" El Vencedor Ediciones" |
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The Saga of the Forerunners10After the death of the Hasmonean, after the regency of
Queen Alexandra, while Hyrcanus II occupied his position as high priest, after
the civil war against his brother Aristobulus II, God
raised the spirit of intelligence in Zechariah, son of Abijah.
Called to the priesthood because he was the son of
Abijah, Zechariah focused his career in the administration of the Temple in the
area of History and Genealogy of the families of Israel. A confidant of his
father, with whom Zechariah shared his zeal for the coming of the Messiah,
while his father and his partner the Babylonian led the search for the heir to
the Crown of Judah, Zechariah conceived in his intelligence to open the Temple
archives. When the failure of the search for the legitimate heirs of Zerubbabel
was a fait accompli, Zechariah swore to himself that he would not rest until he
turned the shelves upside down, and by Yahweh, that he would not stop until he
found the clue that would lead him to the house of the living heir of King Solomon.
Jerusalem’s Temple fulfilled all the functions of a
state. Its officials acted as a bureaucracy parallel to that of the Court
itself. Registration of births, salaries of its employees, accounting of its
income, School of Doctors of the Law, all this machinery functioned as an
autonomous organism.
The positions of power were hereditary. They also
depended on the influences of each aspirant. As an aspirant, Zacharias would
have in his favor the three classic forces with which anyone could have reached
the top.
He had the spiritual leadership of his father. He had
the influence and full support of one of the most influential men inside and
outside the Sanhedrin, Simeon the Babylonian, the Shemayas of traditional Jewish sources. In these sources Abijah is called Abtalion, a distortion of the original Hebrew, with whose
perversion of the Hebrew sources the Jewish historian intended to hide from the
eyes of the future the messianic connections between the generations before Jesus’
Birth and Christianity itself. And above all and most importantly, Zechariah
counted on the spirit of intelligence that his God had given him to bring his
enterprise to a successful conclusion.
At the command of God, the saga of the restorers led
by Abijah and Simeon the Babylonian, whose names -I have said- were perverted
by the later Jewish historians in order to root the origin of Christianity in
the mind of a madman, God raised in the son of Simeon the Babylonian the
forerunner spirit that He engendered in the son Abijah, his partner.
Having denied victory to the fathers, because the
glory of triumph had been reserved for their sons, older that of Abijah than
that of Simeon, God in his Omniscience willed that the son of Simeon, Simeon
like his father, should have as his spiritual partner the son of Abijah,
closing the friendship that already existed between them with bonds that always
Also, like his father, Simeon the Younger seemed born
to enjoy a comfortable and happy existence, far from the spiritual concerns of
Abijah’s son. A chip off the old block,
Simeon the Younger joined his future to that of Zechariah by placing at his
service the fortune he would inherit from his father.
Counting on with these point d’ appui a man must have been very foolish - speaking of Zechariah - to fail in his
attempt to rise to the pyramid of the Templar bureaucracy, and rise to the top
as Director of the Historical Archives and Major Genealogist of the Theocratic
State into which, after the conquest of Judah by Pompey the Great, the ancient
kingdom of the Hasmoneans was converted. Given the unmeasured intelligence by God
shone on him, Zechariah reached the top and planted his banner on the highest
peak of the Temple structure.
Times were hard anyway. Civil wars ravaged the world.
Horror was the norm. Thank God the failure of Simeon and Abijah closed with a
compensatory happy ending.
After the death of Queen Alexandra, what had long been
foreseen happened. Aristobulus II claimed the crown
for himself, fought on the battlefield against his brother Hyrcanus II and won
the victory. But if he dreamed of legalizing his coup d'état, he soon saw his
The world was no longer ready to return to the days of
their father. The Sadducees themselves refused to lose the prerogatives that
the Sanhedrin had conferred on them. Neither Sadducees nor Pharisees wanted a
return to the status quo prior to the inauguration of the Sanhedrin. Obviously
to the Pharisees less than to the Sadducees. So it was agreed to bring into the
scene the father of the future king Herod, Palestinian by birth, Jewish by
force. By order of the Pharisees, Antipater hired the king of the Arabs to
expel Aristobulus II from the throne.
The maneuver of putting the burden of the rebellion on
the shoulders of Hyrcanus II was a ploy of the Sanhedrin to stay out of the way
in case of defeat of the hired forces. The ongoing war the situation was
resolved in favor of Hyrcanus thanks to divine foreknowledge, which interposed
between the brothers the Roman general of the moment, in triumphal stroll
through the lands of Asia. We speak of Pompey the Great.
After conquering Turkey and Syria, the Roman general
received an embassy from the Jews begging him to intervene in their kingdom and
stop the civil war to which passions had dragged them. We are in the sixties of
the first century BC.
Pompey agreed to act as arbitrator between the two
brothers. He ordered them to come forward immediately to give him an account of
the reasons why they were killing each other. Who was Cain, who was Abel?
Pompey did not enter into discussions of this nature.
With the authority of a master of the universe he spoke words of wisdom and
made known his Solomonic judgment on the case. From that day and until further
notice the kingdom of the Jews became a Roman province. Hyrcanus II was
reestablished in his functions as head of state, and Antipater, father of
Herod, as chief of his staff. As for Aristobulus, he
was to retire to civil life and forget about the crown.
And so it was done. Then Pompey left with the Roman
eagles to complete his conquest of the Mediterranean universe, leaving the
bells tolling in Jerusalem for the solution adopted, of all the worst the best.
In those days the dragon of madness trotted at ease
throughout the confines of the Ancient World. He had been doing so since the
dawn of time, but this time, when the Roman civil wars, wiser the Devil for old
than for genius, his tongues of fire created more evil men than ever. Unlike
the Divine Tongue that made saints, that of the Devil gave birth to monsters
who sold their souls to Hell for the sake of the ephemeral power of the glory
of war. Like a Superstar signing bloody wedding contracts with the bride and
groom of Death, the Prince of Darkness signed autographs, hoping in his
manifest madness to obtain from his Creator the applause due to the one who
gave God an ultimatum.
The count of the dead in the Roman world wars was
never recorded. The future will never know how many souls perished under the
insane wheels of the Roman Empire. Reading the chronicles of that empire of
darkness on Earth one would dare say that the Devil himself had been hired as
an advisor to the Caesars. Once again the Beast roamed the ends of the earth
executing his sovereign will.
In the midst of those bloody times, when even a blind
man could see the impossibility of opposing the new master of the universe,
even worse if the aspirant was no more than a fly on the back of an elephant,
against all logic and common sense Aristobulus II
went beyond the Solomonic judgment of Pompey the Great and declared himself in
armed rebellion against the Empire.
The unlimited ambition for absolute power does not
understand races or times. History has seen the hare jump more times than the
annals of modern nations can remember. Apparently the gulf between man and
beast is less dangerous than man’s leap to the status of the sons of God. And
yet those who deny man’s future what belongs to him by right of creation are
the same ones who then defend the idea of evolution with fire and sword. We do
not know if with the Doubt about God’s intentions in creating Man, Science
hides an open rebellion against the final stage programmed in our genes since
the origins of the historical ages. In the end, it could be only a question of
cranial pride raised to the square of its power. That is to say, it is not a
denial that God exists; what exists is a refusal to live a chronicle foretold.
Why do we have to be passive objects of a story written before we were born? Is
it not better to be active subjects of a tragedy written by Destiny?
The depths of human psychology never cease to amaze.
In the darkness of the abyssal pits of the mind, luminescent creatures as
beautiful as stars in the night suddenly transform into monstrous dragons.
Their fiery arrows devour all peace, violate all justice, deny all truth. And
coveting the power of the rebellious gods, they prove right those who do not
believe in evolution when they affirm that after man there is something else.
After all, it is not so much a question of believing
or not believing, but of choosing between the being of the Beast and that of
the Son of God.
In this respect Aristobulus II had a mental structure very typical of his time. Either he had everything or
he had nothing. Why share the Power? Between Cain and Abel he had chosen the
role of Cain. Why was the Roman now coming to steal the fruit of his victory?
As long as Pompey the Great imposed his will on him at
the point of the sword and the myth about the invincibility of the Pirate
Killer kept his passion at bay, everything went smoothly for the Savior of the
Mediterranean. As soon as Pompey’s back was turned, Aristobulus came out and he devoted himself to what he knew best, making war.
The way he understood how to wage war, at least he put
it into practice.
Wherever he rode he dedicated himself to leaving his
mark. A farm here and a farm there, Judea was to remember his father’s son for
a long time to come. Fire, ruin, desolation, let history be written and let
what is written be written, if not in the annals of history at least on the
backs of the people!
The Ancient Serpent must have known that the Day of
Yahweh was approaching, a day of vengeance and wrath. The Leviathan in the
crosshairs of Hell redoubled the fire within him and from the pinnacle of his
cursed glory began to lead the army of darkness to its impossible victory.
Brother against brother, kingdom against kingdom. Even
the almighty Roman Senate trembled with fear the day Caesar crossed his
particular Red Sea. Because of the Conqueror of Gaul, he who had just been
acclaimed lord of Asia, Great Pompey himself, was seen crossing the Great Sea
like a cat to end up being killed like a louse on a beach by order of a pharaoh
in skirts.
Until Egypt came chasing his former partner who turned
a river into a phrase for the legend, and there he would have been buried by
the same pharaoh who killed Pompey had not providentially intervened in his
favor the provincial armies of Asia, among whose squadrons the cavalry of the
Jews excelled in courage and bravery, giving him the victory and, more
importantly, saving his life. Salvation that earned the Jews of the Empire the
gratitude of Caesar, and regained for the nation of the Jews its lost fame of
valiant warriors.
The need that drives the powerful to need each other
was the one that threw the Jewish chief of staff in the arms of the new master
of the Mediterranean universe, winning the father of Herod for the Jewish
people the honors of grace, as I said, and for him and his house the friendship
of one who is grateful because he was well born, that of the unique and
incomparable Julius Caesar.
This last grace was not felt in the same way in
Jerusalem as it did in the circle of the family concerned. But, given the
persistence of the son of the Hasmonean to follow in the footsteps of his
father, it was respected as a contention wall against a new civil war. In such
moments little or nothing the Jews believed that they should fear of the
dazzling race to the power of the puppy Herod.
Not even when Herod showed more than enough courage to
dismantle the forces of the Galilean bandits and sentence them to death by
bypassing the laws of the Senate of the Jews?
Taking advantage of his position as lieutenant of the
northern forces, Herod captured the bandits, dismantled their bases and
condemned their leaders to death. Nothing unusual if it had been a Jewish
leader. The problem was that by taking on the functions of the Sanhedrin - to
judge and sentence to death – Herod’s personal ambition was exposed and forced
the Sanhedrin to clip their wings while there was still time.
The matter of judging the Idumean puppy was complex
because of his godfather, Caesar himself. The point was that if his wings were
not clipped, no one would be able to stop his dazzling career to the throne.
Simeon the Babylonian and Abijah made this argument
before the other members of the court that met to judge Herod. Had they been
spared the usurpation of David¡s throne by a Jew by
birth to see how a Palestinian would put his ass on it?
Without fear of the Idumean puppy Simeon the
Babylonian laid out his sentence before all: Either they condemned him to death
now that they had him at their mercy or they would repent of their cowardice
the day the son of Antipater sat on the throne of Jerusalem.
Herod turned to look at that old man who was
prophesying to him in the light of day what he had seen so many times in his
dreams. Admired to find among those cowards a brave man, he swore there, in the
presence of all his judges, that on the day he would wear the crown he would
put them all to the sword. All except the one man who had dared to tell him to
his face how he felt.
When Herod was king that was the first measure he
took. Except for his particular prophet, he beheaded all the members of the
The Genealogy of Jesus according to
In the midst of those days of bloody horrors Nature
defied Hell by flooding the earth with beauty. It was indeed a time of
beautiful women. In the service of her Lord, Nature conceived a woman of
extraordinary beauty, and gave her a name. She called her Elizabeth.
Elizabeth was the daughter of one of the priestly
families of the upper class of Jerusalem. Her parents belonged to one of the
twenty-four families, heirs of the twenty-four Temple shifts. Her parents were
clients of the house of the Simeons; the
extraordinary beauty of that girl opened the doors of the heart of Simeon the
Younger, with whom she came to be raised as if she were a sister.
Elizabeth¡s parents could only look favorably on the relationship between the kids.
Thinking of the possibility of a future marriage, her parents granted Elizabeth
a freedom generally denied to the daughters of Aaron. Was there anything that
could fill the hearts of those parents with more pride that their eldest
daughter becoming the mistress of the heir to one of the largest fortunes in
It was no longer just a question of wealth, there was
also the protection Herod had extended over the Simeons.
The death of the leading members of the Sanhedrin after his coronation left the Simeons in a privileged position. In fact, that of
the Simeons was the only fortune that the king did
not confiscate.
If Elizabeth were to impose her beauty on young
Simeon, … more than her parents could ever have dreamed of.
This secret possibility in mind, which every year
seemed to become more real by reason of the intelligence with which Wisdom had
enriched what Nature had clothed with so many gifts, Elizabeth¡s parents let her cross that thin frontier on the other side of which the Hebrew
woman was free to choose a husband.
The normal thing in the Jewish castes was to close the
marriage contract of the Aaronic females before reaching that dangerous age,
reached which by law the woman could not be forced to accept the paternal
authority as if it were the will of God. Convinced of the irresistible
influence of Elizabeth¡s beauty on the young Simeon,
her parents took the risk of letting her cross that frontier.
She crossed it with delight, and he was her
Simeon played along with the soul mate that life had
given him. Raised himself to enjoy a privileged freedom, by the time Elizabeth’s
parents came to realize the truth it would already be too late. Elizabeth would
by then have crossed that border and nothing and no one in the world could
prevent her from marrying the man she loved more than her life, more than the
walls of Jerusalem, more than the stars of the infinite sky, more than the
angels themselves.
The day her parents understood who Elizabeth’s chosen
one was, that day her parents cried out to heaven.
The problem of the man whom Elizabeth loved in such a
way that was so superior to the family’s interests was simple. Elizabeth had
given her heart to the stubbornest young man in all Jerusalem. In reality, no
one was betting anything on the life of Abijah’s son. It had gotten into
Zechariah’s head to enter the Temple and drive out all the genealogy peddlers
and wholesale birth document dealers. Shocked by what they believed to be a
frontal attack on their pockets, many swore to end his career at any price. But
neither threats nor curses could scare Zachariah.
In this everyone recognized that the son was his
father’s replay. Was not his father the only man in the whole kingdom capable
of standing before the Hasmonean in his best days, cutting him off and
prophesying to his face a volcano of misfortune? What could be expected of his
son, being a coward?
In any case, why didn’t Zacharias direct his crusade
elsewhere? Why had he got it into his head to focus his crusade against the
flourishing business of buying and selling genealogical documents and false
birth records? What harm was being done to anyone by issuing those documents?
The interested parties came from Italy itself, ready
to pay as much as they asked for a simple piece of papyrus signed and sealed by
the Temple. Why was the son of Abijah so obsessed? Why didn’t he dedicate
himself to enjoying life like any other son of a neighbor? Was he having fun
cutting everyone’s hair?
Well, but before we go any further, let us enter into
the mind of Zechariah and the circumstances against which he rose up.
I have said that Zechariah, son of Abijah, and Simeon
the Younger, son of Simeon the Babylonian, picked up the baton of the search
for the living Heir of king Solomon.
Given all the circumstances established in the
previous chapters, it is understandable that secrecy was the sine qua non that
was to lead them to the end of the thread. No one was to know what the goal in
mind was.
If to the Hasmoneans the very idea of the Davidic
restoration made their hair stand on end, at the slightest suspicion of the
intentions of the sons of their protégés, the Shemayas and Abtalion of the official Jewish writings, Simeon
and Abijah for us, King Herod would on the day carry off all the sons of David.
Then there were the classic pirates who would be happy
to denounce their sons, our Simeon and Zechariah. Herod would reward the
denunciation for treason to the crown with honors thousands. And in passing
they would eliminate from the scene the lone crusader with whom no agreement
could be reached.
So, knowing the sea of dangers on whose waves he
sailed, Zacharias opened his mind to no one in the world. Not even to Elizabeth
herself, the woman he was aware he would marry despite the will of his future
It was natural that of all the men of Jerusalem there
was no other in need of the strongest protection than the son of Abijah.
Let us now enter into the causes of that widespread
corruption into whose arms the Temple officials threw themselves.
In gratitude for their salvation by the Jewish
chivalry - as I have said before - Julius Caesar granted to Judea fiscal
privileges and liberation for its citizens from the service of arms.
Caesar was unaware of the complex extent of the Jewish
world. Shrewd as anyone, the Jews throughout his Empire took advantage of his
ignorance to benefit from the privileges granted to the citizens of Judea. But
to benefit from such privileges they were obliged to present the relevant
All the Jews had to do was to go to Jerusalem, pay a
sum of money and get hold of them.
Was it this little trick enough to get mad? Did
Zachariah not love his brothers in Abraham? Why did he object? What was in it
for him? The Temple coffers were getting full. Was he, as a priest and a Jew by
birth, not interested in the prosperity of his people?
The growing enmity against Zechariah stemmed from the
fact of his unstoppable ascent, which, in a short time, if no one were to cut
him off, would lead him to the top of the direction of the Historical and
Genealogical Archives, on which depended the issuance of the aforementioned
Man, there were reasons for the son of Abijah to turn
a blind eye and take advantage of the occasion to get rich, and on the way to
share with everyone the prosperity that heaven had given them after so many
past evils.
But no, the son of Abijah said that he did not marry
corruption. His head was as hard as a rock. To make matters worse, the
protection he counted on left his enemies no other way out but to try to stop
his career by all means.
So as much as she adored the man of her life, Elizabeth
herself wondered what the crusade of her beloved was all about. When she
brought up the subject with him, he would give her the runaround, look the
other way, change his tune and leave her speechless. Did he not love her?
Simeon the Younger laughed at those two impossible
Elizabeth laughed; and as she was the daughter of
Aaron and had Nature on her side, that her soul friend was going to discover
what mystery the two of them were up to.
Simeon the Younger gave her the runaround at first.
The last thing he wanted was to endanger Elizabeth’s life. In the end he had to
open his heart and reveal the truth.
A Jew from any part of the Empire who wished to
register as a citizen of Judea to which family would he be related and in which
city would he ask to be registered as a native?
The answer was so obvious that Elizabeth understood
“In Bethlehem of Judah and to King David”.
Difficult that it was for the Major Genealogist of the
Kingdom to advance among mountains of documents, this avalanche of David’s
children suddenly coming to the legendary king from all sides…
“Then you are looking for Solomon's heir”, Elizabeth
replied to Simeon. “How nice!”. Simeon laughed heartily at her witticism.
Zechariah didn’t find that funny his partner discovering
the truth to Elizabeth. Once the damage was done, it was necessary to move
forward and trust in her prudence. Trust that Elizabeth never let down.
The same Spirit that stops the advance of the warriors
and denies them the passage to the goals reserved by Him for those who will
follow them, that same God is the one who orders the times and moves on the
stage the actors for whom He reserved the victory that He denied to those who
opened the way for them.
Against all the bad omens that their enemies wished
them, Zechariah reached the top of the direction of the Archives of the Temple.
He also married the mate chosen for him by destiny. When they found that they
could not have children, it was said: “God’s punishment”, because she had
rebelled against the will of her parents, but they consoled themselves by
loving each other with all the strength of which the human heart is capable.
To the sorrow of finding themselves sterile was added
the failure of their search.
The Birth of Joseph
Zechariah spent years sifting through the mountains of
genealogical documents, sorting scroll by scroll of history in search of the
clue that should lead him to the last living heir to Solomon’s crown. He did
not go mad because his intelligence was stronger than the despair that seized
his mind, and, of course, because the Spirit of his God smiled on him through
the lips of his partner Simeon, who never lost hope and was always there to
boost his morale.
“Calm down, man, you will see how in the end we will
find what we are looking for where we least expect it, and when we least
imagine it, you will see. Don’t break your head because your God wants to open
your eyes in his own way. I don’t think He’s going to leave you empty-handed.
It’s just that we are looking in the wrong direction. The fault is ours. Do you
think he has lifted you up to where you are to leave you with your desolation
at the top? Rest, enjoy your existence, let Him make us laugh”.
That Simeon was an extraordinary man. But in every
sense. When he married the woman of his dreams, he also enjoyed the dream of
being the happiest man in the world. With that happiness of his that spilled
over to all the clients of his House and made him the banker of the poor, one
fine day business matters took him to Bethlehem.
The clientele of the Simeons also extended its branches to the towns around Jerusalem. Among the families
that did business with them was the Clan of the carpenters of Bethlehem. By
this time the leadership of the clan was in the hands of Mattath, father of
Heli. The Clan of the carpenters of Bethlehem had carved its reputation as
professional woodworkers since nobody knew when. It was even said that the
founder of the Clan put one of the gates of the holy city in the days of
Zerubbabel. Simple rumors, of course. The thing was that the arrival of Simeon
the Younger in Bethlehem coincided with the birth of Heli’s firstborn. They
called the newborn Joseph. Congratulations aside, closed the business that
brought him to Bethlehem, the child’s grandfather and our Simeon entered into
conversations about the origins of the family. The ongoing topic wanted the
conversation itself Mattath to elaborate on the Davidic origin of his house.
In Bethlehem it never occurred to anyone to question
the word of the head of the Clan of the carpenters. Everyone was, because it
had always been believed in the town, that the Clan belonged to the house of
David. Mattath, Joseph’s grandfather, did not go around using the genealogical
document of his family as if it were a whip ready to fall on the unbelievers.
That would not have been the point. It was simply so, it had always been so and
it did not proceed otherwise. His parents had been considered sons of David
since nobody remembered when, and he, Mattath, had every right to believe in
the word of his ancestors. After all, everyone was free to believe himself to
be the son of whomever suited him best.
But of course, Zechariah’s research at a standstill,
the search for the son of Solomon at the level of historical archives anchored
in a dead end, the fact that a simple family of carpenters jumped into the
realm of infallible realities, necessarily our Simeon had to find that absolute
certainty of grandfather Mattath, if not funny, at least quite sympathetic.
More than anything else, it was the tone of certainty in the breath of Joseph’s
When, without intending to offend the head of the clan
of the carpenters of Bethlehem, Simeon the Younger questioned the legitimacy of
the Davidic origin of his house, Grandfather Mattath looked at the young Simeon
with somewhat offended eyebrows. His first reaction was to feel offended, and
by his beard that, had the doubt come from another individual, for his honor he
would have instantly kicked him out of his house. But in honor of the
friendship that bound him to the Simeons, and because
in no way did the Young Man intend to offend him, Grandfather Mattath refrained
from giving free rein to his temper. Also because with the winds that were
blowing, when it was enough to kick a stone to produce children for David, the
boy’s doubt was understandable to him.
A very good-natured man, in spite of this way of
entering into our story, not wanting any doubt of any kind to float between his
house and that of the Simeons from now on,
Grandfather Mattath took our Simeon by the arm, and took him aside. With all
the confidence in the world in his truth, the man led him to his private room.
He went to a chest as old as winter, opened it and took out of its interior a
kind of bronze roll wrapped in rancid furs. Before Simeon’s eyes Grandfather Mattath
placed it on the table. And he unrolled it slowly with the mystery of one who
is going to bare his soul.
As soon as he saw the contents wrapped in those rancid
furs, Simeon’s pupils opened like windows when the first spring rays burst. A
mute “Holy God” escaped from his lips, but he concealed his surprise and hid
the emotion that was running down his back. And the fact is that rarely in his
life, even being the intimate of the Genealogist Major of the Kingdom, and in
spite of how accustomed he was to seeing ancient documents, some as old as the
walls of Jerusalem, rarely had his eyes seen a jewel as beautiful as it was
That genealogical scroll had the antiquity to the
surface. The seals on its metal were two stars shining in a leathery firmament
as dry as the mountain where Moses received the Tablets. The characters of his
writing gave off exotic fragrances born on the battlefield where David raised
what would be the sword of the kings of Judah. Grandfather Mattath unfolded the
genealogical roll of his House in all its magical extension and let the Young
Man read the list of the ancestors of Joseph, his newborn grandson. It read:
“Heli, son of Mattath. Mattath, son of Levi. Levi, son
of Melki. Melki, son of Jannai. Jannai,
son of Joseph. Joseph, son of Mattathias. Mattathias, son of Amos. Amos, son of
Nahum. Nahum, son of Esli. Esli,
son of Naggai. Naggai, son
of Maath. Maath, son of
Mattathias. Mattathias the son of Shemain. Shemain, son of Josech. Josech, son of Joddah. Joddah, son of Johanam. Johanam, son of Rhesa. Rhesa the son of Zerubbabel.
While Simeon the Younger did not dare to raise his
eyes. A dazzling energy was running fiber by fiber through his marrow. Inside
he wanted to jump for joy, his soul felt like that of the Hero after the
victory, jumping naked through the streets of Jerusalem. If Zacharias had been
there with him, at his side, by God they would have danced the dance of the
brave around the fire of victory.
Sure enough, of course Simeon the Younger had seen a
document just like that one, varying in names, but of the same antiquity,
keeping in its secrets the oldest Hebrew characters, written by the men who
lived in Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylon. He had seen it in his own house. His own
father had inherited it from his father and brought it to Jerusalem to deposit
a copy in the Temple Archives. Yes, he had seen it in his own house, it was the
family jewel of the Simeon family. How many families in all of Israel could put
such a document on the table? The answer Simeon had known since he was a child:
only the families that returned with Zerubbabel from Babylon could do so, and
all those who could do so were in the Sanhedrin.
Holy God, what our Simeon would have given to have had
his Zechariah by his side at that moment. The Moon and the stars were not worth
in his eyes what that Babylonian bronze scroll embraced to that cowhide
parchment of Eden. That document was worth more than a thousand volumes of
theology. What he would not have given to have had the opportunity to have
heard from the lips of Zechariah the reading of the rest of the List! It said:
“Zerubbabel, son of Shealtiel. Salathiel, son of Neri; Neri, son of Melchi: Melchi, son of Addi; Addi, son of Cosam; Cosam, son of Elmadam: Elmadam, son of Er; Er, son of Jesus; Jesus, son of
Eliezer; Eliezer, son of Jori; Jori, son of Matath; Matath, son of Levi; Levi, son of Simeon; Simeon, son of
Judah; Judah, son of Joseph; Joseph, son of Eliakim; Eliakim, son of Melea; Melea, son of Menna; Menna, son of Mattatha; Mattatha, son of Nathan.
Nathan... son of David."
The Great Synagogue of the East
Perhaps I am somewhat hasty in the succession of
events, moved by the emotion of memories. I hope that the reader will not hold
it against me to have launched me almost unbridled through the plain of the
memories that I am unveiling to him. After having been two thousand years
asleep in the silence of the high peaks of History, the author himself cannot
control the emotion that seizes him, and his fingers go to the clouds with the
ease with which the wings of the snow eagle tend towards the unreachable sun
that gives life to its feathers.
The truth that I have passed over is the relative
international calm that Julius Caesar’s empire brought to the region, a
relative peace that played in favor of our heroes, exciting their intelligence,
especially that of our Zechariah. Under other geopolitical circumstances,
perhaps, the possibility of bringing that Peace into the scheme of their
interests would not have crossed their minds.
Roughly speaking, everyone knows what kind of
love-hate relationship between Romans and Parthians kept the Near East in check
during that century. In any case, textbooks on the history of the Ancient Near
East and the Republic of Rome are available to anyone. It is not a topic that
predominates in the official recreation, especially in terms of the Asian
origin of the Parthians, a detail that, for Western historians, influenced by
their Greco-Latin culture, is sufficient excuse to touch in passing the subject
of the history of their Empire. This History is not the best place to open the
horizon in that direction; let it be noted here the desire to do so at another
time. In the end, this History cannot open up to infinity the scenario where it
developed. The official manuals are there to open the horizon to anyone who
wants to delve a little deeper into the subject.
The fact that comes to mind and belongs to this
History centers its epicenter in the influence that Caesar’s peace had on the
area and the options that it put in the hands of its inhabitants. Let us think
that every time one thinks of the days of the conqueror of Gaul, the
predominant note remains in the paraphernalia of his wars, his dictatorial
instincts, the skein of political conspiracies against his imperium, always
passing over the benefits that his peace brought to all the peoples subject to
Rome. In relation to our story, Caesar’s peace was more important than great.
Zechariah, who did not stop scheming how to bring to
completion his search for the rightful heir to the crown of Solomon, one day
thought of the words of his partner: “Relax, man, you'll see that in the end we
find what we are looking for where we least expect it, and when we least expect
it, you'll see”, and he said that Simeon had all the truth in the world. They
had not yet found what they were looking for because they had been wandering
around in a vacuum. Nor would they probably ever find the clue to the sons of
Zerubbabel if they kept poking around where there were no traces of their
existence. So why not play the Great Synagogue of the East card? All they had to
do was to send a mail asking the Synagogue of New Babylon to search for Zerubbabel¡s genealogy among their archives. It was that
easy, that simple.
Simeon the Babylonian, a native of Seleucia of the
Tigris, a perfect connoisseur of the Synagogue in question nodded his head. He
laughed and blurted it out as it came from his soul:
“Sure, how have we been so blind all this time?
Therein lies the key to the riddle. Don’t waste your time. Somewhere in that
mountain of files you must find the jewel that has you in your head. The time
is ripe. It is now or never. No one can say when the peace will be broken.
Let's get to work.”
Zechariah and his men chose a trusted courier from
among the couriers of the Great Synagogue of the East who used to bring the
Tithe to Jerusalem once the roads were open. The message he was to carry on his
return to Seleucia, to be read exclusively by the heads of the Synagogue of the
Magi of the East, concluded with these words: “Focus the investigation on the
sons of Zerubbabel who accompanied him from Babylon to Jerusalem”.
The tension between the two empires of the moment, the
Roman and the Parthian, a rope in tension that could break at any moment,
besides having to reckon with the continuous nationalist insurrections typical
of the Near East, the answer could take some time. But they had time.
Since the days of Zerubbabel the Jews on the other
side of the Jordan had managed to circumvent the dangers and fulfill the Tithe.
During the stability that Western Asia was given by the empire of the Persians
the caravan of the Magi from the East arrived year after year. Later, after the
conquest of Asia by Alexander the Great, the situation did not change. Things
got worse when the Parthians pitched their tents east of Eden and dreamed of
the invasion of the West.
Antiochus III the Great struggled to contain the
onslaught of the new barbarians. His son Antiochus IV died defending the
frontiers. Once converted the lands of the Near East in a no man’s land open to
looting and pillaging after the death of the Beast of the Jews, the Jews east
of the Jordan had to learn to cope alone, but whatever happened the caravan of
the Magi of the East always arrived in Jerusalem with its cargo of gold,
frankincense and myrrh.
This adversity being accounted for, Zechariah’s mail
reached its destination. In due time he returned to Jerusalem with the expected
The answer to the Zechariah question was as follows:
“Two were the sons whom Zerubbabel brought with him
from Babylon. The eldest was named Abiud; the
youngest was named Rhesa”.
And there was
more, the courier of the Magi continued to tell them:
“To the eldest of his sons Zerubbabel gave the roll of
his father, king of Judah. The son of Abiud was
therefore the bearer of the Solomonic scroll. To the younger he gave the genealogical
roll of his mother. Consequently, the son of Rhesa was the bearer of the roll of the house of Nathan, son of David. Except in
their lists the two rolls were the same. As to where both heirs were, about
this they could not give you details”.
How strange is the Almighty! coming back from
Bethlehem was thinking Simeon the Younger. How strangely the Almighty moves!
The river is hidden under the earth, the stone swallows it up, no one knows
what path it will carve through the hypogeum far from the sight of all the
living. Only He, the Omniscient One, knows the exact place where it will break
and float.
The Lord laughs at the despair of his people, he lets
them dig in the ground looking for where the river that was lost in the heart
of the earth just born will go, and when they throw in the towel under the
weight of the impossible victory and their hands bleed with the wounds of
frustration then the Omniscient is moved by the soul, he gets up, smiles at his
people and with a slap on the back goes and tells them: Come on guys, what’s
wrong with you? Lift up your eyes, what you are looking for is right under your
Simeon the Younger laughed thinking about the face his
partner Zacharias was going to make when he told him the news. He already
imagined himself telling him the movie of his discovery.
“Sit down Zechariah”, he would say.
Zechariah would stare at him. Simeon the Younger would
continue to wrap him in the mystery of his joy, predisposed to enjoy that
moment second by second.
“What’s the matter, brother, have you lost that
ability of yours to read my mind?”, Simeon the Younger would insist.
Yes sir, he was going to enjoy that moment to the last
At that moment there was nothing in the world he
wanted more than to live in the open sky the gaze of his partner when he would
say to him:
“Mr. Senior Genealogist of the Kingdom, tomorrow I am
going to have the infinite pleasure of introducing to you Rhesa,
the son of Nathan, son of David, father of Zerubbabel”.
The Alpha and the Omega
Against the horizon the ocean raises its mouth,
devouring the sky. The winds rustle, the sharks sink their paths in the dark
depths fleeing from the brambles of fire that in the form of whips of water
lash the strong arms that preferred to die fighting to live dying. What unknown
force from the remote altars of the universe sprinkles with its nectar of
laughing courage the eyes of men who go barefoot and walk bare-souled on a path
of thorns seeking to warm their bones to the fire that is never consumed? What
energy hardens the bones of the lark of the distances between the two poles of
the magnet traveling the short seasons of its ephemeral life? Why does the
suffering, crushed, exhausted and burned earth of its primordial sludge give
birth to spirits born to turn their backs on the beach of coconut trees and go
solitary into the depths of the black forests? What mystery is hidden in the
human soul, which so many seek and so few reach? In what cradle did the
firmament of the heavens suckle the breast that shows the arrow the cleft that
will serve as a quiver between its ribs?
Are not the pleasures of life waves of cream and
chocolate on whose lips fragrant petals deposit their kisses? The king of the
jungle sits on the plain to admire the dance of his queen in the valley of the
gazelles. The indomitable condor walks his feathered ship over peaks that cut
the sky like heroes’ swords the ranks of the enemy. The dolphin of the oceans
is carried away by the warm currents, dreaming to meet along the paths of the
sea, caravels of colonists drunk with dreams. Why was it man’s lot to be the
one who had the beating of ambitions, the clash of interests, the rustling of
What shall we do with that part of the nature of our
Gender? Shall we sing a lullaby before the requiem? Shall we banish from our
future the birth of new heroes? Shall we do with the children of the future
what others did, give them a tomb for freedom? Or shall we lock them up in a
cage so that they may roam sadly like those silly little birds that die if
their freedom is stolen from them?
Every man has before him a life of dangers and a life
of comfort in forgetfulness of the fate of others. Every age has had its devil’s
advocates and its prosecutors of Christ. The only thing we know is that once
you start down the road there is no turning back.
The courier from New Babylon who brought the answer to
the Forerunner Saga was named Hillel. Hillel was a young doctor of the Law in
the handwriting of the school of the Magi of the East. As in his day did Simeon
the Babylonian, Hillel made his entry into Jerusalem bringing the Tithe in one
hand, and in the other a secret wisdom fit only for that class of men whom the
earth stops, though their fellow men condemn them.
The earth also weeps, and her children also learn. It
has always been said that man knows more about hell because he has lived among
its flames since he was expelled from paradise, than the devil himself and his
rebellious angels, because their future being our fate, such cursed children
have not yet tasted the bitter taste of the fires of the terrible avernus that awaits them around the corner.
The Hellenic sages believed themselves superior to the
Hebrews because of their ability to penetrate the mystery of all things. It is
therefore obligatory to ask, does he who stumbles on the stone of the donkeys
know more than he who has never fallen? In other words, we are all condemned to
learn by stumbling twice like the donkeys. And therefore we must condemn by
system everyone who learned the lesson without the need to bite the dust where
the Serpent writhes.
In those days of dragons and beasts, of scorpions, two
paths opened before men. If the first way was chosen: to forget to look at the
stars and dedicate oneself to one’s labors, existence demanded no more speech
than “live and let live”, let the tyrant crushes and the powerful devour the soul
of men, it is his destiny, and that of the weak to be crushed and sunk.
If the second way was chosen all wisdom was little and
all caution insufficient. Zechariah and his men had chosen the latter way. So
had Hillel, the young doctor of the Law sent to them by the Magi of the East
from New Babylon with the answer to their question.
Hillel not only brought them the names of the two sons
of Zerubbabel who accompanied him from Old Babylon to the Lost Homeland. Alone
with the Saga of the Forerunners he told them what they had never heard, he
made known to them a doctrine whose existence they could never have imagined in
their wildest dreams.
That Zerubbabel was the heir to the crown of Judah,
and in his capacity as prince of his people led the caravan of the return from
captivity is a classic of sacred history. Starting from this well-known fact,
presupposing Zechariah and his Saga that the eldest son of Zerubbabel had the
birthright of the kings of Judah, Zechariah made his way through the
genealogical mountain ranges of his nation. Eventually the impossibility of
overcoming those mountain ranges of endless archives led him to look across the
Jordan. And from what was once the land of earthly paradise came the answer on
the lips of the doctor of the Law, the protagonist of the following discourse.
“Here I am with the two sons the Lord gave me”, began
Hillel the message he brought from the present Chief Magi of the East, a man
named Ananel.
“Many times have all of us present read these words of
the prophet. There were not two however the sons that David had. He had many.
But only two, as his words testify, he included in his messianic inheritance.
We speak of Solomon and Nathan. The first was wise, the second was a prophet. David
divided his messianic legacy between them.
“In so doing David removed from his heir to the crown
the idea of being the son of Man, the Child who would be born to Eve to crush
the Serpent’s head. In other words, Solomon was not to be swayed by the cry of
his Court clamoring for the universal kingdom; for he was not the Messiah-king
of his father David’s visions.
“Worthy son of his father, the wise king par
excellence followed to the letter the Divine Plan. So did his brother Nathan
the prophet. This one, from the day after the coronation of his brother
withdrew from the Court and merged with the people leaving behind him the trail
that is never forgotten nor ever reached”.
(Many doubts may arise here as to whether Nathan, son
of King David, and Nathan the prophet were one and the same person. I would not
want to get lost in digressions typical of a historian of things past. When the
documentary evidence necessary for the reconstruction of the history of a
character is lacking, the historian must resort to the elements of an
infinitely more exact science, we are talking about the science of the spirit.
Just one question I put on the table and leave the subject: to what other
prophet would the king of the prophets have opened the door of his palace if
not to the one born in his own house, born of his thigh as the Greeks would
say? Did not his God astonish him by making him laugh in that way? Of course,
the matter remains to be confirmed by way of official documentation. But I
insist, when natural evidence is lacking, the investigator must raise his eyes
and look for the answer in the one who keeps in his memory the record of all
things in the universe. But if faith fails and the testimony of God is reputed
for nothing before the court of history then we have no choice but to pass over
the subject or to wander endlessly after that unattainable wisdom of the
Greeks. Considering here that the wisdom of those present is free from
prejudice against the Creator of heaven and earth, this said, we continue).
“The house of Solomon and the house of Nathan were
separated. In due time, when in his omniscience God would determine it, these
two messianic houses would meet again, they would unite in one house and the
fruit of this marriage would be the Alpha. When such an event took place his
parents gave him a name; they called him Zerubbabel. This birth took place
approximately five centuries after the death of King David.
“Zerubbabel, son of David, heir to the crown of Judah,
married and had sons and daughters. From among his sons he chose two of them to
repeat the operation performed by his legendary father, and among them he
divided his messianic legacy. The names of his two heirs were Abiud and Rhesa.
“Love to their father, fearful of their God, princes Abiud and Rhesa accompanied their
father from the Babylon of Cyrus the Great to the Lost Homeland. They took up
the sword against those who tried by all means to prevent the reconstruction of
Jerusalem, and after the death of their father they separated.
“Each of them inherited from his father Zerubbabel a
genealogical scroll written in David’s own handwriting. The Solomonic scroll
begins its List from Abraham. The Nathanic scroll
opens its List from Adam himself.
“If on the Royal List of Judah no one ignores the
succession from David to Zerubbabel, something else happens with the Nathanic List. Its succession is this: Nathan, Mattatha, Menna, Melea, Eliakim, Jonam, Joseph,
Judah, Simeon, Levi, Matti, Jorim, Eliezer, Jesus,
Er, Elmadam, Cosam, Addi, Melchi, Neri, Salathiel.
“Anyone who claims to be a son of Rhesa must present this List. Otherwise his candidacy for the messianic succession
must be rejected”
But let us recapitulate.
The Daughter of Solomon
Five centuries after the death of David, the two
messianic houses met in the Babylon of Nebuchadnezzar II. In the Court of the
Hanging Gardens came into the world Salathiel, prince
of Judah. Salathiel was united to the heiress of the
house of Nathan, and they had Zerubbabel.
Already all the Jews were rejoicing because the son of
the Scriptures had been born when God raised up the spirit of prophecy in
Daniel. With the authority of Nebuchadnezzar’s chief magician, Daniel silenced
that messianic clamor by announcing to all the Jews the divine will. Namely,
God had given the empire to Cyrus, prince of the Persians.
What Daniel did and said is written. I will not be the
one to tell wise experts in Sacred History the number of the portents among
whose halos Daniel wrapped the throne of the Chaldeans, taking the crown from
them to give it to the chosen of his God.
The price that Cyrus paid for the crown speaks with
indisputable evidence about the nature of the participation of the prophet
Daniel in the events that led to the transfer of the empire from Babylon to
Susa. But the concern that brings us together here has to do with the fate of
the Alpha.
Indoctrinated by Daniel the young Zerubbabel repeated
in his flesh what his father David did with his own. He took the two sons
raised up by God and divided his messianic legacy between them. To the elder, Abiud, he gave the genealogical list of Solomon the king.
To the younger, Rhesa, he gave that of Nathan the
prophet. And then he separated them so that the Alpha would follow his paths
and grow until he became the Omega.
“We already have the bearer of the prophetic scroll”,
continued Hillel, “the legitimate heir of the prophet Nathan, son of David. His
surfacing is a carnal manifestation of how close we are to the hour when the
other arm of the Omega will break and come to light. The word of hope that my
lips carry from the East is in your hearts: God is with you. The Lord who has
led you to the house of Rhesa will pave the way for
you to the house of his brother Abiud. In his
Omniscience he has gathered us all together to witness the Birth of the Alpha
and the Omega, the son of Eve, the heir of the Scepter of Judah, the Savior in
whose name all the families of the Earth shall be blessed”.
The discovery of the doctrine of Alpha and Omega
amazed Zechariah and his Saga. Possibly it is also astonishing to all of you
who are reading these pages. The two Genealogies of Jesus have been in front of
everyone’s eyes since the Gospels were written. Many have been the headaches
that these two lists have caused to the exegetes and other experts in the
interpretation of the sacred scriptures. I do not intend on such a beautiful
day to raise my victory over the memory of those who tried to transform these
Lists into a kind of heel against which to shoot the arrow that killed
Achilles. If God is the one who closes the door, who will open it against His
will? Only He knows why He does what He does and no one enters into His reasons
but the one whom He engendered in His Heart. Or does anyone believe that
against His will anyone can wrest from Him the
victory that was denied to so many? Is it not true that Noah had in his Ark
mighty eagles capable of beating the winds and casting their gaze over the
distant horizons? And hawks swift as shooting stars, born to defy storms. And
yet it was the most fragile of all birds that defied Death.
But let us return to our story.
Finding the son of Rhesa,
son of Zerubbabel, son of Nathan, son of David, raised the morale of Zechariah
and his men to fantastic heights.
They already had the bearer of the Nathamite scroll. It was a newborn child who had just come into the world in Bethlehem.
His parents had named him Joseph.
According to this, the son of Nathan in swaddling
clothes, the search for the son of Solomon became the search for the Daughter
of Solomon. A woman who could have been born or not yet born. Imagining that
they would find her and assuming in the best of cases that they would achieve
from her parents the rapprochement of her family to that of her brother Rhesa, and consequently the union of their heirs, Zechariah
and Simeon the Younger were before the Birth of the Son of David, son of
Abraham, son of Adam. In the fruit of that marriage between the son of Nathan
and the Daughter of Solomon the Alpha and the Omega would be incarnated in the
Child born to them.
They could only congratulate themselves and get down
to work.
But there was still a problem. If, as had been
demonstrated with the house of the Son of Nathan, the parents of the Daughter
of Solomon belonged to the humble classes of the kingdom, how would they find
her? The answer would once again have to be sought in the Archives of New Babylon.
Somewhere beneath the mountain of documents in the Great Synagogue of the East
was to be found the clue that would lead them to Solomon’s Daughter. Of the two
needles in the haystack they had already found one, now they had to go for the
Zechariah and his men did not take long to send mail
to New Babylon with the following question: Where did Abiud,
the eldest son of Zerubbabel, settle in the Holy Land?
It was inevitable that among that mountain of
parchments in the Great Synagogue of the East there would be a document signed
in Abiud’s handwriting.
It was to be believed, they were sure that, following
the messianic doctrine, the two brothers separated and deposited the future of
their encounter at the feet of God.
Constant in those days the communication between those
who left Babylon and those who stayed, looking for a letter sealed by Abiud, there had to be some personal document in his
handwriting that would reveal to them to which part of Israel the eldest son of
Zerubbabel went and where he settled.
Faith moves mountains, sometimes of stone and
sometimes of paper. In this case it was paper.
The following year the answer was brought to Jerusalem
by the chief of the Magi from the East in person. Ananel came with the Tithe. He presented his credentials before the king and the
Sanhedrin. After the protocols were completed he held a secret meeting with
Zechariah and his Saga. It was brief.
“Indeed, Abiud and Rhesa separated. Rhesa settled in
Bethlehem and his descendants did not move from the site. His brother Abiud, on the other hand, pulled northward, crossed Samaria
and reached the heart of Galilee of the Gentiles. Following the policy of
peaceful settlement by buying the land from its owners, Abiud bought all the land that he could see with his eyes from a hill they called
Ananel repeated this name, “Nazareth”, with the accent of one who knows that his
hearers are drinking in his words. “Nazareth!” repeated Zechariah and Simeon.
“Galilee of the Gentiles, a light has risen in your
darkness”, whispered the two men in unison.
Knowing how things were going Ananel could assure them without any doubt that the House of Abiud was still standing. The question they now had to resolve was how to approach
the Daughter of Solomon without arousing suspicion in the tyrant’s court.
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