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The problem of the recreation of the life of the Apostles, in this
specific case the life of St. Peter, has as its first obstacle the tradition
that the centuries have raised on his person. Let us say that the phenomenon of
protection of the predetermined images, defended by tradition, has its positive
point of view against the manipulation of those who tried their luck and ended
up publishing a literary iconography totally foreign to the real model. But
this positive sense should not obviate that our world having been subject to a
growth of intelligence from poor principles, the enrichment to which this
growth leads is the necessary revision of the positions in order to reconstruct
the objectives of knowledge according to the freedom of those who seek only the
truth and never the use of truth in the service of secret, private or even
public interests.
It is true, complex causes arise in the midst of understanding why the
church itself, defending the truth, was incapable of reconstructing the life of
its saint par excellence, St. Peter. Our work has to look at the truth
following the Law that encourages us: "There is nothing hidden that will
not be discovered and come to light". If what comes to light is a cause of
terror for those who do not love the truth, this is the problem of those who
tremble before the truth; to the children of the truth its effect on the
stranger is not a cause of objection and even less a problem.
Let us not forget that the people of past millennia tended by inertia to
be conservative - not to confuse this conservative tendency with their
political affectation -, and by all means tended to think the less the better,
slaves as they were to their circumstances. And as far as those who declared
themselves their masters, employers, pastors, etc., were concerned, they were
too concerned with keeping them "slaves", "servants",
"workers", "good citizens", to waste time finding out if
Peter was a relative of Jesus and to what degree that kinship corresponded to
him, for example.
We enter into the Mystery of the Life of Peter the Fisherman from a
sincerely apocryphal position, - well, apocryphal is apocryphal what is said
apocryphal: no, because I am who I am, I do not sign with the name of another
-, but it is, in truth, profane, not at all professional, and that, therefore,
is not subject to any historical rule nor is it indebted to any method of
investigation, more than anything because not being in the pay of anyone I owe
no one, and having no other authority over my thought than the Truth, no one
can impose a dot or comma on me, and only to the Truth do I refer my thoughts.
And as Truth is what it is, and if I am not mistaken I am a child of Truth, I
fear that my thought comes in the manner of the fruit of the flower, that is to
say, determined by its own nature. This particular reasoning of mine does not
seek to please anyone, but, as far as possible, to lay the foundations of my
research. It is necessary to begin, then, at the beginning, by the Man, by that
fisherman, brother of Andrew, to whom one day the latter announced that they
had found the Messiah. The exact words according to someone who knew the two
brothers are: "Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter, was one of the two who
heard John and followed him. Then he found his brother Simon and said to him,
'We have found the Messiah, which means the Christ. And he led him to Jesus,
who looked upon him and said, "You are Simon, the son of John; you shall
be called Cephas, which means Peter". Immediately, according to Matthew,
Jesus withdraws into the desert, where he is followed by Andrew and John for a
day, returning home to tell the news to his brothers. When Jesus returns from
the desert he begins to gather all his Disciples and they all follow him, all
going to Canaan, where the Mother of Jesus and the brothers of Jesus were, and
to whose wedding of these relatives of Jesus and his Mother all the Disciples
are invited.
It is the third day, according to John.
And we already have all the Disciples at the famous wedding of Cana or
Canaan, where Jesus performed his first miracle. From there they immediately
went down to Capernaum "and stayed there for some days".
John immediately cuts his Gospel in Capernaum and from the Beginning he
flies to the End, Jerusalem, wanting to make it clear that from the beginning
Jesus knew the End, and nothing and no one in this world could close the way to
the Cross. The Lamb of God had been born to be sacrificed in atonement for all
the sins of the world, committed in Ignorance, and so it was to be. At the beginning
it was impossible for the Disciples to understand Jesus; only after the
Resurrection could they see Christ in Jesus, and hence the colossal leap from
the Beginning to the End with which John breaks all the molds of making History
and surprises the whole world by transposing dates in time.
The Evangelist - in the case of the dynamic succession: Baptism, Desert,
Wedding, Capernaum, Jerusalem - is not looking at man but at the Spirit that
was in man. But we, who are his readers and not his counselors or his
interpreters or his translators or even his equals, and having seen this, we
stay in time and see how people from different localities, for Jesus and his
brothers were raised in Nazareth, hence he was called a Nazarene, and Peter and
Andrew, raised on the shores of the Sea of Galilee, for they were fishermen,
curiously find themselves at the same wedding feast, enjoying the same wedding
celebration. Point without importance, or at least it has never had it until
now, but that to us, perceptive eyes that scrutinize the interiors of the
stones, serves us as an indicator and, knowing the Jewish social structure,
very similar to the traditional Christian, because not in vain Christianity
inherited the sense of life of Judaism, except for the Christian Faith, it is
understood, we must conclude that the disciples of Jesus and the Family of Mary
of Nazareth were in Canaan of Galilee, according to the Evangelist, and it is
too late to doubt his word, not by chance, nor as a result of being exclusively
following Jesus, but celebrating the wedding of a common relative. That is, the
Jesus who "walking by the Sea of Galilee saw two brothers, Simon, who is
called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea, for they were
fishermen; and he said to them, 'Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.
And they immediately left their nets and followed him"; That Jesus who
came to the boats of Peter and James, the same Jesus that they were all
relatives of the bride and groom in honor of whom Canaan was celebrating his
From this point on, the sequence presented by John in his Gospel is as
follows: Jesus is baptized and the Baptist reveals to Andrew and John: Christ
in the son of Mary of Nazareth. Immediately Jesus withdraws to the desert, from
where he returns to call his first Disciples, with whom he attends the wedding
feast in Canaan. It is not the Hour of Jesus but the time to unveil himself
before his future Apostles and let them see the Prophet announced by Moses
saying: "Yahweh will send you from among your brothers a prophet like me,
whoever does not listen to his word will be cut off from his people". If
at first, when Jesus said to them "Follow me and I will make you fishers
of men" the Four Brothers could not understand exactly what he was talking
about, after Canaan what Peter and James had always known, that the son of Mary
was the legitimate living heir of the Crown of David, was confirmed forever.
And we move on. John is at the Jordan; the multitudes of sinners go to
him to be baptized, and the day comes when he is approached by the One of whom
his God had told him: "On whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending and
resting on him, he it is that baptizes in the Holy Spirit". Our question
is logical: what did John see, for it is said: "And I saw". It is St.
Matthew who comes to help us.
Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to be baptized. John opposed him,
but finally he bent his knees and allowed him to be baptized. When Jesus was
baptized, he came up out of the water; and behold, the heavens were opened, and
he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting upon him...
New question: Did John alone see it - the dove - or was it seen by all
those who were there? To which St. Luke answers with his usual clarity: And it
came to pass, while all the people were being baptized, that, when Jesus was
baptized and was praying, heaven was opened, and the Holy Spirit descended in
bodily form, like a dove.... That is, it was not a vision, it was a dove of
flesh and blood that alighted on Jesus, and this was the visible sign by which
the Baptist saw, and bore witness "that this is the Son of God". A
sign that everyone who was there that day saw and that, apart from the amazing
fact of finding a dove in the desert, no one gave it the importance that the
dove had for the Baptist.
For, indeed, since when do doves fly in the desert? Perhaps we would
have to ask a bird lover to explain to us if this behavior is typical of a
dove, that of wandering in the desert. The answer as if he would give it to us:
Yes, if it is a homing pigeon.
Some will say to me, what is the importance of a pigeon playing the role
of Jonathan Livingston Seagull and for once in the History of the
Universe, a bird serving its Creator as a messenger? I will answer that it
would not be the first time, already on another occasion another sister of this
dove of the desert served its creator carrying in its beak an olive branch, as
it is written speaking of Noah. The importance looks to the banishment of the
imagery of this picture of a dove mysticoid, not
carnal, emerging from the ethereal heavens to be seen exclusively by the
Baptist. Attack I undertake on the grounds that his word would have had no
value as a witness before the ears of those who heard him testify, saying:
"I knew him not; but he that sent me to baptize in water said unto
me, Upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending and resting upon Him, the
same is he that baptizeth in the Holy Ghost. And I
saw, and bear witness that this is the Son of God". A vision that St. Luke
specifies, as we have seen, clarifying that the Sign came in the form of a dove
of flesh and blood, so that all those present, including the brothers of Peter
and James, had eyes to see what the Baptist was seeing, although they could not
understand the meaning of this event; a dove crossing the desert and coming to alight on Jesus! and they would never have penetrated its
meaning if John had not unveiled the mystery to them, a manifest symbol of how
God took a man out of his people, and by resting his Spirit on him sent him to
all of us, his entire creation, to close one Era and open a new one.
Jesus comes out of the water, Andrew and John follow him, and for a day
they go into the desert, from where Jesus bids them farewell, and He goes alone
into the desert of temptations with the spirit of one who is going to meet face
to face with his enemy. The Hour of the Duel has come between the Son of Eve
and the Chief of the Rebels, that Satan who in the form of a Serpent, this time
not in body, said to Adam's wife: "No, you shall not die, for God knows
that on the day you eat of him you shall be as gods, knowing good and
The Day of Yahweh, "day of Vengeance and Wrath, day of Judgment and
Terror" for all the enemies of God who rose up against His Spirit and
sought to set their will above the Will of Almighty God, that Day had come. The
Champion of Heaven against the Champion of Hell! Heaven, taking the cause of
Man in its hands, had chosen the greatest of its sons, the Firstborn of the God
of gods, the King of kings of Paradise, the Only Begotten Son of God in person
walking to meet the Slayer of Adam. As two contenders who are about to face
each other to the death and subject their Duel to the Law, so the Son of the
Eternal went up through the desert to meet the one on whose head the Champion
of God was to let his fist fall, fulfilling the Scripture which was to be
fulfilled for us, and which without Him it would have been impossible for us to
fulfill: "He will crush your head", without pity, without mercy, Hell
to Hell, darkness to Darkness!
The Law obliged the Judge of the Adam Case to reclaim the Blood of the
Victim by means of and exclusively through the hand of a fellow-creature of the
dead, that is to say, of another man, for the Law says: "Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man's hand shall his blood be
shed; for man is made in the image of God". Law, therefore, from which the
Necessity of the Incarnation is seen; for if from the blood of a man alone God
could claim justice by sending another man against the murderer, it is
understood that from a son of God any son of God could be Sent by the Judge to
seize him and bring him before Judgment. Looking at this Wisdom, the Genealogy
of Jesus traces his line back to Adam, of whom it says: "Adam, Son of
The Law, therefore, established among the sons of God the impossibility
of taking Vengeance by his Hand. No son of God born of another creation could
intervene in the Course of History of the Human Genus. Creatures all, of flesh
and blood all the children of God, it was impossible for all of them to
proclaim themselves the Avenger of Adam's death. Divine Impossibility in which
the Murderer had placed his trust.
It did not fit in the head of the Enemy of God and His Kingdom that the
Father of all the Peoples of Creation would give us as Champion and Hero his
Only Begotten Son, His Child, His Right Hand, the light of His eyes, it did not
fit. And it did not fit him by logic. First, because the Only Begotten being of
the same Nature as his Father, God, and the Law established the Necessity of a
man as Champion of the Blood of Adam, by this simple Truth the Only One who
could satisfy the Victory was out of the question. And secondly, because God
would not expose "his Child" to a Duel to the death. According, then,
to the thought of Adam's Murderer, the Human Race was lost and its Destiny was
Self-destruction, as it had been written: "Dust thou art and unto dust
shalt thou return".
For God having subjected the Restoration of the Human Race to the result
of the Duel to death between the Son of Eve and the Chief of the Rebels,
concerning whom God said in Moses: "Wicked and perverse generation",
and believing in the Impossibility of his Defeat at the hands of a descendant
of his First Victim, Satan walked through the History of the Earth, as we see
in the Book of Job, doing and undoing as he pleased.
The Contradiction and Paradox created as a result of the Fall was, as we
can see, no mean feat. By the Law only a man could face a duel to the death
with the Evil One, because otherwise it would be impossible for the Rebel to
surrender, and by the Law no son of God, except the Only Begotten, could be the
Chosen One to proceed to this imprisonment. But being of the same Nature as the
Father, the Son could not be subscribed as the Champion of Mankind - according
to the Devil's thinking. Error that would cost him Freedom, because this
presupposition denied the Truthfulness of the Sonship of the whole House of
God. Now, if the Devil and his court of Hell proceeded to take as vain the
Creation in the Image of its Creator, God wanted to strangle this thought by
the Election of the One through whom He does everything and in His Incarnation
to found the Truthfulness of His Paternity over all His House in the Blood of His
Only Begotten Son, establishing by the Grace of His Primogeniture the
Truthfulness of every child of God, for although by adoption, this is
legitimate and eternal, and from here, as our Apostle said, "We call God
with the words of the Only Begotten One, we call God with the words of the Only
Begotten One: We call God with the words of the Only Begotten, saying
And there He went, the Only Begotten of His Father and Firstborn among
His brethren, Jesus, the son of Mary, the daughter of Bathsheba, of Ruth, of
Sarah, of Eve, accompanied by two of His dearest relatives, Andrew and John,
going up the desert road to meet the Enemy of His Eternal Father and His own
Crown, the Crown of the King of the Universe, against whose Head He was ready
to crash His Fist the same who made His Almighty Voice resound in the Darkness,
saying: "Let there be Light." That God the Only Begotten Son, our
Creator and Champion, King and Savior, Father and Master, made man, overcoming
the Impossible Incarnation, Door that according to the Devil would never be
opened by God, turns to the two young men and bids them farewell, saying to
them: We will see you in Canaan, tell Peter and James to be ready. It is the
son of Mary of Nazareth who speaks to them, it is the spiritual Head of the
Davidic Clan of Galilee, the legitimate heir of the house of Solomon who speaks
to them. And they turn back.
When Jesus returns and goes to the sons of Zebedee and their relatives,
the son-in-law of Peter's mother-in-law and Peter's younger brother, the Andrew
who told him: "We have discovered the Messiah", they follow him to
Canaan because they were invited to the wedding, and they are surprised by the
words of the son of Mary of Nazareth: "Come and I will make you fishers of
men". This point, the relationship of kinship between Peter and Jesus,
raises the level one more point and forces us to travel back in time to a date
a little further back.
Let us go back to the time of the return from the Captivity, during the
days of Cyrus the Great, when a caravan of expatriates is repatriated to their
national home, led by their natural prince: Zerubbabel, the legitimate heir of
the Crown of the kings of Judah, son of David, son of Solomon...
Pre-Christian Chronicles
In the light of the conclusions that have been drawn from the
translations of the unearthed Libraries of the Pre-Christian Middle East, we
know positively, and from this knowledge we can recreate the true structure of
the international relations that allowed Cyrus the Persian to conquer an empire.
Herodotus' Histories, without detracting from their value, were written in
ignorance of the importance of the Biblical element in the development of world
events of the time. It is to some extent amusing to see how those who have
called themselves historians, blinded by their anti-Semitic hatred and
anti-Catholic prejudices, were unable to penetrate behind the fabric of fables
which Herodotus took up as a standard of truth and handed down to the future
wrapped in the golden cloth of the Classical Age. Not being a Historian of our
days, but only that, a writer of his time, one cannot ask of the author of the
Histories anything else than to reflect in his writings the ignorance in
progress in his day about the things of the Past. From our knowledge of Power
and History, it must be said, at this point one must be a perfect fool to
believe that the commanding general of the military forces of the kingdom of
Media gave the crown of Ecbatana to the king of Persia, until then a kingdom of
second importance in the political game, because of his pretty face, that of
And from the light of knowledge on the table one has to be something
more than a fool to believe that the king of Babylon, the superpower of the
moment, stood aside from the triumphal ride of the Persian, with his inactivity
giving away the Empire to the one who until then was his vassal, for the pretty
face of Cyrus. In a world where iron was the law and truth was held by force,
the nonsense that Herodotus wrote about the rise to power of Cyrus could only
have a place in the mind of an illiterate shepherd, which, in the end, well
thought out, was the vast majority of the world, an illiterate people, their
illiteracy referring more to the knowledge of the laws of Power than to the
knowledge of the letters that make up the alphabet. It was counting on this illiteracy
of the people about the laws of Power that Herodotus wrote the string of
nonsense which, as regards Cyrus, he called "Histories".
It is the facts that put on the table his testimony and erase the
writing on the wall by sages of Herodotus' status engraved in our memory. We
know positively that in the days of Nabonidus the imperial cities on the
borders of the Babylonian kingdom of the Chaldeans were in the hands of Jewish
officials. Any professional historian can vouch for this information, which, if
told by a lover of truth is a mere supposition, in the hands of a mercenary of
historical information sounds like that, knowledge. But what is absolutely
incredible is that these mercenaries in the service of Power have never
dedicated a single line to the singular phenomenon that appears before our eyes
when we discover that a people of slaves rise up to hold the keys to the
kingdom of their master and lord.
The culprit of this atypical and phenomenological situation, without a
doubt, the prophet Daniel, head of Nebuchadnezzar's Privy Council. But what
fascinates me personally is to see how the experts in imperial structure, the
British people, being one of the architects of the unearthing of the Libraries
of the Ancient Middle East, these experts have behaved like illiterate
shepherds about what an Empire is and the series of structural forces that
move, they who had in their hands the largest Empire that has ever moved the
Earth for longer than any nation has ever had it in their hands. It sounds clownish,
therefore, that precisely the imperialists par excellence, the British people,
in the face of Herodotus's nonsense about the rise of Cyrus the Persian,
reacted like the shepherd of the fable.
The fact that the armies of the frontiers of the kingdom of the
Chaldeans were in the hands of Jewish generals can only be explained from the
Bible. Unifying it with the True History of the Chaldean Kingdom, we see that
the coup d'état that brought Nabonidus to power took place immediately after
the orgy of Balthasar, a coup d'état led by Daniel, prophet and chief of the
Magi of Babylon, a coup d'état that had been brewing for some time and for
which the famous story of the writing on the wall served as a starting signal.
We note in the history of the reign of Nabonidus that he delegated all
the imperial functions to his court, devoting himself, as puppet king, to dig
up lost cities in the desert. It would be under this court, dominated by the
head of Nebuchadnezzar's Privy Council, that the hitherto slaves would jump to
the leadership of the armies of the frontiers, which would later open the doors
to Cyrus, a peaceful conquest that the new king of Babylon would pay, not with
gold, but with freedom, as is well seen from the very famous, but unknown at
the international historical level, Edict of Religious Freedom of Cyrus, whose
content I will translate throughout this section.
Medes Chronicles
Let us observe how the anti-Semitic hatred of the historians of the
Modern Age and their anti-ecclesiastical fanaticism blinded their intelligence
to the point of blinding their eyes when, faced with the unbelievable, that the
general in chief of the second superpower of the time, Media, would hand over
the crown of his king and lord to a vassal prince, and this without mediating a
single battle, they limited themselves to say: Amen. It would be the first time
in the history of mankind that a superior army surrendered to an inferior one
because of the pretty face of the assailant enemy, in this case Cyrus the
Persian. Herodotus, being what he was, a man of his time, in no case a
historian of our days, limited himself to write the string of nonsense that ran
in his days about the rise of a prince of second rank to the summit of the
empire, inexplicable phenomenon that only from a mythical perspective was able
to understand the people, and that he, a simple writer, was limited to reflect
past years of the events, demonstrating to have little wood of historian and
much of what he was, that, a writer.
It was impossible that the prince of Persia had not been subject to
vassalage at the court of Babylon. Let us remember that after the division of
the world by Cyaxares and Nabopolassar,
the result of the destruction of the empire of Nineveh, Persia was relegated to
what it had been, an obscure power, with the difference that this time around
it, North and West, two strong kingdoms had risen, against which only the
prince of Susa was subject to vassalage.
It is true that by agreement Cyaxares subjected Persia to the influence of his scepter and that Nabopolassar ceded this influence in exchange for the western frontier, richer, and more in
need of his attention if we take into account that on the other side of the
Jordan and west of Sinai was Egypt. But it is no less true that Media and its
king had on its western frontier another potential enemy of great stature in
the Hellenistic peoples.
Persia was relegated to the back room of the empire, in theory dependent
on the king of Media but in practice exposed at the feet of the king of
Babylon. If Persia's independence is respected, it is due to an agreement
between the victors that serves as a symbol of perpetual friendship between
Ecbatana and Babylon. Any military uprising for the royal independence of Susa
could be crushed at any moment, either by the Chaldean or the Mede. Hence, if
Ecbatana sought alliance with Susa to keep the frontier closed on Babylon, Susa
sought alliance with Babylon in order to maintain its autonomy from Ecbatana,
which was signed, as was normal in those days, by the delivery, as
"guest-hostage" of an heir to the crown, in this case Cyrus.
We have then that Astiages the Fat, heir of Cyaxares and king of Ecbatana, marries one of his daughters
with the father of Cyrus, in alliance against Babylon, which Susa takes as a
guarantee of autonomy from the court of Nebuchadnezzar. And in turn the father
of Cyrus gives in "hostage" a son of his to the king of Babylon as a
gesture of submission to the crown of Nebuchadnezzar, forcing Babylon to serve
as a wall against any invasion of the powers signed between Cyaxares and Nabopolassar on the status of Persia.
In order to hide the web of relationships that made possible the rise of
the Persian prince to the imperial throne and that we will unravel until the
end, the children's story of the persecution of the son of the Median princess
given as wife to the father of Cyrus, the mythical salvation of his son by a
shepherd, and the prodigious conquest of Media and Babylon without even
fighting, or at least one battle, was expanded. What less than a battle! But
no, none. And the most curious, amazing and fascinating thing is not that a
writer of the fantastic things of his time was not surprised by the story, the
most amazing thing of all is that the same people who pretend to give us
lessons of Universal History have swallowed this ball. And what is most
laughable is to see that such deep throats were capable of affirming the
Histories and denying History: affirming in the Age of Enlightenment, God save
us from their enlightenment, that there never existed a Nineveh, nor a Troy.
Assertions for morons that if under the Enlightenment of the Modern Age were
taken in the 18th century as the word of God, in the 19th century God plunged
his hands in the mud and rubbed Nineveh in the face of such geniuses. It is not
an accusation, but to remove the mask of infallibility that the Historians of
the XXth claimed for themselves.
The facts sing. First Media. The general in chief of the kingdom of the
Medes gets off his horse and puts his military forces at the orders of the
prince of a vassal kingdom. For the face! Incredible act that the legend signed
by Herodotus establishes in the jealousy of the general in chief of the Medes
forces, who, scorned because the mother of Cyrus, one day his fiancée, was
taken from him by his king and father-in-law in potential to be given as wife
to the king of Persia, blah blah blah ... a story typical of the tales of a
Shakespeare's Midsummer Night ... because King Astiages had a dream in which he saw his dynasty broken by the fruit of his daughter
with the chief of his armies, oh la la, and terrified
he gives his daughter, the betrothed of the chief of his armies, for a wife to
the king of Susa, keeping away the danger of Ecbatana, a ball that would
eventually return to his roof to sink the whole building ... Well, for the sake
of it, after giving the kingdom to a vassal prince, the whole of Babylon also
opens its doors to this same second-rate prince ... by the face! You really
have to be a moron to listen to this story and give it the attention it
deserves such Chronicles of the True History of Mankind.
And all this from above after having contained Babylon to Egypt, closing
the way to Lydia to the pharaoh; a pharaoh who, even being in the antipodes of
these events, had risen up and was beating the king of Babylon to get up and do
something, to join Croesus and give back to Astiages the throne that his servant had stolen for Cyrus, for the face of it!
I think you have to be a real moron not to see, in that triumphal walk
of a second-class prince in the relations of the Power of the moment, a fabric
of international forces united by the same reason, thinking and leading core of
the actions of all those who gave Cyrus the Empire, which he paid with the
Edict of Liberty, which stands as our main and most powerful proof of the
connection of the Jewish world with the momentous change that the whole
Civilization gave as a result of the ascension to the imperial throne of Cyrus.
The Mystery of Dioces the Mede
Another of the Stories that the eminent Historians of the Modern Age
collected without flinching, that is to say, without any desire and even less
capacity to unravel, refers to the mystery of the miraculous formation of the
kingdom of the Medes. The legend once again rises to the altars of history and
leaves the mysterious journey of the founding Dioces of the kingdom of the Medes, after which he returned with the keys of what
would later become Ecbatana, its capital, in the mists of the succulent
universe of the Myths.
The historical structure is unequivocal and does not lend itself to
fables. But let us not forget that if Herodotus had no idea of the existence of
the Bible, modern historians, blinded by their anti-Semitic prejudices, made a
total mutism about the revolution that made possible the leap from a nation
composed of tribes in a barbarous state to a society subject to a monarchical
structure. And they are mute because this revolution took place following the
deportation of the Israelites to the Mountains of the East.
Since the days of Tiglath-Pileser I, back in the 12th century B.C., the
Assyrians already knew of the existence of the barbarian peoples of the North.
But it would not be until the days of Shalmaneser III, in the IX century, that
the confrontation with these barbarians of the mountains north of Assyria would
become periodic. Shalmaneser found a group of some 27 tribes, each subject to
its own prince, and whose military and social structure was typical of all
Indo-European nations in its beginnings, that is to say, anarchic, fruit of the
theory of freedom that has always been natural to all barbarians.
That those 27 tribes of the North came from other parts of the world and
that among them was the people of the Medes, in turn divided into tribes, is a
matter of course. The problem is that modern historians tended to mold all the
data in order to give themselves a History to suit their own mentality: which,
however, being their school of imperial mentality, this reconstruction did not
obey the Law of Power in any case. In any case, there are data that it was
impossible for them to avoid and, however much it weighed on them, they had to
take for granted. The connection between Medes and Persians, reflected in the
commercial relations between those peoples of the North and the nations south
of Assyria, is one of those annoying data that they avoided as far as possible
in order not to correct the Histories of their master.
The fact is that during the days of Shalmaneser III the Medes were still
as savage as they were during the days of Tiglath-Pileser I, two and three
centuries before. By savages in this case we mean that they did not know how to
structure a State nor proceed to define a Civilization of their own. Samshi Adad IV and Adad Nirari III - always in the IX century - imposed tribute to the Medes and allied
peoples of the mountains, but without ever succeeding in reducing them to the
yoke of Assyria or conquering them for their civilization. The law of the
freedom of the barbarians was preferable to the law of slavery that prevailed
from Nineveh. And under that law they continued to multiply and grow.
So much so that when Tiglath-Pileser III, in the middle of the eighth
century, set out to conquer glory and fame for eternity, and burst into the
northern country, he confronted the barbarian chieftains, and defeated them one
by one: he led back to Assyria a caravan of slaves that numbered tens of
thousands of heads. A little later the following generation revolted against
the Assyrian yoke, but with no other consequence than the crushing of the
revolt and the annihilation of a population already decimated by the first war
against Tiglath-pileser III.
Thus, when Sargon II, in 722, razed the kingdom of Israel, and destroyed
White Samaria, whose ivory domes shone in the sun of the centuries, to the
despair of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, who saw the chosen people
sinking into idolatry, things already described in the Bible, and deported the
survivors of Israel to the land of the Medes, the nation of the barbarians of
the North experienced a transfusion of warrior blood, under whose pressure,
already heated by the desire for revenge of the nation that received this new
breath, rose in rebellion against the common enemy, living together the defeat
and banishment of the leader of the revolt, the mysterious and enigmatic Dioces of the Legend.
We must count it to the shame of the historians of the Ancient Near
Middle East that they never wanted to open their eyes to this meeting of two
peoples in the same time and place, the one highly evolved, the Israelites,
whose origin as a Kingdom and State dated back to the days of David and
Solomon, and the other in its most savage state, both subject to the same
imperial despotism, and who close their union through the blood they shed in
the revolt of which Dioces was the leader. Such
historians of the school of Herodotus, enemies by system of the almighty
influence of the Semitic element in the History of Civilization, inasmuch as
the Semite is the Jew, close the chapter of the confluence of these two
peoples, the Israelite and the Mede in revolt against the common enemy, Sargon
II, by saying that the barbarian tribes put their heads under the yoke again,
thus burying their eminences in oblivion the Israelite Connection.
This Israelite Connection in the future of the Median People became so
decisive and transcendental that the hitherto impossible, to make of all the
tribes a single nation, became a reality and overnight the barbarians gave
themselves a king, built themselves a capital and organized themselves under
the structure of a State. Now, the explanation of the creation of a State
overnight has two outlets. One is for moronic intelligences, the other is the
expression of reality. The Modern Age preferred the first. The reality is that
the evolution during the course of a generation, that of Dioces,
of the passage from a barbarian structure to a state structure, implied a real
revolution. And for it to be consummated it had to have experts in the field, a
highly civilized people, raised in the structure of Power that represents the
formation of a Kingdom.
This revolution took place precisely when the Israelite people entered
the Middle Ages. And any explanation of this revolutionary step by which a
people of many barbarian tribes, in an anarchic state for centuries, merges
into a Crown and proto-imperial State that does not go through this Connection
results in a History for illiterate shepherds, which would be the history that
Herodotus collected speaking of Cyrus.
The formation of the Empire of Ecbatana had only one purpose, the
destruction of Nineveh. It was under the force of perpetual vengeance, sealed
with blood during the revolt that drowned Sargon II between Israelites and
Medes, that the grandson of Dioces, the Cyaxares of Universal History, and father of the future
wife of Nebuchadnezzar, that the new nation product of the union of the
Israelite People with the Nation of the Medes would launch itself against
Assyria and tear Nineveh from the surface of the Earth.
Fall of Nineveh
In that mother revolution at the origin of the formation of the Median
kingdom, and as it is to understand from the logic of Power, to give cohesion
to his military crown Dioces closed the picture of
his staff with the Israelite element, now a tribe united by blood to the Nation
of the Medes and by the State to the Crown of the king of Ecbatana. It was the
establishment of a civilized monarchy on a barbarian substratum, in which the
chieftainship was retained by the barbarian element, and its consistency rested
on the foreign element, highly evolved, but by its status as a new tribe unable
to take the crown. And this structure of obedience to the monarch, in the
Israelite element something natural, but alien to the barbarian blood, would be
the fundamental column on which the dynasty of Dioces based its military power.
That the thirst for vengeance moved both peoples, the Israelite and the
Mede, and was the bosom in which both bloods united to conceive the Crown of
Ecbatana, is seen in the fierceness with which the heir of Dioces, Fraortes the Younger, launched himself against the
common enemy. The fault as always, the Assyrian.
During the reign of Sennacherib the Librarian, the yoke of Nineveh
weighed criminally on all the nations west of the Euphrates. Concerned with
drowning in blood the cry for freedom of the peoples west of the Euphrates,
Sennacherib was unconcerned with the barbarians of the North, and Dioces took advantage of this unconcern to consolidate his
revolution and bequeath to his dynasty a strong army ready to quench the thirst
for revenge of the New Nation. Thanks to the adventure of Sennacherib in the
West, Dioces extended his influence to the back of
Nineveh, closing with the people of the Persians the typical alliance between
friends for enmity towards a common enemy.
Dead Sennacherib and Dioces the sons of both
faced each other on the battlefield. But Ashurbanipal proved too strong a rival
for Fraortes the Younger, whose kingdom had not yet
matured enough to match the structure of an empire. So his successor, Cyaxares, withdrew on his kingdom in order to give him the
final touch. Which as we all know
reached its apotheosis in 606, the year in which the thirst for revenge of the
Northern Nation was drunk with the blood of the hated enemy, the Assyrian,
whose capital was torn from the surface of the Earth never to be inhabited
again for ever and ever, as announced by God in his Book.
Between the ascension of Cyaxares to the
throne and the destruction of Nineveh we have the invasion of the Media by the
barbarians of the Siberian steppes, which delayed the Final Hour, but could not
prevent the divine design from being fulfilled to the letter. In the din of
that cry of victory he who has ears to hear hears the tongue of the Hebrew
rising together with that of the Mede, both souls drunk with the pleasure of
the gods, at one raising to their gods the same thanksgiving.
We must not forget that Herodotus, a Greek, did not know the Bible, and
therefore his ability to discover the existence of the Israelite element in the
Origin of the Median Revolution is amply justified; nor must we fail to see
that modern historians, knowing the Bible and the History of the Pre-Christian
Middle East, covered their ears and plucked out their eyes rather than recognize
the power of the influence of the Semitic element, incarnated in the Israelite
People, speaking of the irruption in Universal History of the kingdom of the
Medes. It will be from this connection that it will be explained how a major
state, composed of the Israelite element, arranged the transfer of the crown,
which it created, from the hands of the house of Dioces to that of the house of Cyrus. Reason that will be explained following this
same structure of reasoning.
Babylonian Chronicles
But if the Assyrian sowed in the North the seed of an almighty hatred
that in due time would bear its fruit, south of Nineveh this hatred was already
a fact that, crouched like the lioness that contemplates her victim seated, the
governor of Babylon awaited his moment. This moment would come to Babylon with Nabopolassar.
Aware of the advance of the king of Ecbatana, Nabopolassar launched himself against the king of Nineveh, using with the king of Nineveh
the same law that he applied to all nations. Crushed the Assyrian Empire, Nabopolassar ascended the throne, closing between him and Cyaxares an alliance of mutual peace, sealed with the
wedding between the daughter of the king of the North and the son of the king
of the South.
And then the division of the world.
The king of Babylon kept the world south of the Taurus Mountains,
leaving all the north, and from there to the confines of the Anatolian West, to
the king of Media. The king of Media left to the king of Babylon the world
south of the Tauros, and thence to the confines of
Palestine, Arabia and Egypt. Behind both kingdoms there remained Persia, an
autonomous region subject in principle to the vassalage of the crown of
Ecbatana, but subject to the political influence of Babylon. Persia, a region
with no real army or unified state force of its own, its power as an enemy was
reduced to that of a frontier province serving the mutual interests of both
kingdoms. Because of the marriage alliance between Ecbatana and Babylon any
revolt of Susa would hit a wall impossible to break through. However, any
crossing of the limits of influence over Persia dictated by both powers could
shift the balance of power and pass the dependence of Susa from one crown to
the other. Imbalance that did not interest neither the allied crowns, both
launched to the conquests of the West, one by the North and the other by the
South, nor the crown of Persia itself, too weak to resist a joint attack of the
forces of Ecbatana and Babylon.
By the North Cyaxares reached the kingdom of
Lydia, whose conquest was not consummated, and by the South the king of Babylon
reached the Great Sea, where the son of Nabopolassar destroyed the kingdom of Judah, as it is written.
Just as before the kingdom of Israel had been wiped off the face of
history, now it was the turn of the kingdom of Judah. And just as before the
Assyrian deported the cream of the surviving Israelite youth to a foreign land,
thinking to humiliate their pride and put down forever the danger of revolt,
now Nebuchadnezzar did the same with the survivors of Jerusalem and its
kingdom, deporting to the land of the Chaldeans the cream of the surviving
If in the first case the deportation did not mean slavery, but sharing
the same hatred and desire for revenge with the population of the land to which
the Israelites were deported, joining which, from the merger came into being a
New Nation, with its capital in Ecbatana, in this case the deportation of the Jews
meant slavery in the land of the same people who destroyed their kingdom.
What revolution could bring to power this people of slaves whose master
had as much and more experience than the Jewish people themselves in the
structural nature of a State and Empire! None. Unless... Indeed, God elevated a
Jew to the supreme head of the Privy Council of the king of Babylon. And even
then and only if this man of God managed to overcome all the intrigues against
his person that the members of the king's Privy Council had to put in his way.
The historians of the Modern Age, more concerned with touching the noses
of the Catholic Church than with penetrating the structures of the Past, were
unconcerned with the Influence and Power of the Magi in the Court of Nebuchadnezzar.
The hatred of the Semitic element, for being Jewish, was always stronger than
their sense of truth, and where they saw any possible Hebrew-Jewish connection,
they turned away and ignored History, limiting themselves to journalism of the
Past: Year such and such, king such and such, war such and such. Period and
But at the height of the rule of Nabonidus, the last of the Chaldeans,
of Assyrian origin to make matters worse, the keys of the great border cities
were in the hands of Jewish generals, a fact that any historian can confirm,
highlights that the power of the head of the king's Privy Council, and Chief of
the Magi of Babylon, was of extraordinary scope. The more powerful the figure
of the moment, the more extensive it was. In the case of the prophet Daniel
this power must be multiplied to its maximum power if we take into account his
survival after the death of Nebuchadnezzar and his presence in the plot that
overthrew his dynasty and handed the crown to a foreign prince, the Nabonidus of
history. Or does a dynastic change occur without revolution? The innocence of
modern historians not to see any revolution in a change of dynasty is as great
as their perversity to turn their backs on the truth if it would satisfy the
passion that led them to touch the noses of the Church in order to demonstrate
that they and not God are the true architects of History, if not the one that
is at least the one that was.
So we have two elements of the same body touching at the end of the end
to give the Crown of the Empire to an unknown, our Cyrus. On the one hand the
Israelite element at the origin of the Crown of Ecbatana, and on the other the
Jewish element at the head of the border cities of the kingdom of Babylon.
It remains for us to define the nature of the revolution that led
Nabonidus to power, Cyrus to the Empire and Zerubbabel to the return to the
Lost Homeland.
Persian Chronicles
We could give free course to a whole encyclopedic book dealing with this
subject of Cyrus' rise to Empire and his Edict of Religious Freedom. The angles
are so rich in succulent mysteries that a new version could hardly be set
aside, mirroring History. First, because of the series of impossibilities
previously exposed, skipping which a second rate prince confronts the three
superpowers of the moment and triumphs, writing what Julius of the House of
Caesar signed: Veni, vidi, vincit, but this Julius of the House of the
Achaemenids without having to fight a battle that deserved this name, except
the one he fought with Croesus the Lydian; and second, because since when in
the Culture of the Nation of the Persians, did religious freedom appear as an
emblem! Even in our days, genetics betrays those who proclaim themselves
successors of that Cyrus defender of religious freedoms and who, claiming to be
his successors, understand religious freedom as the destruction of all
infidels, especially if they are Jews.
In that game of forces between superpowers of the moment it was natural
that the matrimonial alliances opened and closed directions. From this reason
that the son of Cyaxares, Astiages the Fat, married a daughter of his belly with the prince of Persia did not
imply any right of Susa to the Crown of Ecbatana, in the same way that the
marriage between the daughter of Cyaxares and the son
of Nabopolassar did not give any right to the king of
Ecbatana on the crown of Babylon. Absolving Herodotus for his ignorance, any
historian knows that the princess given in marriage of alliance passed directly
to live under the crown of the prince consort. The fable of Prince Cyrus, son
of this marriage, being exposed to the decree of death and saved by a shepherd,
has no value, except that of wishing to save in some way the right of Cyrus to
the throne of Media and to clothe his incredible accession to the Empire with
the mantle of the providence of the gods. It was impossible for a second-rate
prince, as I said before, to dream of conquering all the crowns of the
superpowers of the time, and what is more fantastic, without even having to fight
a single battle. Oh la la!
So, surpassing Herodotus, we return to reality. And the reality is that
if Astiages married a daughter from among his
daughters to the crown prince of Persia, as usually happens in any marriage of
this kind: this alliance was intended to maintain the autonomy of Susa against
Babylon, reminding Ecbatana to Babylon that any accession that exceeded its
political influence over Susa would give rise to a war legitimized by blood
between the crowns.
On the part of Susa, while the king of the Persians secured the support
of the king of the Medes thanks to the marriage between his heir and the
princess of Ecbatana, playing both sides, things of Power! the king of the
Persians maintained his political independence from the king of Ecbatana:
vassalage by means of the king of Babylon, signing with the Chaldean the
classic rehenage of his heir, by which the first, a
second rank kingdom, obtained from the second, a kingdom of first magnitude,
coverage and assistance to the charter of his independence from the king of the
Medes. It would be in this court, and not in the hut of any shepherd, where
Cyrus would be raised.
Let us remember that at the time when Cyrus was to be delivered - and
hence the legend of his disappearance from the sight of Ecbatana and Susa -
into the hands of the Chaldean Court, the Head of the House of the Magi, and
Head of the Privy Council of the King of Babylon, and therefore in command of
the royal hostages, this Power was in the hands of a Jew named Daniel.
Let us further observe that the same process which Nebuchadnezzar
carried out with Jerusalem, destroying the city and taking with him its
surviving princes, this same process was that which his father, Nabopolassar, carried out with Nineveh, destroying the city
and deporting to his kingdom its surviving princes, from which, just as from
the surviving Jews would come the prince Zerubbabel, both raised in the court
of Nabuchus under the hand of the same Head of the
king's household, Magus and prophet Daniel, would later come Nabonidus, the
future king after the coup d'état that overthrew the dynasty of Nabuchus.
Cyrus, closing this incursion, was related by his mother to the crown of
the Medes, and by his maternal grandfather, to Astiages himself, son of Cyaxares. Astiages,
brother of Nebuchadnezzar's wife, being the maternal grandfather of Cyrus,
related his grandson, unwittingly, to the Crown of Babylon. The opportunity to
unite these three crowns, the Persian, the Chaldean and the Mede in the same
head was extraordinary.
Cyrus had legitimate blood rights over the three crowns of the moment.
Obviously for this he had to overthrow the dynasty of Nabuchus,
put on the throne a puppet king, Nabonidus, subject the border cities to men
loyal to the Wizard of Babylon, Jews like himself, and overcome the
confrontation with the king of Ecbatana. Something not very difficult to do if
the Great Wizard of the East took into account that the staff of the Median
Crown was in the hands of descendants of Israelites, all sons of the same
Abraham, in whose ears the Will of God, who had arranged the ascension of Cyrus
the Persian to the throne of king of kings, would find a well-disposed soul.
The price that Cyrus would pay?
Jewish Chronicles
All that glitters is not gold. And in the envelope of the archetypal
anti-Semitic image making the Jew the classic miser, miserable creature
crawling among the strata of power, gold not only does not glitter but is pure
paint. It would not be until after the Roman destruction of Jerusalem and the
coexistence of the Jew in Islam and against Christianity that this painting
began to be manufactured and completed, becoming the Jew the most abject kind
of worm, with no loyalty to anyone and capable of betraying the friend of today
if the enemy of yesterday comes to power and its survival in tomorrow depends
on the survival of the enemy of today, who was the friend of yesterday. But as
far as the Hebrew, Israelite or Jew, of the times before Christ, and especially
during the centuries from the XVI to the VI, that is, a whole Millennium, the
Hebrew was a born Warrior forged on the battlefield, whose fame was
consolidated worldwide during the days of David.
But to believe that a born warrior is crushed while his chest is still
alive is a mistake, which eventually cost Nineveh its existence. A warrior only
ceases to exist, dead. The same spirit of Freedom opposed the kingdom of Judah
to the empire of Babylon. The image that the world of that time had of the Jew
was that of a brave and courageous soldier. Truth that highlights the door that
was opened to freedom through his entry into the Babylonian army, serving in
which came their leaders to reach the highest positions in the cities on the
borders of the kingdom. With the help of the chief of the Magi? Well, yes,
always: but no influence carries weight when it is a question of defending
cowards, who, had they been cowards, not for ten such as Daniel, would the king
of Babylon have accepted their appointments to guard the Gates of the Kingdom.
The Edict of Freedom which Cyrus signed upon entering Babylon was drawn
up long ago and the New King of Babylon merely affixed his Seal. This Edict is
the key that opens the door to the whole Mystery of that Century: the rise of
Cyrus, the fall of Babylon and Ecbatana, the complicity of Babylon in the Fall
of the kingdom of Lydia and its refusal to join Egypt to support Lydia and stop
the foundation of the empire of Cyrus. And at the same time it allows us to see
the nature of the Caravan that prince Zerubbabel led from Babylon to Jerusalem.
I mean, Zerubbabel led an armed army, enriched by the treasures of the
Community of the Great Synagogue of the East and exalted by the priestly tribe,
but first and foremost Zerubbabel was a prince and those who accompanied him
were the same generals and soldiers who opened the Gates of the Kingdom to
Cyrus, of whom Cyrus happily got rid of, thinking that just as they had
deserted their former master they could desert the new lord, and it was better
for his Empire to have such servants, loyal only to their God, outside the army
than inside the army.
The biblical account is sufficient proof when it comes to confirming the
veracity of the armed nature of the Caravan of the heir to Solomon's crown. As
I said, the archetypal image of the Jew installed in our memory during the last
centuries cannot be exported to the times we are dealing with. Zerubbabel leads
an army of occupation with full powers of armed defense against the occupiers
of the Lost Homeland. Who, as we read, did not take long to try to destroy
them. Which they did not succeed because those settlers, masons, carpenters and
others, under the cloak of work carried the soldier's sword. And they had
Cyrus' permission to defend themselves and to assert their lives. What is
Liberty without the right of defense!
It is understood from his Edict that Cyrus did not grant the Jews a
Freedom to invade the Country and make Joshua's Zerubbabel in full Reconquest.
From the Edict it is understood that the Jews bought their Freedom to return to
their Homeland and settle in the land following the laws of peaceful
settlement, and subjection of the new populations to the imperial duties. Under
these premises, as we see in the Biblical account, Zerubbabel and his men
rebuilt Jerusalem, settled and began to expand throughout the Hebrew Homeland.
Here is the famous Edict of Cyrus
A.- I am Cyrus, King of the World, great king, mighty king, king of
Babylon, king of the lands of Sumer and Akkad, king of the Four Regions, son of
Cambyses, great king, king of Ansan, grandson of
Cyrus, great king, king of Ansan, descendant of Theispes, great king, king of Ansan,
descendant of a royal line without end, whose law Bel and Nabu bless, whose reign makes the pleasure of the gods.
When I was ready, I entered Babylon, and set up my kingdom in the palace
of kings amidst joy and gladness. Marduk, the Most
High God, disposed the hearts of the inhabitants of Babylon toward me, and I
will worship him all my days.
And he continues:
B.-By my deeds Marduk, the Lord Almighty,
rejoiced, and me, Cyrus, the king who worships Him, and Cambyses, my son, the strength
of my thighs, and all my troops He has blessed, and by this in a spirit of
grace we glorify in exaltation His Most High Divinity.
All the kings who sit upon their thrones from one corner to the other of
the Four regions, from the North Sea to the South Sea, who dwell in ... all the
kings of the West who dwell in tents, paid tribute to me and came to kiss my
feet over Babylon. From ... to the cities of Asshur, Susa, Akkad and Eshunna, the cities of Zamban, Meurnu, Der, to the ends of the land of the Gutis, I brought back the gods to their places of worship
from of old, to their sacred cities in ruins from ancient times.
I gathered all their inhabitants and restored their cities. The gods of
Sumer and Akkad, whom Nabonidus, against the wrath of the gods, brought to
Babylon, I, by the will of Marduk, the Lord God,
brought back to their cities of worship.
Let all the gods pray for me before Bel and Nabu for all the days of my life, and say to my Lord, Marduk:
"May Cyrus, the king, your servant, and Cambyses, his son...."
And he concludes thus:
C.- Now that I am king of Persia, Babylon and the nations of the Four
Regions with the help of Marduk, I declare that I
will respect the traditions, customs and religions of the nations of my empire,
and I will not allow, as long as I live, any ruler under my command to insult
From now on forever, as long as Marduk disposes the kingdom in my favor, I will not impose my religion on any nation.
Every nation is free to accept it, and if any nation rejects it I will never
rise up against its freedom to impose my Belief upon it. As long as I am king
of Persia and Babylon, and of the Four Regions, I will not permit the religious
oppression of one nation over another, and if it should occur I will punish the
oppressor and restore his right to the oppressed.
As long as I am king I will not allow anyone to take possession and
expropriate the property of others by force or without compensation. As long as
I live, I prescribe slave labor.
Today, I declare: that everyone is free to choose his Religion; that
everyone is free to choose his dwelling place, understanding that this right
does not annul the duty towards the law of the neighbor; that No one may be
blamed for the crimes or faults of his relatives.
I prescribe slavery and my governors have the duty to prohibit the
exchange of persons for things within their dominions. Such a custom must be
exterminated from the face of the world.
I pray to Marduk to grant me to fulfill my
obligations to the nations of Persia, Babylon and the others of the Four
The Mystery of Jesus the Galilean
But to understand the mentality of Peter and why God chooses for Mother
of Christ to a Galilean, our Mary, if we still want to see the cause of
contempt for Jesus and his Disciples by the Jews on the basis of their Galilean
origins, contempt superimportant in understanding the
mental nature of the Christian movement of the beginning, real contempt in his
day forgetting which has been and is committed a tremendous error in applying
to the mentality of the early Christians a Jewish substratum according to the
Jewish understood from the consequences of the Crucifixion of Jesus; if we want
to see why God chose Galilee to shine the Light of His Wisdom and from the
Galilee of the Gentiles to radiate His Kingdom over the centuries, the first
thing we must do is to enter into the history of that Galilee of the Gentiles,
whose origins in time, as a Hebrew territory, counted for the dates more than a
millennium, enough time - obviating the deportation of its youth during the
Assyrian neo-imperium - to proceed the genotype to a sui generis, particular,
typical, patriotic mentality, which in the case of the Galilee, as seen in the
Gospels, came translated in the dialectal speech that, opening its mouth,
betrayed Peter during the famous Night of his Denials. We can say, without much
room for error, that compared to the Jew of his times the Galilean was the
Andalusian of ours in relation to the Spanish. The Andalusian opens his mouth
and the fool who does not guess his origin. This particular difference that
gives the Andalusian his way of speaking the same language of all Spaniards has
its origin in the greater space of time during which Andalusia was enslaved to
the Muslim Empire. Subject from the beginning to the whip of Islam, while the
North was in eternal struggle of Reconquest, Andalusia preserved its Latin
roots at the same time that its exposure to the Maghreb yoke gave its speech
those particular notes, which it would keep once back in the common Homeland of
the Spanish Free Peoples. Those centuries in prison within the walls of the
tyrannical empire of the Muslims, when those bars were thrown down by the
Catholic Monarchs, provoked in the Andalusian an overwhelming need for freedom
that determined its expansion to the ends of the world, which could be
satisfied during the Days of Discovery.
Thus, exposure to particular circumstances determines the patterns of
mental behavior of a people, which translates into their speech, Andalusian
case and Galileo case. Let us see when the rupture between Jews and Galileans
begins, which would be so important at the time of the condemnation of Jesus on
the basis of his Galilean origin.
Hebrew Chronicles
The real determining rupture of an alienation of the Jew from the Hebrew
had its origin immediately after the death of King Solomon. If we take the
Hebrews as a single being as the fruit of the flesh of Abraham, then we have to
say that the rupture between Jews and Galileans-Hebrews opened a process of
violent, incurable schizophrenia, the progress of whose pathology could not be
other than the destruction of the national body. Indeed, in 722 Sargon II
destroyed the kingdom of Israel, that is to say, Galilee and Samaria, and in
607 Nebuchadnezzar did the same with the kingdom of Judah. Neither God, we can
affirm, can do anything when madness is left to its own forces. However, more
than satirizing about processes that are things of the book, what interests us
here is why the Hebrews of David and Solomon broke the Covenant of Unity
between the Tribes of Israel, causing the beginning of the end of the Hebrews
as a Nation and People, who would never return to the scene, occupying
henceforth their place the Jews.
From the reading of the historical books of the Bible, it can be seen
that the clash of forces between Judah and the rest of the tribes of Israel
came as a consequence of the same error that dragged Cain to kill his brother
Abel. Cain was driven by the desire for revenge and restoration of the divine
destiny of his father Adam. And since the only one who stood between God and his
desire was his brother Abel, the answer was elementary; once Abel died and God
had determined that one of Adam's sons would avenge his fall and inherit his
lost glory, once Abel died and Adam had no more sons, Cain obliged God to
anoint him as his champion and heir to Adam's lost crown. Cain's mistake was in
his muscles. He did not think with his head, he thought with his biceps. He did
not see God as God sees himself. And from this error, seeing God as a man looks
at another man, he believed that his thinking and God's thinking had the same
end and beginning.
In the Jewish case the error had the same scheme of reasoning. God had
promised to a son of David the universal and everlasting kingdom (since we are
citizens of the Christian civilization and are aware of the existence of the
Psalms of David I have no need to import here the welter of prophecies in this
Translated this promise to the mentality of Solomon's century, the
Prophecy came to say that God had promised the Jews the Empire. Amen,
Hallelujah, God is Great: The next Empire to extend its flag over Mesopotamia
and from here to the ends of the Earth would be the Empire of the Jews. The
logic of the facts said so. With David the Hebrews had raised the greatest army
of the time. With Solomon the kingdom of the Jews had stored what is most
necessary to carry out a War of Conquest, gold and silver in infinite
quantities. The heir to this army and treasure would be the first king Messiah,
the heir to the Promise of the universal kingdom, whose descendants would rise
as a Dynasty until the end of the world, and his kingdom would extend over the
surface of the whole Earth.
Jeroboam only had to follow this logical argument to open the War for
the Empire, take the armies out of their barracks, scatter them over Egypt,
Assyria, Babylon, Phoenicia, and his sons would take over Crete, Cyprus,
Greece, Italy, Libya, Media, Persia, and his grandsons in the future India,
Scythia, Iberia, Abyssinia, Arabia.... The dream of the Empire of the Jews that
even today sounds in the head of a remnant of the madmen of Jeroboam, and that,
as seen in the Network itself, the paranoid schizophrenia of war is identical
to that which caused the breakup of the Twelve Tribes, leaving alone those of
Judah and Benjamin with their dream of universal dominion.
The Galilee, at that time part of the Solomonic kingdom, understood that
Judah, that is, the Jews, after the death of King Solomon had lost their
judgment and made the same mistake of Cain, not seeing God for who he is, and
falling into the error of believing that it is God who serves man, that God is
to do the will of man. Could not the great King Solomon, endowed with all
wisdom and strength, have opened the march if he had considered that the
Prophecy referred to him, the son of David?
To stop the process of destruction of the Hebrew national body, it would
have been enough for Jeroboam to have followed the advice of the elders. But
the advice of the Jews seemed better to him; he himself had been raised
suckling that milk, and, stumbling on the stone of Cain, he raised his arm
against Abel believing that the fear of the destruction that the division would
raise on the horizon would force all the Hebrews to accept the policy of fait
accompli that the Court of the Jews intended to impose on them. Mistake that
would cost them both to end up as they ended up.
If the Jews blamed their fate on the other tribes of Israel, the
relationship with them was one of hatred until the fall of Jerusalem, making
them guilty of their fate. The tribes of the kingdom of Israel returned the
favor to the Jews in the form of constant and continuous wars. For three long
centuries the Jews and the Hebrews-Galileans had time to open between them a
wall of enmity that would never again disappear from the Jewish mental
structure, being from this side of hatred that the Jews looked with the
contempt that deserved a Hebrew - for being Galilean - the Jesus of our Divine
History. Spit in the face for being a Galilean of which, of course, St. Peter
was not spared and suffered until the end of his days. And this even though St.
Peter was the same as our Jesus of the blood of David, that is, by blood more
Jews than Jerusalem itself.
Let us now see how Galilee became the homeland of Jesus and his
Nazarene Chronicles
The logic of events refers to the events of history, and that, as we see
in the Legend of Cyrus collected by Herodotus, has to do with popular fantasy
what Astrology with Astronomy or Theosophy with Theology. Great and profound
would be the discussion on the true origins of Cyrus, and no less interesting
and exquisite would be the connection of the Invasion of Greece by the Persians
of Xerxes who had the service that the 10,000 of Xenophon gave to the cause of
his brother Cyrus, with the invasion of this same Xerxes of Greece who would
write the famous Resistance of the Spartan Leonidas and his 300 heroes. Let us
observe, then, that the historians tend little to connect facts and
consequences and consequently we see how at the time of studying the cause of the
invasion of Artaxerxes or Xerxes, none of them emphasizes the 10. 000 of Xenophontes as a decisive factor that stops in the mind of
the Persian king a hatred towards the Greek, ally of his hated brother Cyrus,
and determines that the fear of the awakening of this nation under a king,
seeing that it was enough to the Greeks only 10,000 soldiers of fortune to
shake the foundations of the throne of Darius, pounces on the Empire and puts
an end to the Dynasty of Cyrus the Great.
Leaving aside the official plot about Cyrus and his empire in relation
to the Greeks and the Jews, but breaking with the formal opinion about the
latter in order to the intellectual precariousness demonstrated in the
connection with the former, let us say that the prosperity of the Jews under
the Persians had its cause in the secret pact that the Jewish generals of
Chaldean Babylon signed with the Prince chosen by Daniel and his god to be the
next king of the land. When Cyrus occupies Babylon, the Jews, in charge of the
keys of the cities of the northern borders, the way by which Cyrus enters the
kingdom of Nabonidus, give him the keys of the kingdom of the Chaldeans, which
is why historians had to write against their wishes, that Cyrus entered Babylon
without taking the sword out of the sheath.
With his Edict Cyrus paid the debt to the Prince of the Magi of the
Babylonian Court, but, as king, Cyrus relied on the talent of the Jews in the
things of Administration, leaving the Persian free for the things of war. And
it would be this special situation of the Jew in the Administration of the
Persian State that would inspire the Final Solution that God thwarted by
seating our Esther on the Throne of the queen.
Thus, although Cyrus did not grant a free hand to the Jews of
Zerubbabel, the support that he and his men found in the Court of Cyrus
remained until the death of the Great King. It was not until Darius that their
problems with the Palestinians began to take on a certain dimension. With Ezra,
Nehemiah and Queen Esther these problems passed away and since then no
anti-Jewish disturbances have been recorded in Palestine under the Persians.
What interests us now is the mentality of that Zorobabelian Colony, rebuilder of Jerusalem and founder of the foundations of the New
From the Edict it is understood that Zerubbabel and his followers were
perfectly aware of the express prohibition that its content imposed on the
occupation of a territory by violent means and the imposition of religion on
the occupants using coercive means on the native population of the
surroundings. But by this same Edict the King's Law was such that no one could
contradict his New World Order, and the Settlement of Zerubbabel in Judea and
Palestine by the King's Peace could not be contravened by any local government.
Let us not forget that the Banishment of the Jews under Nebuchadnezzar
took place about 596, and the Return opened its march in 536. Rounding up the
numbers, a scant 70 years separated Judah from its ruling class, so that when
the children of the deportees returned the land still retained the warmth of
its former owners.
Nabuchus imported foreigners to make up for the lack of the deportees and the dead, but
if we think that in normal conditions a ruling class does not reach 10 percent
of a national population, and that the remaining immense 90%, taking out the
fallen in the Jerusalem-Babylon War, remained in the land of their fathers, we
understand the absence of shock of any kind that the Caravan of Zerubbabel
found in the non-deported Jewish population. There is no invasion, not even
occupation. It is the natural return of the prodigal son to his parents' house.
When, then, and here is the point to which all this speech is directed,
Zerubbabel consolidates the New Jerusalem and the law of the flesh begins to
impose its golden rule, the multiplication of families, this same Jerusalem
becomes the Mother Colony from which peacefully, but imperturbably, extend this
new blood by the Biblical inheritance of the children of Abraham and make
theirs what belonged to them by Divine Decree.
Here, at this point, is where the colonization of Galilee by a Davidic
nucleus begins, which, starting from Jerusalem, seeks a settlement from which
to radiate its blood and its law and, in time, give birth to a clan united to
the Mother House by the indefatigable bond of blood.
This is the true origin of Jesus, Peter and Andrew, John and James, the
sons of Thunder. The five, the same Jesus as Peter and James, had their blood
origin in the prince of Judah who, born of the thigh of Zorobabel, once
finished the work of the reconstruction of Jerusalem, extended their horizons
in the time and directed their steps towards the North, where looking for land
they found the hills of Nazareth, and buying the land, they raised what would
be the First Davidic House in the middle of Galilee. The natural and spiritual
head of this founding House of Nazareth and of the Davidic Clan of the
Galileans would be Abiud, son of Zerubbabel, the bearer of the Genealogical
Scroll of the House of Solomon, and therefore, the legitimate heir of the Crown
of Judah, points on which I expanded in the Divine History speaking of the
Doctrine of Alpha and Omega.
The point to be discussed in this area would be the veracity of the
blood connection between Jesus and his Disciples.
First: going back to the beginning, the speech of the Galileans is not
found in Jesus, but in Peter. And hence historians have never seen this
connection. But these historians forget that Jesus was born in Bethlehem of
Judah because Joseph, his father by the Law, was from Bethlehem of Judah and
his family did not experience at any time the effect of the Galilee suffered by
the descendants of the founders of the Clan of the Jews of Galilee. It will be
objected at this point that the predominance of the land of upbringing is
superimposed on genetics and being raised in Galilee Jesus would have had to
demonstrate his origin in his speech. However, the historians again demonstrate
their ignorance when they eliminate from this upbringing the Flight from Egypt
and the Return to Israel, a period of a decade during which Jesus was already
raised as far as the genetic disposition of speech is concerned.
It will be objected, again, that this Egyptian period of the Infancy of
Jesus is pure legend. Truth opposes to this irrational interpretation the
Episode of the Child in the Temple and the Conversation of Jesus with Pilate.
The Child is heard in the Temple, at the outset, by his perfect diction of the
purest Jerusalemite Jew. Had the "child" opened his mouth in the
ordinary Galilean, no matter how much of a child he might have been: his chance
of passing the first sentence would have been cut short by the genetic contempt
of the upper-class Jerusalean environment against the
Galilean mentality. Not only does the Child surpass the first sentence, but he
hallucinates the whole Intellectuality. And this perfect Diction of the born
Jew, that the Child inherits from his father, Joseph, would be, at the same
time, the shield against which any attempt to find out where that creature
phenomenon lived, would crash. Let us take into account that after being
rescued by his parents, those men, once they had recovered from the
hallucination, had to devote themselves to looking for him, and, blinded by the
Child's speech, they would concentrate their inquiries on the Jewish families
of pure stock, that is to say, Jerusalem and its surroundings. The oblivion in
which this Episode fell among the Jews was due to their impossibility to
believe that the Child lived in Galilee. His disappearance, like his
appearance, remained just that, a phenomenon.
On the side of the Conversation with Pilate the Language in which Jesus
and the Roman governor exchanged words highlights the knowledge of Jesus of the
International Language of the Empire, the Greek.
In those times, as in all times, the Empire is the one that imposes its
Law and its Language. The Spanish, the British and the French extended their
Languages to the rest of the world and not the other way around. The same
happened with the Roman and Hellenic Empires. The particularity of the
Classical Age, however, made Greek the International Language in the Republican
period, and only during the Empire as such did Latin supplant Greek as a means
of international communication.
The Raising of Jesus in Egypt an event supported by the impossibility of
finding his Whereabouts after the Episode of the Temple, and this impossibility
supporting his Raising in Egypt, and because Egypt was subject to the Law of
the Empire and to the Language of the Hellenes since the Foundation of
Alexandria, when Joseph and Mary fled to Egypt they settled in the City par
excellence Jewish, Alexandria of the Nile, in which its population, dominated
by the Ptolemaic court, that is to say, Hellenic, used the Classical Greek as a
communicative reference. It is from this City that Jesus would preserve his
knowledge of the most Classical Greek and would allow him to astonish a Pilate
not accustomed to find such a Dialect, Classical Greek, in a simple country
bumpkin, who, curiously enough, did not speak the dialect of the Galileans
Moreover, the Old Aramaic Language of the Hebrew Scriptures was
preserved in the Synagogues of the Dispersion with more jealousy than in those
of Israel itself - as is seen from the Bible Translation of the LXX. Educated
in the synagogue of Alexandria the Child Jesus would preserve all his life the
Knowledge of a Sacred Language in which from his Cross he would open his mouth
to expire the Word of the Davidic Prophecies
All of which leads us to definitively settle the discussion and make it
clear that the return of Joseph and his Family did not take place until the end
of the period of Archelaus' government, and to consider as unreal the Date that
has been imposed in recent times on the Birth of Jesus, which is placed after
4, 5 or six years after the death of Herod. In some phase of the readaptations
of the Calendars a false step has been taken and its consequence is the
impossibility of reconciling the Divine Scripture with human chronology. Now,
every man, from the fool of the people to the wise man who sits on the Pope's
Throne, every man errs. God alone is infallible. So that when faced with the
choice between Chronology from the Scriptures or chronology from men,
Intelligence does not hesitate and puts its hand in the fire in favor of the
former. In this Century we shall see how this Dilemma is solved.
Regarding the Second Point, speaking of the Consanguinity between Jesus
and Peter, the analysis of the Gospels is enough to discover between the
Mother-in-law of Peter and the Mother of Jesus an intimate blood relationship
that, undoubtedly, went back to the deepest degree, that of Sisters. Peter's
wife would be a cousin of Jesus, niece of his Mother. And consequently Jesus
and Peter had known each other all their lives. This aspect that, returning to
the Davidic mentality, presupposes and puts before this political relation an origin
in the Davidic nucleus that left Jerusalem in the times of Zorobabel, founded
Nazareth and began to extend its blood by all the Galilee on horseback of the
law of the endogamic clans.
It is not, therefore, of a morning rooster to affirm that Abiud, son of
Zerubbabel, started his way to the North surrounded by other pure-blooded
Davidic families with whom to marry his sons and daughters, keeping his
Messianic Legacy perfectly united to the Prophetic Trunk. Nor is it unfounded
scholarly to assure that with time branches of this trunk were breaking off,
diluting the generations among the Galilean population. Inevitable process
that, nevertheless, precisely by its nature, elevated among the following
generations the ascendant of the Carnal House of Abiud, resident in Nazareth,
remaining its Heirs as spiritual reference of the families that conserved their
union to the tree of the children of David.
Jesus, Son of Mary, daughter of Abiud, daughter of Zerubbabel, daughter
of Solomon, daughter of David, daughter of Abraham, daughter of Noah, daughter
of Abel, daughter of Eve, was, in this context, a very particular Galilean.
Peter, on the contrary, was a Galilean of his time. Raised among
Galileans from his childhood, except for his Davidic heritage, Peter was a
Galilean, in speech, in mentality, in costume, in his way of living and even of
dying, or were not the Galileans the rebels without a cause all their lives?
For a long time the Davidic clan of Galilee had been waiting for the
time of the Manifestation of the House of Solomon, whose Headship corresponded
to the House of Mary, daughter of Jacob, daughter of Mattan,
as I have already extended in the Divine History. As it happens with everything
and it could never be otherwise as long as we live subject to the Science of
Good and Evil, as time goes by the strength of the bonds is reduced. It is not
that it disintegrates, but it reduces its circle until a remainder remains in
the nucleus of the origin. And this remainder is intimately linked to the
Origin of the movement. In the case at hand, the leadership of the House of
Abiud over the Davidic clan of Galilee, did not escape this rule, fading with
the passage of centuries to be encompassed in the inner family circle of our
Mary, which included, as I will show, Peter as a close relative of Jesus
because of the marriage of a daughter of Mary's sister to our Peter, which is
why the chapter we know as the Healing of Peter's Mother-in-law was written for
us, which I copy here to start from the fact and not from my imagination:
Coming out of the synagogue he went into Simon's house. And Simon's
mother-in-law was in a great fever, and they besought him for her. And coming
to her, he commanded the fever, and the fever left her. And immediately she
arose and ministered to them.
Let us not forget that Jesus and his Mother went in and out of Capernaum
as one moves about his house. Immediately after the Wedding of Canaan, John
says: He went down to Capernaum with his mother, his brothers and his
disciples, and they stayed there for some days. Many people, as we can see, to
be lodged in a house other than that of a very near and dear relative and in
which Jesus, his mother, his brothers and his disciples feel at home. In what
other house than that of Peter himself, in the person of his mother-in-law,
could he have found such a lodging group? Let us remember that Capernaum is on
the shores of the Sea of Miracles, also called the Sea of Tiberias, in whose
waters our Peter used to go fishing every day of his life.
And not only does the whole group stay in Capernaum, but they stay for a
few days. And they stay because they are in the house of Peter's mother-in-law,
none other than one of our Mary's sisters.
This is proven by the information about the Healing of the mother of
Peter's mother-in-law. I specify.
Let us not forget that Jesus had just started to walk and his fame was
in its beginnings. Although Matthew places the Healing of Peter's mother-in-law
immediately after the Sermon on the Mount, Luke centers the episode before the
Beatitudes, which occurs as a harvest of the Fame already won by Jesus. It is
not that Luke corrects Matthew but he is aware, the first Apocrypha already in
scene, of the Need that the Future would have of sufficiently clear keys to move
with firmness in the dynamic reconstruction of the Acts starred by our Hero and
King. Matthew is the first and writes his Gospel on the fly; Mark, who is none
other than John himself under whose Custody Jesus placed his Mother, takes the
stand so that the Law is fulfilled, that is to say, that by the testimony of
two a Testimony is valid. Luke places his own on the Table of Testimony, taking
the Heart of Mary as a special source and that of the Apostles as a general
one. John, already made man, and educated in that Jewish school that had in the
memorization of the texts its forte, returns to the subject contributing
particular specifications and adding the Doctrine of the Word that the Son of
God himself engraved in his Memory. Taking into account the sacred character of
the preceding texts, John punctuates and, except for the episode of the
Expulsion of the sellers from the Temple, which he consciously extrapolates
from the End to the Beginning, because the Beginning implied the End, John
clarifies that the first stay of Jesus in Capernaum lasted a few days and was
immediately after the wedding of Canaan. Which, by now, we already knew.
The fact is that Luke returns to the Healing of Peter's mother-in-law
based on the testimony of the Mother, from whose living voice he notes
everything concerning the Birth and Infancy and the in principle unimportant
data that the Mother lived with her Jesus and his Disciples. He corrects
Matthew, without any error on the part of his colleague, placing the Healing of
Peter's mother-in-law before the Sermon on the Mount. This final point serves
as a starting point for us to see in Peter's mother-in-law the aunt of Jesus,
who was perfectly aware of the Messianic Identity of the son of her older
sister, and in whom she believed without the need to see his miracles, and
hence "without faith", as Jesus demands to receive his Power, but by
the Knowledge that comes from Faith, Peter's mother-in-law benefited directly
from the Divine Grace of her nephew, her Jesus, the firstborn and only begotten
son of her sister Mary.
Which brings us to the kinship between Jesus and Peter. Jesus being the
nephew of Peter's mother-in-law, what bond united Peter and Jesus, second
cousins? If Jesus was the nephew of Peter's mother-in-law, Peter's wife was the
niece of Jesus' Mother, and therefore, Jesus and Peter's wife were cousins.
The union between a house descending from David by direct line limited
to blood and excluding any marriage with a non-Davidic house, and since our
Mary was a direct descendant of Solomon, as can be seen in the Genealogy of her
Son, the mere idea of marrying Jacob to a daughter of his with a non-Davidic
line did not enter her head, as it never entered her parents'.
The House of David and the House of Aaron maintained this type of blood
growth during the centuries. The latter, because the Temple demanded it; and
the former, because the Messianic spirit demanded it. It is true that as the
centuries opened the gap, this requirement was limited to the genealogical
nucleus, the blood of David becoming diffused in space with the passing of
This nucleus had its center in the House of Mary, which had lived from
this requirement during the past centuries from Abiud, son of Zerubbabel, to
Jacob, father of Mary. And this requirement remained a law of the House until
the time of the Messiah arrived, whose birth would take place, as it was of
faith in the house of Abiud, from a daughter of this nucleus.
Jacob, father of Mary, although dead, but alive in his Widow, marries
his daughters within the Davidic clan of Galilee. A clan that, since the
reconquest by the peaceful colonization of the Galilee, had given each other
sons and daughters following an endogamic pattern, maintaining the blood tie
through the ages. As we have already seen in the Divine History, Cleophas,
Mary's younger brother, meets his Mary, the Mary of Cleophas of the Gospel,
over this sea of relationships, which would lead Mary's sisters to marry
outside Nazareth, a daughter of one of these sisters of Mary being the one who
would eventually marry our Peter, her father a relative of the house of Jacob
of Nazareth from the dawn of the return of Zerubbabel and his settlers from the
Babylonian Captivity.
Returning then to the episode of the healing of Peter's mother-in-law,
she, as sister of Mary and aunt of Jesus, was invited to the wedding of Cana,
celebrated among relatives of the Davidic clan of Galilee, to which all the
participants were related in a more or less close degree. That the Headship of
the Davidic House of Nazareth under the days of Mary and her Son was enjoying a
celebrated prosperity among her acquaintances and relatives, is shown to us in
the Obedience that the master of the hall made to her, executing her command:
"Do whatever He tells you". The Lady Mary of Nazareth was not a
distant and unimportant guest, but the authority of the legitimate heiress of
the House of Solomon went with her in the person of her Son, Jesus of Nazareth,
the son of Jacob, son of Abiud, son of Zerubbabel, under whose hand her House
rose to a prosperity, never lost but fallen to less during the last centuries
of civil wars between the empires under whose banners the armies made the
Galilee their eternal battlefield.
Thus, without opening his mouth to object to any word, as would have
been the case if it had been a guest who had entered through the back door, the
master of the hall executes the order of the Lady Mary of Nazareth with the
promptness due to an irresistible Authority, both for her Spiritual Fame and
for the economic position of her Son within the Davidic Clan in the midst of
the wedding celebration between two of its members, the bride and groom of the
Wedding of Canaan.
Concluding: The Lady Mary of Nazareth is at the wedding of Canaan with
all her family as a blood relative and of high rank in the Davidic clan. The
idea of a poor Mary and of a worker Jesus without material resources we can
begin to throw it to the trash can. He who asked others to leave everything, to
sell all property and follow Christ, was the first who left everything and went
after Christ, for Christ was in Him, and He was the Christ.
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