The surprise at discovering this sequence of
geohistorical events where the geniuses of the modern world judged there to be
nothing except the heated and fanatical imagination of a mind in a feverish
religious state (a sequence perfectly scientific in its approach and
development) should not take our eyes off the complete series of facts about
which, in order to facilitate the general view of the whole, I have passed
lightly. Let us recapitulate:
One: Controlled Multiplication of the density per
astrophysical cubic unit of the terrestrial gravitational field. The origin of
this Controlled Multiplication, I said, is the Nature of the Divine Being.
Two: Vertical acceleration of the working revolutions of
the Earth's geonuclear transformer. From which was
derived the rotational acceleration of the Globe on its axis, and the
astrophysical implosion of the Nucleus at the origin of the heat of the Planet.
Three: Global thermodynamic elevation of the geophysical
body, which from the Mantle extended to the surface and produced the Primary
Crust Fusion.
Four: Liquefaction of the Primary Crust under the
effects of the Fusion of the outer Globe and production of the Primordial
Atmosphere. (The chemical nature of the terrestrial Atmosphere, sui generis
among those of its planetary family, presents us with an alternative problem
which I will not touch on here, but to which I will return in due course).
Five: Once the transformation into heat of the
gravitational fuel was completed, the Earth returned to the hands of Nature,
its new changes conforming to the law of Inertia.
A. Deceleration of the working revolutions of the geonuclear transformer.
B. Fall of the rotation speed of the Planet.
C. And decrease of the temperature of the Globe.
These were the first three visible effects.
Six: these three effects were the cause of a new
sequence of effects. The first of these new effects was the cooling of the
outer surface of the Globe, which ipso facto laid the foundation stone for the
creation of the outer geophysical ring, the Lithosphere.
Seven: We can also speak of Solidification of the
Secondary Crust. Anyway, this is already according to taste. Once we go into
more depth we will have time to differentiate them. Advancing the subject a
little, let's say that the Lithosphere is to the Globe what the Secondary Crust
is to the Lithosphere. In short, the Secondary Crust is the outer layer of the
Lithosphere. It was, therefore, the Secondary Crust that was the first lithospheric
layer to solidify.
Eight: The continuous lowering of the geophysical
temperature to its former starting state, which it would never reach, caused
the solidification of the Secondary Crust, as I have said, and the creation of
the lithospheric ring. The Geophysical Architecture continued to complete its
body with the birth of the second ring, the Mantle, whose cooling would close
the source of heat from which the Primordial Atmosphere had hitherto been
drawing to preserve its natural state.
Nine: The cooling from the outside to the inside of
the Globe by logic had to convert the lithospheric ring into a wall of
annulment of the transfer of heat from the Nucleus to the Atmosphere.
Ten: Thermally isolated from the Nucleus, the
temperature of the Atmosphere plummeted at the dizzying speed that isolation
imposed. Its volume froze. The result was the transformation of the Atmosphere
into the Ice Shroud that covered the sphericity of the Planet from north pole
to south pole during the Afternoon of Day One. As I said before, this Ice
Shroud is the Light in the Word of the First Day.
This is the sequence we have been merrily going
through. As we go along I have left specific facts that give the stature of the
Creative Intelligence, and its mastery of the sciences of space, time, matter
and energy. Cognitive domain that is like a field where the Tree of the Science
of Creation takes its roots. On these facts we will dwell for a while in the
next section.
God applied to the geophysical system the first of the
laws governing the behavior of the Universe: the
transformation of gravitational energy into light and heat. This first law
being the general principle on which God has built the Architecture of the
Heavens, it is thanks to its manifestation in local space that the geometry of
our Universe remains constant in time. I know that it is a little hasty to
declare something so strong, but as we go forward the image that the exposed
results want to transmit to our intelligence will open up until unfolding in colors the magnitude of its beauty.
This seated, the application to the geophysical system
of the first law among the group that governs the Physics of the Heavens leads
us to be interested in the reactions that stellar bodies with diverse
properties put into action before the same external factor, as it could be the
entrance of a current of energy into the interior of its system, type
intergalactic gravitational rope that as it crosses the abysses drags all the
loose matter that is found on its way.
The explanations we may arrive at will always have in
this Historical Event (multiplication of the gravitational density of the
terrestrial field) their starting point. Its derivations are those that lead us
to formulate the relationship between universal energy and astrophysical matter
within the framework of the production of light and heat, the two most direct
visible consequences that reach our senses. When I speak of light production I
mean the whole spectrum of stellar radiation at the root of cosmic energy. The
importance of this gravitational energy-stellar matter relationship will be
discovered in the chapters that follow. At present I shall stick to the facts,
always taking the Multiplication of the original density of the gravitational
field as the starting platform of this New Cosmology.
We have observed (and it has been done because it has
been inferred from the final effects their first cause) that, by doubling the
astrophysical cubic density, that is, the amount of energy present in a
gravitational field, in this case in that of a planet, and more specifically
that of the Earth, the heat production of the astrophysical transformer is
multiplied by that multiple. If we were talking about a stellar transformer,
the first visible consequence would be manifested in the intensity of the light
produced. In the case that our Creator presents to us, heat is the direct
consequence depending on the nature of the transformer on which God worked.
(The range of astrophysical transformers is beyond our imagination. Within the
horizon that opens before us it is to be supposed that this range comprises
sources of gamma rays, X-rays, and rays of nature indefinable for our short
range of knowledge of the Cosmos. And, in short, how dare we dare to put fences
to that which has no end!).
The questions are: What would happen if instead of God
controlling the process of transformation of the energy of an astrophysical
system into light and heat, we were on the frontiers of the Heavens and, for
any external cause, a binary or multiple stellar system suffered an
uncontrolled multiplication of the density of its gravitational field? And
conversely, what would happen if the rate of transformation of the
gravitational field into light or any other type of radiosource were to exceed the rate of energy transfer from one system to another? Wouldn't
we have to start correcting our hypotheses about the origin of novae and
Here's another: The fluctuations in the intensity of
starlight and the variations in their periods and orbital cycles are not a call
to our intelligence with the intention of opening our minds to the
identification of the universe as an ocean of energy on whose waters matter
floats? Isn't it wonderfully curious that speaking about himself and
remembering those days, God told us about it saying: "which hovered over
the surface of the waters"? I personally have no doubt about the
identification of the universal gravitational field with an ocean of energy
where currents take place that operate as channels for the transfer of gravity
from some areas to others, God maintaining through this irrigation system the
geometry of his creation in a perfect state of equilibrium. But the question I
have proposed above has to do with the relationship of our universe-galaxy with
the outer cosmos, with the realm of the galaxies.
The question was what happens when an extra-local
current bursts into the perimeter of our Heavens and unbalances an area, either
by the multiplication of the total sum of energy present or by the
instantaneous acceleration of the working revolutions of astrophysical matter.
Through this review the idea is to recover the effect of accelerated rotation
that the Earth experienced by God multiplying the density of its gravitational
field, an effect from which we extract a law of direct regularity between the
process of heat production and the rotation speed of the astrophysical
transformer. The idea leads us to see that when a star is brought to an
instantaneous accelerated rotation, the effect must give us by sequence the
creation of a Nova, or of a Supernova if the body affected by the instantaneous
multiplication of its working revolutions is a multiple system. We shall also
in due course entertain ourselves by X-raying this process of nova and
supernova production.
And we now recover the thread which our Creator has
spread before us, which has always been there but which in His Prescience He
allowed to lie in darkness until the Intelligence of our Civilization opened
its ears to the Language of the Science of Creation. Having said this, the
sequential summary of the historical events that took place during that First
Day can be summarized as follows:
A: Multiplication of the density of the Earth's
Gravitational Field. (This matter of God multiplying the volume of energy of a
given astrophysical system, a matter that lies at the basis of Creation itself,
is a matter that we resolved by assuming the nature of the Creator Himself, a
nature that allows Him to be the fundamental source of energy from which the
cosmic ocean drinks).
B: Upward vertical elevation of the working rhythm of
the Central Geophysical Transformer (The existence of an innate correspondence
between gravitational density and stellar rotation is at the basis of light and
its intensity).
C: Melting of the Mantle and volcanic liquefaction of
the Primary Crust. (Any comment in this respect is obvious because I have
entrusted to the natural intelligence of the reader the connection between the
first cause pointed out and the final effects exposed).
D: Production of the "classic" Primordial
Atmosphere. (When speaking of "classic" I have in mind the typical
planetary atmosphere, rarefied, chaotic, such as we find it in the other
planets of our System).
E: Cooling of the Core and solidification of the
Secondary or Lithospheric Crust. (This was the origin of the Secondary Crust.
On it and during the cooling God acted looking at the formation of the
Autonomous Ecospheric Substrate, about which I have not said anything yet, but
about which something will be said. Anyway, there are the oceanic ridges as
proofs of the dragging forces that God put into action, from the solidification
of which the moment during which God worked out the geography of the continents
can be deduced. The most elementary logic imposes its criterion and assumes
that a semi-liquid state is the perfect moment to displace part of its matter
from the surface of the semi-solid body, just as someone who works with clay
and then exposes the resulting figure to the oven does. In this case the oven
effect was assumed by the accelerated process of solidification that the
Secondary Crust had undertaken. Why God opened the Atlantic hemisphere into a
channel is part of the Geophysical Architecture at the base of the Creation of
the Biospheric Plane, about which we will now say
what is necessary. The fact is that the drag forces that created the Atlantic
Channel and gave rise to the oceanic ridges left their traces when the crustal
lithospheric layer solidified. And there they are as testimony to the existence
of the creative activity working the continental shelves. I do not want to say
anything about how this creation affects the theory of plate tectonics. In
addition to the Biospheric Plane Theory I will put on
the table another additional proof against the geophysical model that the 20th
century imposed as a rule).
F: Sublimation of the Primordial Atmosphere (I said
that when the lithosphere isolated the primary atmosphere from the Nucleus:
dragged by the temperature drop the atmosphere froze, sublimated, and the final
result was its transformation into an Ice Sheet, which, as the sea of lava did
before, covered the sphericity of the Earth from North Pole to South Pole, from
East to West).
This mantle of ice that surrounded the planet on the
evening of that day was the light that came from the lips of our Creator, when
He said: "Let there be light". And so it was done. And so it was. The
contrary would have been absurd. Descartian Doubt as
a method of relationship between the Intelligence of the Creator and that of
the Creature is not a method, it is a wall of separation, a fence limiting the
possibilities and capacities of Science to grow in the direction of Creative
Omniscience. If by Omnipotence I understood before the creative faculty of
reducing the working time of a process to its minimum possible expression, I
understand by Omniscience now the dominion that in His Wisdom God exercises
over all the sciences of matter, space, time and energy. And in so doing I
include in his list sciences operating in different universes, about which we
can say nothing except to marvel at his infinite knowledge.
Thus, in mind the state of the Earth at the end of the
First Day, wrapped the Geophysical Globe under that Mantle of Ice which its
Creator calls "the Light," from the distances the vision of our
Planet was that of an immense ball of ice floating in the Abyss, like the
vision of a massive cosmic egg hatched in the Darkness. The next geohistorical
sequence God had in mind was as follows:
Displacement of the Earth from its region of origin to
its final place in the Heavens. (This location of our Earth's region of origin
will be a problem to be solved in the chapters to come. The need to warn the
reader about the disbelief factor that the location will arouse suggests this
to me. I will meet this challenge, too, with elegance and calmness).
Launch of the Earth over the Solar System and docking
in its third orbit.
Sublimation of the ice mantle (By sublimation of ice
is understood the passage of matter from the solid to the gaseous state without
passing through the liquid state. In this case it would be the inverse process
to that of the sublimation of gases. If in the previous Day we saw how God
managed to lower the temperature of the Globe to the critical point of
sublimation of its Atmosphere, in this new Day we are going to see the opposite
process. My advice is to open the eyes of intelligence and prepare to
understand wonders. And as always, if any objection jumps out, do not worry too
much, everything will be solved).
Rupture of the Ice Sheet into two blocks and retreat
towards the geographic poles. (This retreat of the two blocks of ice towards
the polar caps is a geohistoric period that, coming
at it from a different platform, classical geology has sown in the minds of
all. I recall here that Science is the ABC of the Language of Creation. The
other, pretending to model the Universe and its History to the measure of the
omnipotence of human Reason, is an exercise of vanity about which I am not
going to say anything now. Science as well as Theology have remained until
today subject to the slavery imposed by the Necessity of the Fall. It is not from
a tribune of accusation and condemnation that we must analyze the theories and intellectual states through which both Faith and Reason have
passed. Possibly trapped in the boots of any of those who preceded us we would
have done just what they did. So on this Day of Joy let's not get serious).
Birth of the Ocean and Formation of the Biospheric Atmosphere (This Atmosphere is the Firmament in
the Word of the Second Day. We now enter into its geohistorical sequence.
Before the dawn of this Second Day breaks and History comes one step closer to
us, I think it is not a bad idea to reflect on the place where God created the
Light. I know that more than one of you is going to hold your hands to your
head and be speechless. Well, you only have to open the Gospel and see what his
Son was doing to be amazed by the surprise).
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