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Confession of Faith :

There is Only One King : Jesus Christ.

There is Only One Lord : Jesus Christ.

There is Only One God : Jesus Christ,

and in this One God we see the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit





We all believe in our hearts and confess with our mouths that there is a single and simple spiritual being, whom we call God: eternal, incomprehensible, invisible, unchangeable, infinite, almighty; completely wise, just, and good, and the overflowing source of all good.


Now, there is only One God? The Son of God is not True God?

It seems evident that the coming of Arius and the ignorance of Constantine the Emperor went to bed together to give to the Doctrine of Christ a lethal blow.

The Ignorance of Mankind in the days of the Coming of Christ had reached the pinnacle of its insolence and homicidal strength; hence the Cross: because if they had known whom they were waging war to, no one would have dared to touch the Son of God, the One who with His omnipotent Word made the Light and the Firmament, and called Mankind to enjoy the eternal Life of the sons of God.

Though the Reformation said and keep on saying that in the Old Testament we find witness of the existence of the Son of God, Luther, Calvin, Henry the Eight of that number in the Throne of UK, and their schools were lying on this subject, they were false witnesses against God Himself, who said: “Father, forgive them, because they don’t know what they are doing”.

The Ignorance of Mankind during the Day of the Coming of the Redeemer was absolute, total. They all, without exception, ran away in the Hour of the Darkness. But if the Old Testament contains all that the Jews needed to know about the existence of the Trinity, as the reformed Confessions said and keep on saying, in this case God is a liar.

According to this Article of the Declaration of the Reformed Faith : God is an Impostor. To this satanic conclusion they take the Wisdom of Christ on God when the say that the Jews knew about the existence of the Unigenitus Son of God, because all about Him is written in the Old Testament, and even about the Trinity,  but even so they decided to hang the Redeemer. Was Jesus a fool when speaking the way He did : “Father, forgive them….because…”, or were the Reformers of the School of Satan when condemning the Jews to eternal damnation, against the Wisdom of God, who swore by His Head that they will receive eternal salvation too?

There was Sacrifice for the Sins of Mankind because there was Ignorance. And being the Ignorance of an absolute kind only a true Divine Being : “You-God”, the Son, could satisfy the Infinity Character of the Offense by Mankind made to “I God”, the Father.  If Ignorance was to be found nowhere in the heart and soul of mankind, Redemption would had never taken place. But from the very moment that God was stabbed to the heart by the War declared against His Spirit, He saw the Ignorance in the Fallen Man, how he had been played, manipulated, misused, by another son of God for his own purposes. And this Ignorance was inherited by the entire Human Race.

When the Son took the Axe of the Avenger in His hands and came down to the Battlefield, Earth, to face the Murderer of the Image of God in the Human being, the Ignorance of men about the reality of the Divinity was absolute, the darkness of Man on the Things of Heaven was total.

The Existence of the Unigenitus Son of God, “You God”, was absolutely not of common knowledge. Only the Prophets knew His Existence. But being constrained to Silence by the Law and the Will of the Father, “I God”, the Jews as much as the Romans had no clue about the Divinity of the One on whose name Salvation is given to all who kneel before His throne and stand up before all men, no matter who, here on Earth and in Eternity later on.

This homicidal and suicidal Ignorance was not universally abolished after the Resurrection of the King, Jesus Christ. Not at all. It was razed to the ground in private and during a short time, to begin with the Coming of the Saint Spirit on the Apostles and to end with their Going Home at the Image of their King and Lord. As the Prophets were constrained by the Law to keep Silence on the things not given to them to be said, so the Apostles kept in private their Divine Wisdom, leaving in the hands of God the Future of His Kingdom.

Ignorance, still, was all around. Abraham left a Testament, the Old, which was to be opened only two thousand years after his death. Christ, his son by the flesh and the blood of Mary, left another to be opened only two thousand years after his Coming. The Mission and the Work of the Apostles was to write what they Heard and Seen, and pass it on to the Church, the Wife of the Lord, Jesus Christ, “You God”, the King,  the One Who with His Omnipotent Word created the Heavens and the Earth.

Now, if everything about the knowledge of the existence of the Trinity was clear as water from the reading of the Bible, we have to condemn as much the Church as to the Apostles themselves. This being a satanic behavior, the dilemma is solved once we live the Nature of the Book of God, which is none but to bring Man before His Lord and King, God and Maker, Jesus Christ, to receive from Him, according to the Times by the Law of the Father prescribed, the Wisdom necessary to keep Mankind in the Path of Salvation.

We see this Divine Operation on motion from the day after the Apostles to the day of Constantine and Arius. The Catholic Church being the Body of Christ, Jesus being the Head of the churches, He advanced His Kingdom, in Power as much as in knowledge, no matter the earthquakes, the floods, and the darkness of the times. The Ignorance still alive and growing stronger, the Battle between Light and Darkness brought about Arius and his Denial of the Divinity of the Son of God.

Until then, the Confession of the Martyrs, from Saint Paul and Saint Peter to the smallest of them, had these straight  words : “Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the Son is the Lord, the Lord is God, Jesus Christ is God”. There were two Gods: The Son and the Father. And for this and in this Faith they died in glory and in perpetual happiness. The Father, the God of Moses, is True God, Uncreated, Lord of the Eternity and Infinity. The Son is True God, Uncreated, Lord of Heavens and Earth, King of Heaven, our Saviour and Redeemer. Two persons, Two Gods.

But then came the Greeks. Those Greeks who were rescued from the immoral pits where the disciples of Aristotle and Alexander fell, and already in the days of Augustus had become the joke of all men and women, boy lovers, cowards and effeminate slaves worth only to walk under a master. A people who, having their tongues as their resources, were made to crook the most simple facts and twist the easiest facts, to accommodate the simple structure of nature to their high and genial brains. A superior intellectual race could not admit just like that the wisdom of the Church. From the day after the Apostles to the day of Arius the Greeks had created an ocean of heresy and malignant confessions on the Nature of Christ, God and the Saint Spirit. The Catholic Church fought back those satanic waves thanks to the champions who now and then, according to the need of the moment, God brought upon the scene. However it is of the nature of Ignorance to grow and transform itself continuously, and so came Arius.

Arius was the forefather of the reformed churches. The Confession of the Arians was this :

“We all believe in our hearts and confess with our mouths that there is a single and simple spiritual being, whom we call God--eternal, incomprehensible, invisible, unchangeable, infinite, almighty; completely wise, just, and good, and the overflowing source of all good. The Belgic Confession

And when asked to say it again, they repeat so :

“We confess and acknowledge one only God, to whom only we must cleave, whom only we must serve, whom only we must worship, and in whom only we must put our trust: who is eternal, infinite, immeasurable, incomprehensible, omnipotent, invisible.... ”. The Scottish Confession of Faith (1560)

One more time, please:

“The Lord our God is but one only living and true God; whose subsistence is in and of Himself, infinite in being and perfection; whose essence cannot be comprehended by any but Himself; a most pure spirit, invisible, without body, parts, or passions, who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; who is immutable, immense, eternal, incomprehensible, almighty, every way infinite, most holy, most wise, most free, most absolute; working all things according to the counsel of His own immutable and most righteous will, for His own glory; most loving, gracious, merciful, long-suffering, abundant in goodness and truth, forgiving iniquity, transgression, and sin; the rewarder of them that diligently seek Him, and withal most just and terrible in His judgments, hating all sin, and who will by no means clear the guilty. The Baptist Confession of Faith (1689)

And again :

“There is but one only living and true God; who is infinite in being and perfection, a most pure Spirit, invisible, without body, parts or passions, immutable, immense, eternal, incomprehensible, almighty, most wise, most holy, most free, most absolute, working all things according to the counsel of his own immutable and most righteous will, for his own glory, most loving, gracious, merciful, long-suffering, abundant in goodness and truth, forgiving iniquity, transgression and sin, the rewarder of them that diligently seek him; and withal most just and terrible in his judgments, hating all sin, and who will by no means clear the guilty” Westminster Confession of Faith


And so on and so forth.

In all of these Confessions we find the same conclusion of Arius. We observe from the Anglo Saxons to the Latins the same racism from the Greeks to the Romans in the origin of the heretical Movements of the Firsts Centuries. But we observe too that knowing the failure of Arius to bring forth the Theology of the Jews, who knew but One True God “infinite in being and perfection, a most pure Spirit, invisible, without body, parts or passions, immutable, immense, eternal, incomprehensible, almighty, most wise, most holy, most free, most absolute, working all things according to the counsel of his own immutable and most righteous will, for his own glory, most loving, gracious, merciful.... bla bla bla..”, these New Arians, the Reformed Churches, covered up their adhesion to the denial of the True Divinity of the Son of God, “You God”, attaching to their Rebellion against the Christian Catholic Revolution the Final Statement of the Nicaean Council, which in many ways, from the standing point of view of the Spirit of the Apostles, was heretic.  Heretic because to pacify his Empire the Emperor obliged to the Bishops to condescend with Arius and solve the Questions saying that “yet distinct in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost”.

This is an quasi-heretic declaration, forced by the need of the Emperor to pacify his world, at the edge of one civil war of the kind of the religious wars of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Everybody was happy, except one man, that Athanasius, who saw involution in a not direct recognition of the Individual, Personal and Own Divinity of the Son of God.

As a matter of fact the Nicaean Council subjected the Divinity of the Father and the Son to a certain kind of chimera. The Son said it with all the words : “I have Life in Myself, as does my Father”. The Father says “I God”, Old Testament; and staring at His Son He says “You God”, New Testament. And this was and is the Confession of the Apostles : “The Father is God, the Son is God, Two Gods, One Saint Spirit”. From this Apostolical Confession the Creed of the Eternity and Infinity, to the one signed under the pressure of the Reformer Swords, there is an abyss, and an abyss leading to hell, the Religious Wars of the Sixteenth and the Seventeenth centuries indeed.

Of course, theologically speaking the Bishops did not commit heresy. They saved the Trinity in the Unity, nearly at the price of taking away from the Son His Personal, Individual, Own, Eternal Divinity, by which the Father says “You God”. And the Prophets : “God with us”.

To all of us it is obvious that Satan declared War on the Spirit of God in the hope that he could bring the Son to his side, and by causing a breach between the Father and the Son, give it a legitimation to his passion for War. Notwithstanding if there is “One Only God” this Breach between the Divine Persons could have been not imagined, at all. This breach was horizon to Satan’s imagination because both Persons, the Father and the Son, were, and are, God in themselves.

The Confession of the Apostles and the Martyrs had nothing to do neither with Arius, nor with the Confession of the Fathers of the Reformation. This last Confession is a resurrection of the Arian Creed, adapted to the Political needs of the Nations, henceforth Calvin became a ruler, and Henry the head of the English Church; Luther, the only fool who was moved by pure religious feelings.

Three Persons and One Only God is a Gordian knot by the Roman Emperor fabricated and by the Catholic Church held in high as a Dogma to preserve both the Unity and the Divinity of the Lord in the realm of the Saint Spirit. However this Sanctity only could preserve that Unity in the heart of the Catholic Theology. Not that She was denying the Divinity of Her Lord, all the contrary, She was preserving this Unity from the reach of twisted brains who think of themselves to have discover the Faith, as Arius.

Logically when Satan came about, he used this Dogma to cover up, to mask the faces of his champions. As much as the Work of the Christian Catholic Church and all the sons of God is to destroy the work of the Devil, so the work of the Satan is to destroy the work of Christ. And which was the Work of Christ but the Edification of the Catholic Church? How could not the Reformation come from Satan and yet have both, as goal, the same work?

Ignorance is all around. It has been all around ever since a man chose Holy War as Path to the Brotherhood of the Nations. However some millennia are gone by now. The Jews says so :

“We all believe in our hearts and confess with our mouths that there is a single and simple spiritual being, whom we call God : eternal, incomprehensible, invisible, unchangeable, infinite, almighty; completely wise, just, and good, and the overflowing source of all good”.

The Muslims says so:

“There is but one only living and true God; who is infinite in being and perfection, a most pure Spirit, invisible, without body, parts or passions, immutable, immense, eternal, incomprehensible, almighty, most wise.....”.

The Reformed Churches say so, too :

“The Lord our God is but one only living and true God; whose subsistence is in and of Himself, infinite in being and perfection; whose essence cannot be comprehended by any but Himself; a most pure spirit, invisible, without body, parts, or passions, who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto.....”

But the truth is that the God of the man or nation who does not kneel before the Throne and Crown of the Son of God and confess with His mouth : “You God, my King and Lord”, the God of that man is no God.

There is Only One God : The God of the Christian Catholic Man, and this God is Jesus Christ. And the God of the Son is His Father.

Ergo, here it is my advice : Run to the Catholic Church, kneel and confess the Name of our God, get a catholic priest and get baptize in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Saint Spirit. Your souls are the target, you have been all deceived by the same deceiver who made of Earth his battlefield.

This Confession : “We all believe in our hearts and confess with our mouths that there is a single and simple spiritual being, whom we call God--eternal, incomprehensible, invisible, unchangeable, infinite, almighty; completely wise, just, and good, and the overflowing source of all good”, was the prize paid for Empire. “Kneel before me and  I give you the crown of the world”, said Satan to Jesus. God laughed and pushed back the Devil. Henry the VIII didn’t. Calvin neither.

For a Man there is Only One God, Jesus Christ,

one Lord, Jesus Christ,

one King, Jesus Christ.

Because He was between the Devil and the ambition of the kings, Jesus had to be pushed aside and the Nations put on their knees before the New Arian Emperor.

And in Him we have His God, His Father, the God of Infinity and Eternity, the Lord of the Cosmos, and the Source of Universal Life.

Now do as you please. But one thing is clear, you can't deny the Truth for the love of the salvation of the souls, saying that the God of the Jews and the Muslims is God, you condescend with the Devil.

The One True God, Lord of Eternity and Infinity, has disposed the Reality this way : Whoever don't Adore the Son as the Father is Adored, he will not enter in Heaven. You may be the most wonderful man, but if you do not confess with your mouth that the Son is God, and with your knees you don't glorify the King, you will not enter in the eternal Life.

The day the Muslims and the Jews do so, their God will be God.



The Means by Which We Know God


We know him by two means:

First, by the creation, preservation, and government of the universe, since that universe is before our eyes like a beautiful book in which all creatures, great and small, are as letters to make us ponder the invisible things of God: his eternal power and his divinity, as the apostle Paul says in Romans 1:20.

All these things are enough to convict men and to leave them without excuse.

Second, he makes himself known to us more openly by his holy and divine Word, as much as we need in this life, for his glory and for the salvation of his own.


Hypocrisy is not knew to mankind. Hypocrisy becoming a virtue, yes.

 Following the same procedure already fueled against the first article of this hypocrite confession of faith, we find its suite to be as much  without foundations in Christ as the Devil got any of it in God.

Where is Jesus in this declaration for fools? We know God because we have eyes to see the stars of heavens and birds and things?

So, what happen with those whose brains work much higher than the divines’ when talking about Nature of the Universe,  preservation and government of the universe? They have no eyes? Reading this confession of supernatural hypocrisy it seems as that only the Christians have got eyes! Einstein had none? And what about Aristotle, had he? It looks as everybody have eyes, but the Protestants had got super-eyes!

The Christian Man believes in the existence of God, and not of the God of the Muslims, or the Hindus, but in the God of Christ, because the Power of Jesus, and only because His Power. The Christian Faith is based upon the Rock of the Infinite Power of the Son of God. Not the stars of heavens, not the oceans of the earth, not the plants and the wonders of the creation, but the Power of the Son of God is the Root, Foundation and Door of the Christian Faith.

Where we find in this Second Article this Truth in the name of which the Apostles died, and the hundreds of thousands of Roman Catholics gave their life up to be witness of that Power before the History of their Day and the Nations of the Future?

Of course, Paul said : “For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse”; but Paul was speaking about Judgment Day, not about the Christian Faith. The Christian Faith is not related to the Creation of God, but to the Uncreated Conception of His Son. And this Fact is what makes Christian Religion the Religion of Eternity and Infinity.

Of course that from the beginning Mankind and God had been linked by the Effect of God’s Perfection as Creator, and from this Perfection, jumping from Mature to our eyes and senses, the Idea of the Existence of a Supreme Being, “God”, came all by itself to men and nations. But that the destruction of that Perfection in the house of Mankind performed the ruin of that Link to the point of Absolute Atheism, only a madman and a fool will deny. This ruin was the Work of the Devil. Turning into a Murderer, being its goal the annihilation of the entire Human Kind, in order to hit this target the Devil had to ruin the Perfection of God in the House of Man; neutralizing the perfection in the outside by the Chaos in the inside the target was hit. And though men and nations did their best to stick to the Idea, the falling of mankind in the pits of hell predisposed the Future to Absolute Atheism. To take back His Creature, the Human Race, to the House of His Fatherly Love, God had to  rebuild His Perfection in the House  of Man. And this was the Work of Jesus, His Son.

Accordingly this Confession, by which the Son of God was sent away and put aside from the Foundation of the Christian Faith, and this Faith as the Work of the Uncreated Son of God, this Article is pure Hypocrisy. The Christian Man knows because He believes, and he believes because the Perfection of God, a Perfection which the Creation was unable to transmit us no more, came to us through a new channel : The Vision of the Uncreated son of God Himself. In His Work the Roman  Builders of the Catholic Church saw the Perfection of God, as Father. And this Perfection was transmitted from Christian to Christian, from nation to nation, in the Communion of the Catholic Church, till our days.

It is not the “by the creation, preservation, and government of the universe”, that the Christian Man believes in God, but by the Work of Jesus Christ, in whom we saw, and see, the Father, the Son and the Indestructible, Infinite and Eternal Union in the One and Only, Saint Spirit of God.

What now? O yes, once Jesus have been blown away from the Root of the Christian Faith, the Confessor had to annihilate the Witness by whose Blood and Flesh the Vision of the Perfection of God fought its way through the centuries and the millennia, this is to say, the Catholic Church, the Owner and Eternal Bearer of the Book of God. The conclusion from this Article is clear as the sun : The Belgian Confessor needs no Jesus, he has the Creation, needs no Church, he has the Bible. As a matter of fact the belgian confessor needs God just because He’s got the Power, and being terrified by His Power he kneels before that Power, but not before the God that is Love.

Being the Founder of the Catholic Church, Jesus had to be put aside, naturally.




The Written Word of God


We confess that this Word of God was not sent nor delivered by the will of men, but that holy men of God spoke, being moved by the Holy Spirit, as Peter says (2 Pet. 1:21. For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit).

Afterwards our God--because of the special care he has for us and our salvation--commanded his servants, the prophets and apostles, to commit this revealed Word to writing. He himself wrote with his own finger the two tables of the law.


But if hypocrisy has a nationality the belgian confessors have no other roadmap for their own salvation than the destruction of the Work of the Son of God, which is the Catholic Church. And to reach their goal the belgian confessor had to make of their fellow men perfect fools. They confess that the Word of God was not sent nor delivered by the will of men, but that holy men of God spoke, being moved by the Holy Spirit. Yes sir, nothing new, this same confession was held, is held by the Jews, and the Muslims too. And to hold this simple Luther had to set the World on Fire? Or perhaps the famous Teuton Race was so stupid as to think and believe that they and only they, in the entire world, held and hold this simple confession for babies in the faith of the existence of “a God”?

We know that the Jews who killed Jesus and His Christians by the thousands, and the Muslims who killed Catholics by the millions, all of them can sit together with the authors of this Article and agree with themselves  about their original and unique wisdom : the Bible was inspired by God! Yes sir, indeed it was. The Jews declared war on Jesus, the Muslims on the Christians, and the Reformers on the Catholics, a simple suite of fate. And therefore they called the War on the Catholic Church : Holy War, the War of the Saints.

Of course, I would lie against the truth if I did not separated the Belgian Confessor from Jews and Muslims. The Jews did not swallow the New testament, they  stopped in Moses, they needed no more; the Muslims jumped from Jesus to Mohammed, making fun of the Divine Birth of Christ. The Reformers believed in everything, and in nothing. They swallowed all the Bible, but as the Jews, they wanted to know nothing more about the Living God. God is in Heaven, man is on Earth, end of the story, to hell with the Catholic Church and the Catholic man. Neither the Church nor the Catholic man believes that the Bible is the Word of God. No sir! They lent their flesh and blood to God, in order to procure Him a Witness to His Son, for fun. This Article was never heard in the History of Mankind; this article was the production of the enlightened brain of the Teuton Race, a superior Race, born to make good the Word of God : be the Master of the World. Hey man, halleluiah!

And “Therefore we call such writings holy and divine Scriptures”.

Yes Sir!


 The Canonical Books


We include in the Holy Scripture the two volumes of the Old and New Testaments. They are canonical books with which there can be no quarrel at all.

In the church of God the list is as follows: In the Old Testament, the five books of Moses: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy; the books of Joshua, Judges, and Ruth; the two books of Samuel, and two of Kings; the two books of Chronicles, called Paralipomenon; the first book of Ezra; Nehemiah, Esther, Job; the Psalms of David; the three books of Solomon: Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song; the four major prophets: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel; and then the other twelve minor prophets: Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi.

In the New Testament, the four gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John; the Acts of the Apostles; the fourteen letters of Paul: to the Romans; the two letters to the Corinthians; to the Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians; the two letters to the Thessalonians; the two letters to Timothy; to Titus, Philemon, and to the Hebrews; the seven letters of the other apostles: one of James; two of Peter; three of John; one of Jude; and the Revelation of the apostle John.


Hypocrisy is a virtue in the house of the Devil. You may guess why. First they say that they kneel before the word of God, now they say that they take from that word whatever they think fit for their salvation. Guess why? Well, let me tell you. During sixteen centuries the Bible was buried in a place beyond the power of the PIGS, i.e., the Mediterranean Catholic nations, and from which hidden place the Central and Northern families of the Teuton Race, born to set the World on Fire in the Name of God, “Heil Luther”, coming to its rescue, unburied the “Precious” Word of God for the salvation of the world and the Hegemony of the Imperial Race of the Saxons.

As we all know, and the Article the Second said, the Bible was written by the finger of God, and ergo, the PIGS had nothing to do with the sudden Apparition of the Christian Bible. As much as the Mormons found their Holy Scriptures buried, by an angel, in the hills of America, same way the teuton reformers found the Bible buried by God in the Seven Hills of Babylon, wherefrom they rescue it.

Hey man, Halleluiah!

There was never five centuries of constant war for the Biblical text and Truth against a no ending series of Heresiarchs, and Gnosticism and Arianism, and hundreds of  satanic doctrines making fun of Jesus, the Church and the Catholic Faith. This is all an invention of that Wore who  says that God gave Her His Son as Lord and Husband!

No sir!

And there was never an age of destruction of Europe, centuries of rebuilding from the ashes, by the Catholic Church undertaken as her own duty.

No Sir!

The Fall of Europe in the Fifth and Sixth Centuries was another invention of that satanic school of the Christian PIGS!

Yes Sir!

Neither there was a war to the death with the forces of the Islam right after the Invasion of the Barbarians.

No sir!

That was another invention of those Mediterranean PIGS, story tellers, worth only to burn in the fire that the Luther, “the Holy Fuehrer”, was to kindle in the name of God and Religion.

Yes Sir!

During all those days there was no Bible.

No sir!

Luther, Calvin and Henry the Eight found the Word of God. An angel led them to the spot.

Yes Sir!

The Maccabees? That is not God’s Word!

No Sir!

The Book of Wisdom of Solomon King, that was not God’s inspiring word!

No sir!

Judith, who in hell was that bitch!

Don’t know sir!

Who need to know History?

No one Sir!

Christ came out from the blue!

Right there!

Who is God to tell us which book we have to read and which book we don’t! I mean, if Solomon was such a wise man as to write about Wisdom, why did he sacrifice to idols and had as many women as nights has the year? He wasn’t such a wise man; he was a king, and as king his words were divine, (the Divine Right of the Kings be preserved, sir), but ain’t no Wisdom.

No sir!

And who is that Bitch, the Catholic Church, to tell us which book we got to take as Holy! Who is she, a mother of PIGS! We saved the Bible, we have the Power to say what is Holy and what is unholy!

Heil, Sir!



The Authority of Scripture


We receive all these books and these only as holy and canonical, for the regulating, founding, and establishing of our faith.

And we believe without a doubt all things contained in them: not so much because the church receives and approves them as such but above all because the Holy Spirit testifies in our hearts that they are from God, and also because they prove themselves to be from God.

For even the blind themselves are able to see that the things predicted in them do happen.


Here we should ask the blind, don’t we? And anyhow, which are those things predicted in them and waiting to happen?

However the antichristian statement comes from the first paragraph : “establishing of our faith”. Faith was not established by Christ Himself, and in Him and through Him established by the Father and the Son, for all the generations to come from Him to the end of the world to grow and live in that Faith. No no! Everyone makes His own faith. The Bible is a non-formed mass waiting for every single man to build his own faith and church. Who was Jesus Christ to come and establish a Faith for the Entire, Universal Creation of God! For God’s sake, throw that eastern PIG to the fire too! We need  no PIG, no human no Divine, to establish a faith for us, we make our faith, our church, our destiny, our fate, our world wars too.

The second paragraph is a motion backing up Satan. “We need no church, we have the Holy Ghost, we are a holyghostian species, so to speak”. Did God create a Church? And that Church to be the Temple of his Holy Spirit among the Nations of His Kingdom? Where do say God in His Book that He made a Church? “We need no church, we have the Bible, and the Bible, as in a kind of magic supernatural act, transmit us the Holy Ghost. The paper turns into spirit; this is the Holy Work of the reformation. Jesus turned water into wine, we turn paper into gold”.

Yes sir!

But as the belgian confessor does not say which are those predictions awaiting their turn, (possibly as many as they want to), we keep on jumping from article to article in this search of the Living God as the Inspiring Spirit backing up this Confession.


The Difference Between Canonical and Apocryphal Books


We distinguish between these holy books and the apocryphal ones, which are the third and fourth books of Esdras; the books of Tobit, Judith, Wisdom, Jesus Sirach, Baruch; what was added to the Story of Esther; the Song of the Three Children in the Furnace; the Story of Susannah; the Story of Bell and the Dragon; the Prayer of Manasseh; and the two books of Maccabees.

The church may certainly read these books and learn from them as far as they agree with the canonical books. But they do not have such power and virtue that one could confirm from their testimony any point of faith or of the Christian religion. Much less can they detract from the authority of the other holy books.


But if Christ was a fool in passing the Bible from the Eastern PIGS to the Western PIGS, non-less a fool was God in trying to make of His Word the “word of God”.

God, this is to say, the Catholic Church on Earth, this is to say: His Physical Presence in the History of Mankind, fought Death and the Devil back to Hell in the name of the Preservation of His Book among the Christians for the Salvation of the Fullness of the Nations. Five centuries of Heresiarchs, Gnostics and Arians, three centuries of ruin of the European nations, eight centuries fighting back the forces which fought back the rebuilding of Europe, and after sixteen centuries fighting back heel they come, the belgian Confessors, to tell God what He has to keep in His Book and what He has to cut off from its pages.

WOW! Heil Luther!

“…fourth books of Esdras; the books of Tobit, Judith, Wisdom, Jesus Sirach, Baruch; what was added to the Story of Esther; the Song of the Three Children in the Furnace; the Story of Susannah; the Story of Bell and the Dragon; the Prayer of Manasseh; and the two books of Maccabees”.

Rock and roll! God is an idiot who thinks Himself capable of saving three children from being toasted and roasted in a furnace! No offence, Sir! Can you believe the story of that bitch, Judith? A woman using her beauty to turn inside out the brain of a general, curt his head and save her city! That never happened in the history of mankind. However if that woman were a German, a Swedish, am English woman, all right, but a stupid Jewess, who ever heard of such a thing, Judith between the Goddess in the day of the Judgment of Paris! Come on, boy! “We are Teutons, no PIGS; only PIGS believe God capable of saving Susannah from the hands of creepy bastards by the hand of a child! O Man, God is full of crap!”

Yes Sir!

Hey man, we have seen Cortez, that PIG, conquering an Empire with a bunch men. Why would not a Jew conquered the Empire of the Seleucid? That was not God doing!

No Sir!

You understand? We say what you have to believe and what you don’t have to believe, we are your master you are my slave!

Heil Sir!

The second paragraph is the powder in the brain washing machine :

“The church may certainly read these books and learn from them as far as they agree with the canonical books. But they do not have such power and virtue that one could confirm from their testimony any point of faith or of the Christian religion. Much less can they detract from the authority of the other holy books”.

And all this because the Maccabee Books say that praying for the dead is holy before God. Not that you can save the Devil; but in the name of Love, and Love for you, God can forget your parents’ faults, and in the name of Love for you, God can dismiss those nonsenses to which we are so dear. A nation with a heart made of steel, born to set the World on Fire, Heil Luther, Heil Hitler, how can conceive this kind of Love by which the Beloved Father embrace the love of His beloved sons to the point of having mercy on those faults to which we are all dammed because the order of this world? Just for a prayer  in the heart of a good work! For the Love of His Son did not God forgive our fratricide behavior? Or do you think that Redemption came for the Love of us? If the Son of God should had not loved us, should had God given us a Hope of Salvation? And yet, the Son’s Prayer came in the heart of a Good Work : The Cross! I love you, I love you, and you let me die of hunger? What is Love without action, the Action of Love? I tell you : Faith without Good Work, the Works of Christ!

Hey man, now Halleluiah!

Still, there is Heaven and there is Hell. And you decide where you want to go.



The Sufficiency of Scripture


We believe that this Holy Scripture contains the will of God completely and that everything one must believe to be saved is sufficiently taught in it. For since the entire manner of service which God requires of us is described in it at great length, no one, even an apostle or an angel from heaven, as Paul says  “But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse! ought to teach other than what the Holy Scriptures have already taught us. For since it is forbidden to add to or subtract from the Word of God, See that you do all I command you; do not add to it or take away from it this plainly demonstrates that the teaching is perfect and complete in all respects.

Therefore we must not consider human writings, no matter how holy their authors may have been, equal to the divine writings; nor may we put custom, nor the majority, nor age, nor the passage of time or persons, nor councils, decrees, or official decisions above the truth of God, for truth is above everything else.

For all human beings are liars by nature and more vain than vanity itself.

Therefore we reject with all our hearts everything that does not agree with this infallible rule, as we are taught to do by the apostles when they say, “Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world”, and also, “If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not take them into your house or welcome them


A brain washing machine need something more than powder to complete its good work. Those who accused the Roman Pope of pretending to locate infallibility as a matter of faith, those same apostles of freedom did not doubt to call upon their own infallibility as a matter of fact. The Bible contains what it is necessary for the salvation of one’s man soul, of course; but the way you interpret the bible is open to nonsense. In the day of the heresiarchs the Bible was already fixed. God had already  signed His Book with those famous final sentence :

“I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to that person the plagues described in this scroll. And if anyone takes words away from this scroll of prophecy, God will take away from that person any share in the tree of life and in the Holy City, which are described in this scroll.

Now, considering that the Spirit of Jesus is the Spirit of t Prophecy, and that Jesus is Christ and Christ is the Incarnation of the Spirit of God, “the words of this prophecy” means “the word of this Book : The Bible”. So, once the Biblical Canon was fixed in the face of History during the Council of Nicaea, and as such the Bible did travel through the centuries from the fourth to the sixteenth century, this cutting off this and that Book from its body do not fall in the realm of “the Prophecy of this Book”? At least, of course, that God, in His infinite Omniscience, had taken “that cursed Infallibility” from the hands of the Pope and had given it up in the hands of the Belgian confessors. Was it the case? It look so :

“Therefore we reject with all our hearts everything that does not agree with this infallible rule”

But let’s rule our infallibility back to the hands of the Catholic Church’s Chief. The Bible contains everything a man need to stick to his own salvation, which is based on one single divine principle : “He who believes in me, he is not judged, but pass from death to eternal life”. The Reformer proposed that this being the rule, “well, fuck the world, each dog leaks his own cock, why should we worry about  the world. All right, conversion means gold, and gold bring power with it. We become traders of salvation; they win, we gain”.

However “Precious” the Belgic faith seems to be, Christ was the Man. One Man fell; Another was raised. And as God’s blessing was on the First: “Multiply”, so on the Last. But the First was Flesh, and the Last was Spiritual. The First has a wife made of flesh and bones; the Last, could not have a Woman but equal to him, the Church. Ergo : Every Christian becomes a son of God, at the Image of the One, engaged in the Work of the Salvation of Mankind.

What the Belgic Confessor proposed it is to forget about that PIG’s Nonsense and centered the Faith in the Individual. Ergo : Fuck Christ!

History tell us that though everything was already written the defenders and heroes of the Christian Doctrine did not come out of the paper in a kind of super-magical show. God brought on the scene His men according the nature of the times. The War is real : Hell and Heaven are engaged on a War to the teeth. Though everything is written the thousand ways in which the Evil and the Devil moves on from nation to nation and from century to century is not written… until it came to pass and becomes History. Considering that the First Man was the greatest man, ever, because was formed by God Himself, and even so he could not resist the power of the Devil, on whom we can stick the spanish proverb “more knows the Devil because his age than because his wisdom”; how, then, we can be in no need o the action of God through His Church? Can we say that the so-called Father of the church, because taught words no written, deserve not our ears? However, the Word of God is clear and resound through the walls of the millennia : “If you keep my word, they will keep yours”.

What then?

The conclusion of the Article is satanically clear : “Fuck the Word of God, fuck the Fathers of the Church, we have and are our own Church, we dictate our own infallible rule, and if you do not stick to it, boy, you are dammed to hell; better, we cut your head off!”

Yes, my Lord!