of tearing off his helmet and smashing it on the ground.

He was going to speak, he wanted to say something, he opened his mouth to say something. But he didn't have time to say more. The dwarf released the missile. Bingo. Perfect bull's-eye. Between the eyes. A seen and unseen. The giant fell backwards like a sack of potatoes.

"This is what the son of Adam will do with the Devil. Watch, warriors. He will raise his sword and cut off his head with one stroke," shouted David triumphantly.

A little shepherd boy from nowhere stood up to that loudmouth and cut off his head with a slash. Isn't that funny?


23. The Court of the Prophet King.

Saul reigned from 1025 to 1010. David from 1010 to 955.

Saul's coronation opens our eyes to the anarchy in which the Philistines plunged the world. Hittites, Mitannians, Assyrians, Babylonians, shadows of what they were, the future of Civilization was left in the hands of the Hebrews. They would not have been able to resist their collapse had it not been for the God of David, the true architect of the Hebrew victory over the armies that Hell had raised in its particular War against Heaven. But let us not dwell on what is Divine History.

During the course of his reign David learned what happened in Eden. God also discovered to him His Plan of Universal Salvation.

Seeing in spirit the end of the battle between the Son of God and the Beast, King David jumped for joy. He was not a man of confession every day however, and between the fact that he was a pure secret and that his God had him among those who wanted to kill him and others who sought to take his life, David kept silent about everything he had known, and published what his God inspired him to read.

The idea of King Messiah soon caught on in the warlike spirit of the young men. And it did not stop growing until it found in Absalom its valiant prince.

Absalom could not and would not allow Solomon's party to take advantage of the king's old age for the benefit of granting birthright rights to the puppet they had created for themselves. So it was imposed as a top priority to kill Solomon.


24. Solomon.

"The first thought is not always the last; on the contrary it is almost always usually the first link in an architecture of events.

Wisdom never demands old age as a sine qua non condition to be reached.

The last word is not for the oldest, but for the wisest. But even the wise distrust the omnipotence of their reason.

The king has in God his thought, and in His will he has his strength.

The thought of man is mist in the darkness; it is the spirit of Wisdom that animates the intelligence and raises it to the answer of him who knows all things because God showed them to him.

God says and God does; here man has the beginning of his intelligence".

Solomon grew up under a shower of words of this kind. In his father's court God had spread his spirit. Nathan the prophet for example. He went in and out of the palace of the most guarded king in the world as if it were his own house. The truth is that if Nathan had kept quiet, no one would have discovered the great crime that David committed by killing his husband to keep his widow.

Nathan appeared in the palace as if he were Moses himself entering the throne room of Egypt. There was no man in the world capable of crossing without permission the seven walls of invincible warriors that protected the king of Jerusalem. Entering the throne room of Israel as a non-grateful person? Of what, how and when?

Nathan burst into the king's house dominated by the vertigo caused by the knowledge of the crime. The man who had at his command the most beautiful women in the universe had been carried away by the most youthful passion and had taken it to its ultimate consequences.

The fact of killing a man to rob him is a crime sufficient to pay life for life; the theft of your neighbor's wife at the price of your brother's blood, what will it be," Nathan asked the king of the prophets.

The king had sinned all the more because having been anointed by God made it more difficult for God to take revenge for the blood shed. Had David trapped God in Satan's dilemma? Would God condemn all the people for the sin of one man?

What man in King David's court would have dared to stand up as a prophet before the prophet-king had it not been his own son? What prophet would David have accepted to speak to him but a son born of his own loins?

His God, who loved him so much and knew him so well, took from his thigh a son born to bind his tongue.


25. The Birth of Judaism.

He gives the orders, my son, Solomon said to his son Rehoboam. His armies move at the voice of his Word. No chief of his people should assume the powers of the Lord of hosts; he is never absent. He does not leave his armies alone to defeat. He knows the when and the how. The King looks out for the peace and good of His people; the people of the Lord God are His entire creation. In His omniscience He directs the course of the history of the nations. His is the victory; He chooses the leaders of His people from their mothers' wombs. Be wise, my son.

Gone with the wind!

Behind his father's back Rehoboam turned to Judaism.

The tribe of Judah had conspired to open the messianic era the day after Solomon's death; after Solomon's death the other tribes would accept the fact consummated and would join the project.

"My son, do not be flattered by those who sit at the king's table, for they speak their interests not the wisdom of God through their mouths.

What good is a gold ring in a swine's snout; will not covetousness be the ruin of the greedy?"

What a father that one if he had had a good son!

Behind the Solomonic boundaries the crocodile of the Nile lurked. On the other side of the great rivers the Assyrian bear was beginning to emerge from his lethargy.

"Do not be mad, my son..."

Words of a wise man in the ears of a donkey!

At the death of the Wise King the Crocodile of the Nile invaded Jerusalem, tore the silver stones from its streets, dismantled the gold tiles of its palaces, the ivory of its domes, and left behind the son of the Wise King weeping like a woman for what he did not know how to defend like a man. This happened in about 930.


26. The Fall of Samaria the White.

If the kingdom of the North enjoyed seeing Jerusalem sacked, the price of the division of the kingdom of David would soon be paid by Samaria at the hands of the king of Nineveh. But let us first see how Nineveh was able to rise to such a height above the classical cities of the Bronze and Iron Ages.

The Mithannian kingdom disappeared from the geopolitical scene in 1350 as a result of the clamp between Hittites and Assyrians.

For better understanding let us say that the Hittites reigned over Western Turkey; the Mitannians over northern Syria, and the Assyrians over northern Iraq.

The destruction of Mitanni came at a bad time. Soon the Philistines - possibly the Ancient Greeks who after falling over the Trojan Empire continued on their way down - collapsed the Hittite kingdom and stopped the Assyrian expansion westward.

In a previous section we let the Cassites reign over the ruins of Hammurabi's empire. With Cassites and Assyrians at war, control over the region south of Eden slipped from Babylon's grasp until about 1310 when the ancient Persians - the Elamites - became independent and caught up with their neighbors.

Subsequently Babylon was sunk by the Assyrian Tukulti Ninurta I, who extended his power towards Elam, but only sporadically, because in 1215 Susa became independent and rose as a military power. Its king then took advantage of the circumstances of the entry of the Philistines to subtract from Nineveh the control of Babylon, which fell in 1159 and dragged in its fall the last king of the Cassites.

Unleashed the war for the control of the old Cassite kingdom between Assyrians and Elamites, the end reached an unexpected course when a certain Nebuchadnezzar I rose as king of Babylon and liberated his country from the two classic enemies of his nation. This happened in 1110. And he kept the issue between Babylonians and Assyrians in the war of attrition that finally resulted in the hegemony of Nineveh. Relative hegemony with no more strength in the geopolitical structure imposed by the invasion of the Philistines than that of keeping alive in Nineveh its imperialist aspirations. That, if at the beginning it was restrained by the Barbarians of the West, later it was contained within the borders of the present Iraq thanks to the expansion of the kingdom of Solomon throughout the Near East.

When the Solomonic kingdom was divided and the entire infrastructure on which the wise king built his International Peace collapsed, Nineveh took advantage of the power vacuum west of the Jordan to create its empire. If at first Adad Nirari I led his armies against Babylon, his successors, realizing the loss of effort they were making, opened the northern front, conquering the Media. Change of course that with Shalmaneser III fixed its objective in the West, where the division of the kingdom of Solomon left Syria at the mercy of his army.

The entry on this side of the Jordan would only occur after a process of internal destabilization. That, closed by the legendary Tiglath-Pileser III, invades Babylon, subdues it, and turns his eyes to the West, where the armies of Nineveh under Shalmaneser V arrive.

The encounter with the kingdom of Israel reduced to rubble the pride of the Israelites, Samaria the White, as they called it. What happened in the year 721.


27. The Fall of Jerusalem the Holy.

Now, if the kingdom of the Jews enjoyed knowing the news of the destruction of the kingdom of their brothers, we do not know. What we do know is that, having pronounced the decree against the division of the kingdom, Jerusalem would not be spared the same fate as her sister Samaria.

It was not on this occasion the Assyrians, but the Chaldeans of Babylon, destroyers of Nineveh, who gave Jerusalem its wages.

The general events were as follows: The kings of Nineveh opened their empire to the North and South, conquering Media and Babylon.

Shalmaneser III, Adad Nirari III, Tiglath-Pileser III and Sargon II, Sennacherib and Assurbanipal their most notorious kings, the hatred they sowed to the North and South of Eden turned against them when Nabopolassar, father of Nebuchadnezzar II, king of Babylon, and Cyaxares, father of Phraortes II, king of Ecbatana, capital of Media, united to destroy the king of Nineveh, an objective they achieved in 612.

The division of the world that they made left the western lands in the hands of Babylon. When Nabopolassar's son, Nebuchadnezzar II, came to the throne, he crossed the Jordan and destroyed Jerusalem in 587, all facts described in the Old Testament.

Destroyed Jerusalem and Samaria, the divine decree: "Every kingdom divided in itself will be destroyed", was fulfilled, remaining its judgment like example for all kingdom that in the future would try to circumvent its destiny.


28. The Evil One.

The Ancient Snake jumped for joy within the walls of his silence when Jerusalem fell. In whose head can it be possible that God needs X-ray glasses to x-ray at a glance the interior of his own creatures?

The Fall of Jerusalem was another one in favor of those who advocated the destruction of Man and believed that the Messiah of the prophecies had everything lost beforehand. God had to accept the facts once and for all, by creating man, things went awry.

The human race had not been able to cross the border between the beasts and the children of God. It demonstrated an instinctive tendency so logical in its species that the mere idea of seeing the son of man challenging the Chief of the Rebels to a duel to the death could be taken as an offense if it were not for the ridiculousness of the idea.


29. The Three Pillars of the World.

During those days, in the Babylon of the Chaldeans, five centuries before the Nativity, there lived three prodigious children.

The first was born to be a prophet and to astonish the whole world. His parents called him Daniel, but Nebuchadnezzar gave him another name.

Daniel's messianic doctrine cut short the laughter of the orthodox Jews who still believed in the immediate advent of the Messiah. According to Daniel, the Prophet-Magician, the prophecy was for a long time even five centuries after having been written by King David.


30. Zerubbabel.

The second child was born to lead the caravan of freedom, to lead his people to the Lost Homeland, to resurrect Jerusalem from the ashes of History and to raise a Temple to Wisdom. His friends called him Zoro, but the king of Babylon called him differently. Zoro was the crown prince of Judah.


31. Cyrus the Great.

The third child was named Cyrus. This Cyrus was the son of the Median princess married by Herodotus to the prince of the Persians. Herodotus could not solve the enigma of the origin of Cyrus because of a lack of knowledge about the succession structures of the Mesopotamian monarchies.

Thanks to our present knowledge of the classical power structures during the Pre-Christian Era we are in a position to reconstruct the architecture of international relations typical of the Neo-Babylonian era. The truth that shines at the bottom of the tunnel illuminates the way to find the imperial devices that had to be adopted to bring Prince Cyrus to the Imperial Throne.

Nebuchadnezzar's wife was the daughter of Cyaxares, king of the Medes. This Cyaxares was the ally of Nabopolassar, father of Prince Nabuchus. Cyaxares and Nabopolassar locked the king of Nineveh in his palace and buried him under the rubble of his empire. To congratulate themselves on the great victory they married their sons. Cyaxares gave his daughter to the son of the king of the Chaldeans; and he gave his son to the daughter of the king of the Medes.

The brother of Nabuchus' wife inherited the throne of Media and married his daughter to the prince of Persia, father of Cyrus. Cyaxares was, according to this, the maternal great-grandfather of Cyrus, and Nebuchadnezzar his great-great-grandfather - the mother's great-grandfather is great-great-grandfather to her children.

If Nebuchadnezzar was son-in-law of Cyaxares, Phraortes and he were brothers-in-law. And if brother-in-law to Cyaxares' son, Nebuchadnezzar was uncle to Cyrus' mother. Conclusion. Cyrus was grandnephew of the king of Babylon, and grandson of the king of Media.

A game of Gordian probabilities of this nature brought Charles V to the throne of Germany.

A Persian prince could aspire to unite in his hands the three crowns "when hens give birth to bitches" - said the popular Babylonian proverb.

Many calculations had to coincide for the possibility to take shape. Or it could happen that he would be invited to be part of a project to unify the world into a single crown and...


32. The Fourth Man.

And what would the Assyrian Prince Nabonidus say about the cession of the empire from the hands of the Chaldean to that of the Persian?

Would he sign up for the bombardment from inside the enemy's fortress?

Would Nabonidus accept to be a pawn in the Prophet-Magician's Chess?

What could Nabonidus offer them in exchange for the possibility of rebuilding Nineveh somewhere in the South? Would he give Daniel's Magi the Keys to the Kingdom?

Nabonidus shook his head.

You will retire to the City of your choice away from me," Cyrus reassured him with a laugh.

Wise, worthy disciple of the Chief of the Magicians, Turnus built his City in an oasis lost in the heart of an Eden sown by himself. Cyrus laughed. Zoro was not taken by surprise by the Fourth Man's cunning.

The mystery at hand is to discover how an Assyrian prince managed to ascend to the throne of Babylon. Mystery whose secret we can deduce from the fall of the dynasty of Nebuchadnezzar in the days of Balthasar. That master stroke of state that elevated Nabonidus to power uncovers the Assyrian identity of the pawn moved by Daniel in the direction of the final transfer of the empire into the hands of Cyrus, when that pawn was limited to deliver Babylon to the new king of the world. Delivery that he left in the hands of his Hebrew godfather from the very beginning of his reign, and was translated at the end of it in the fact of finding the Babylonian armies in the hands of the Jews. Daniel could well have used the framework that he raised to give another coup d'état and put on the throne the heir of Judah. But he did not do it.


33. The Reconquest of the Lost Kingdom.

The prophetic doctrine of Daniel found in Zerubbabel a star full of life. It was about rebuilding Jerusalem, laying the foundation stone of the Temple and peacefully purchasing the land of Judah. Jerusalem would act as a mother colony. The governor of the City would be the supreme head of the Colony; to his mandate the chosen groups would move towards where it had been arranged by the advice of the wise men.

The second prophetic phase said that in a couple of centuries at most the king of Greece would enter Asia and would overthrow the Empire of Cyrus. The conquest of Babylon by the West would be followed by the division of the empire of the Greek conqueror into four kingdoms. Soon a kingdom would be born that would spread throughout the world and defeat the four kingdoms. In those days the angel of freedom would sound the trumpet and the Jewish colonies would rise up in a state of war of independence. Until then every son of Israel should stick to the original project.


34. Under the Yoke of the Hellenes.

Among the historians of the XXth century the theory of the a posteriori creation of the biblical books was imposed. From the point of view of atheism Alexander the Great did not conquer Asia afterwards, but the Jews wrote what happened after the death of the Greek.

Oblivious to the opinions of the whole world, from their tower in Seleucia of the Tigris the Magi of the East followed the course of events. The synagogues all over the world sent them news of the places where they lived, who ruled, what political system they had, changes of dynasty.

The troubles between Persians and Greeks have begun, your majesties. The king of the North, Philip, has subdued the whole of Greece. The day of Vengeance for Leonidas' men at Thermopylae begins to dawn- he brought on his leg to Seleucia from the Tigris a white dove.

The answer came quickly to Jerusalem. It said: All the sons of Abraham should prepare to receive the Conqueror with clapping and cheering. Shortly, at the death of Philip's son, his kingdom will plunge into a long civil war. It will survive its destruction by splitting into four kingdoms.

And so it was.

Alexander's corpse had not cooled, his generals were already killing each other. Eventually they saw the devil's horns and stopped eating each other alive.

It was Seleucus I the Invincible who kept the empire of Cyrus, plus what Alexander conquered on this side of the Indus River. He did not rebuild Babylon; instead he created a new city on the banks of the Tigris. He called it Seleucia of the Tigris.

Tigris Seleucia was conceived to serve as an inland trading port between the Far East and the West. Let us not forget that in his wisdom to control the passage of caravans and ships from the East to the West, King Solomon had his Mines. 


35. Jerusalem cries Freedom.

The part of the crocodile was taken by Ptolemy. From the moment he saw Alexander the Great's plans for Alexandria of the Nile, the young Ptolemy was seized by the passion for that New Athens that the son of Philip planned to build on the shores of Egypt.

Accurate and silent as the crocodile when it attacks, with the little eyes on both sides of the snout, advancing through the water without releasing air, without moving an eyelid, stiffer than a log, the young Ptolemy advanced his positions the day before the burial of his Hero. First he proclaimed himself lord and master of Egypt; then the gods would say.


36. The greed of kings.

The boundless ambition of Seleucus was the personal ghost of the house of the Seleucids. The man died with the pain of having lost Jerusalem in a bet of lizards. And his family did not know how to accept defeat before the forces of the Egyptian Ptolemies. The Hellenic-Egyptian wars for the possession of Jerusalem were the vital constant of the Near East from the death of Alexander to the reign of the sons of the Maccabees.

The shaking, today I have for mistress Antioch, tomorrow I have Alexandria, affected Jerusalem. His children, tired, lay down to sleep on the laurels of the one who has managed to get rid of his messianic ghosts. When they awoke they found themselves caught in the clutches of a final solution, which was not the first and would not be the last.


37. The Second Kingdom of Israel.

Jerusalem lived hallucinating the religious persecution of Antiochus IV. It was something that had never occurred to her to think that it could happen to her. The Scriptures said that after the four kingdoms, Freedom. They were stunned as they sat there with the news. What had they been thinking? The birth of a child from heaven who would come and fix all their problems?

They would eat partridges and be happy.

In fact some would eat them all and the others would make do with chickens. This is why when Judas Maccabaeus returned to his homeland and led the resistance with his squad of deserters he was joined by all those who had nothing to lose and everything to gain.

The timeline from the Maccabees to the Nativity was as follows:

Judas Maccabaeus ruled from 166 to 161. Judas thus led the armies of the Lord from victory to victory for five years. The truth about the origin of the military training of this leader is not very well known or has never been written. It is more than likely that, knowing the structure of the Seleucid imperial armies, this Judas was the head of the Jewish Squadron, at the head of which he defected when he learned of the murderous plans of the king, who, leaving for the great adventure of the conquest of lost Asia, ordered the regent of his kingdom the final anti-Jewish solution at the origin of the ongoing rebellion. Perhaps it is not easy to recreate the life of Judas before his appearance as the incarnation of the Hammer of God. But as I have already said the military structure of the empire was based on the recruitment of Squadrons from all the provinces under the crown of the king. Among them there must have been a Jewish Squadron, which, without any doubt, served under the imperial banner until on his return from his frustrated invasion of Egypt the king let his impotence run against Jerusalem. Scandalized the Jewish Squadron for that action is to believe that the desertion was already served, and was consummated when going to Babylon intended to take him with him, leaving at the mercy of Lysias and his generals the final Jewish solution. Aware of what the king intended, Judas, leader of the Jewish Squadron, defected with his men. Arrived in Judea he found the slaughter and, fleeing with his father and brothers, he declared guerrilla war on the Empire. When Apollonius, the general appointed by Lysias to solve the Jewish problem, reached Judea he was confronted with a leader who knew perfectly the tactics and military strategies of the imperial army under whose banner the Maccabeus had served all his life.

In 161 however, abandoned by his own at the head of his 800 Braves, Judas fell as he lived, selling his life dearly. The remaining war exploits of Judas are written in the Bible.

He was succeeded in the military leadership of the armies of the Lord by his brother Jonathan. Jonathan ruled the country from 161 to 143. Jonathan's military adventures are also written in the Bible. How he received the high priesthood from the hands of King Alexander Balas, how he managed to prosper by playing both sides, and how he was finally caught treacherously and condemned to death.

He was succeeded in the leadership of the country by his brother Simon. This one governed from 143 to 135. Simon was the one who really conquered the Independence. In reward for which the Jews in full granted to his heirs the government in perpetuity. Repentant king of Antioch for the loss of Judea ordered his general Cendebeo reconquer it. Simon and his sons, Judas and John, defeated the invader. Freedom did not save Simon from falling by treachery like his brother Jonathan.

After Simon's death, his son John came to power. John Hyrcanus I reigned from 135 to 105 (always B.C.). If at the beginning it seemed that the invasion of Judea by the king of Syria was going to finish with everything conquered by the Maccabees, the first of the Hasmoneans managed to come out triumphant and also to conquer Samaria, Idumea and even territories to the East of the Jordan. It was this John Hyrcanus I who, by forcing all non-Jews in his kingdom to be circumcised, prepared the way to the throne for Herod.

He was succeeded by his son Aristobulus I, "the mad king". At first his father bequeathed him only the high priesthood, reserving the government for his mother. John went mad, imprisoned his mother and brothers and declared himself king. Within a year he died.

From the depths of the earth took Jerusalem king. His name was Alexander. He reigned from 104 to 78. Under his reign blood rained down upon Jerusalem. It was during his reign that the stars of Abijah, father of Zechariah, husband of Elizabeth, and great-great-grandfather of Mary, mother of Jesus, and Simeon the Babylonian, father of the Simeon who gathered in his arms the Child at his presentation to the Temple, the Shemayas and Abtalion of official Jewish history, shone in all their splendor.

At the death of Hasmoneus he was succeeded by his wife Alexandra, also called Queen Salome. From 76 to 69 Queen Alexandra directed the peace of the kingdom. She reinstated the Sanhedrin and it was during her reign that the secret search for the Heir to the crown of Solomon took place.

At her death her sons Hyrcanus II and Aristobulus II declared that war which in 63 was stopped by Pompey the Great. Hyrcanus II remained as ethnarch during all the days of Pompey's life, and Antipater, father of Herod, Idumean by birth, as general of the armies of Judea until his death. It was Pompey's supporters who assassinated Aristobulus II in Rome in 49, and in the same year his son Alexander was assassinated in Antioch by order of Pompey himself. During these years took place the ascent to the summit of the Temple Archives of Zechariah, the son of Abijah.

In those days the Parthians invaded Judea and crowned the other son of Aristobulus II, whom they called Antigonus, king. He cut off the nose and ears of his uncle Hyrcanus II and banished him to New Babylon. With this circumstantial ally of Zechariah and his Saga in the Great Synagogue of the Magi of the East the couriers between the Magi and Zechariah and his men accelerated their comings and goings.

Anyway, these were bad times for the Hasmoneans. Taking advantage of the Roman civil wars Herod defeated Antigonus, son of Aristobulus II, nephew of Hyrcanus II, and beheaded him (year 37).

The tragedy of the Hasmoneans had not finished yet. Thirsty for blood, King Herod assassinated the grandson of Aristobulus II and Hyrcanus II himself, whom he had called from Babylon with promises of peace and health. He also murdered the Hasmoneans Alexandra and Mariana, Queen Mariana. And finally his sons Alexander and Aristobulus, sons of Queen Mariana.

In the year 7 B.C. all the lineage of the Hasmonean, as prophesied by Abijah, had been eliminated from the face of the earth. Herod was left as the sole lord and master of Jerusalem. Herod was the first and the last king that the II Kingdom of Israel knew.


38. The King Messiah.

Joseph and Mary, parents of Jesus, were born during the first years of the reign of Herod. Joseph must have been about forty years old when he had his firstborn, and Mary a few years younger when she gave birth to her only son. According to this computation Joseph died at about sixty years of age, and Mary must have been the same plus those due during the days of the Resurrection. At what age, according to the legend, the Mother ascended to Heaven in the City of Saragossa, nobody knows for sure. The fact is that the miseries that Herod made them swallow the Jews fed in the oppressed people the dream of the Messiah King. That like any dream would never come true, at least while it was in the hands of Herod and his sons prevent it. However, the King Messiah came to be born far from the sight of the Court, in a manger. Warned by "the mute dove from afar" the Magi came out of their Tower of the East and ran to lay at the feet of the Holy Family their riches and their knowledge.

Did they precede the Holy Family to Egypt, financed the Carpentry of the Jew and died watching the Child grow?


39. The Birth of Christ.

It was in the Child. But the Child did not know it. He would discover it among the Doctors of the Temple, at about the age of twelve.

There, among the Doctors, at the age of twelve, Jesus was born again. God gave him a new name, Christ, and his name, Yahweh, and the name of the city of his God, Zion. He was Christ Jesus of Yahweh and Zion. He was the Lamb whom his Father would offer for the atonement of the crimes of the whole world.


40. The youth of the Messiah.

An unanswered question took the Child with him from the Temple to Nazareth. Why should his God abandon him to the mercy of Christ's enemies? How could he save the world from the clutches of Hell from the cross which the Romans reserved for the damned? What did God hope to gain from such a tragic event? Why should he make him a stone of scandal to his brothers and his friends?

During all his youth Christ Jesus did not cease to seek the answer to this enigma: God was going to establish the victory of the son of Eve over the blood of the son of David. Why?


41. The Doctrine of the Kingdom of Heaven.

The answer that Christ Jesus found was this. God abolished the Empire and in its place founded a Universal Kingdom. And He granted all creatures the freedom to join or refuse to join His Kingdom ad eternum. The Crown of that unique Kingdom was given to his Beloved Son, Christ Jesus of Yahweh and Zion. Whoever believes in his Son is declared a citizen of his Kingdom here and now, and whoever rejects this Divine Revolution is subject to the Final Judgment.

Of all the measures that, as a result of the Third Universal War, God adopted against Hell, this is the Cornerstone. The other measures are deduced from the History of Christianity itself.



chapter 1


chapter 2


chapter 3


chapter 4


chapter 5